Monday, July 12, 2010

I'm Watching Frasier

I read an article today about the fall of television and then, I read another one. Huffington Post will tell us that the big 4 (ABC, NBC, Fox, CBS) aren't pulling their numbers. Courier Press said that the late night talk shows aren't getting viewers. Yeah, really? I mean, in-fighting amongst the hosts isn't cool. Is anyone into Leno after he hurt their precious Coco?

Personally, I feel like watching "Frasier" much of the time. You can watch it anytime at Kelsey Live, Kelsey Grammer's website which is part of this other site, TODHD. It's pretty cool.
He's even starting his own show in the Fall called The TOD'nite Show.

When I miss a show, I usually just catch it online or watch most things on DVR. Anyway, I'm not surprised to hear that less people are watching tv. I'm probably not...


Jim said...

When will they realize that people will watch good TV on demand anytime? I shouldn't have to spend time trying to find a show I missed or didn't record. So frustrating because it's so obvious what people want.

Rabiah said...

Exactly. TodHD is going to bring it, very, very soon. I think tv is changing.