There is a death I haven't written about here that devastated me last year. It is the death of my brother. I am not ready or able to open that up but needed to write briefly about the death of another person I knew.
I got a call Friday night that informed me a dear man who was a wonderful friend for a brief period of my life had died on Continental flight 3407 in Buffalo, NY on February 12. I was heart-broken by the news. I joined a Facebook group honoring those who died and tonight posted the item below which I'm re-posting here. I have so much more to say but he was a private man and in honor of that, I'll keep the rest of my thoughts private as well.
John Roberts was a unique and wonderful man who made a major impact on my life 5 years ago when he shared his time and abundant enthusiasm for Indian food and film, theater (mostly Greek tragedies for us), world travel and also invaluable training knowledge with me. There is a week in particular that I shall never forget and in memory now I still enjoy the moments we spent together. He was interesting, funny and and had a wonderful laugh. He was brilliant and a lovely teacher. Life is much too short is another lesson that sadly all of us have come to learn again.
I was lucky to count him as a mentor for a brief period and thank God for the time we spent together in friendship. He was a man that deserved the high regard in which he was held. We hadn't spoken in a few years but I always hoped our paths would cross again.
I send my regards to his family and friends who loved him and were loved by him. Peace be with you.
I loved you John Roberts and always will.