Dylan Portrait in Apartment |
Even now, I wonder if I should have just broken the bank and purchased a picture that was there on that wall but I did not and given my current status of employ that was the best decision. I did however stand before the wall that displayed his work and stare. I was awestuck. I was choked up and welled up. And, I knew that for a moment I was very lucky. How did I happen by this place? I got lost looking for a Jane Austen store and to get lost in such a small city, one must either be filled with the wanderlust that only being in a fantastic location with a camera to the eye most of the time or from being a bit capricious in navigating the town via road sign rather than map. I assure any reader that either may have been true that day. Regardless, I felt incredibly lucky because there were so many circumstances that led to me arriving there at that specific time.
The person at the gallery (owner) and I spoke about Dylan for nearly 20 minutes and it was one of the liveliest conversations I had on the trip.
As mentioned, I did not buy a Dylan work that day. I did however buy his entire collection! I bought a book. Though it weighs less pounds than it cost, it could not travel in my luggage as it pushed me past the 23kg limit but I was happy to carry it with me from Bath to New York. I can look at these drawings and paintings any time now. Though a trip to London should have satisfied me, and a magnet or shot glass is the typical souvenir from a trip abroad, my bookshelf now holds evidence of a wonderful holiday and my Dylan collection as robust in sight as it is in sound. One day, maybe a Dylan will hang on my wall (not just a portrait of the man himself). To see some, go to the website.
Today is Bob Dylan's 70th birthday. He will be celebrating with concerts later this week in NYC, one of which I will attend. His recent album, Together Through Life
This is a simple post to thank Bob Dylan on his 70th birthday, for his art, his music and his words. And, maybe one of a few more about my trip to London.
Bath, for those interested is a fantastic and easy day trip to make out of London and I highly recommend touring the Roman Baths. If you do, take the time to go on the free guided tour that is conducted hourly near the main bath. And, stop by Castle Gallery too. It will be worth the time.