Sunday, October 29, 2006

In a Rush

Rush Limbaugh warranted a spot in my blog long before he proved that drug addicts are generally self-absorbed, erratic people. I am assuming that his drug abuse is a contributing factor in his poorly-acted attack on Michael J. Fox. It was a worse offense than he could have imagined prior to swallowing a few of his special Dominican-mule delivered Oxycontins with is morning coffee and baker's dozen. Haven't seen the video footage of Rush imitating Fox? Click here.

First, if Fox's Missouri political ad was really the "first time" Rush had seen Michael J. Fox "display his symptoms," it is the first time in probably 10 years he has seen Fox on television at all. On Boston Legal, he is pretty steady but otherwise, the "display" has been on. I know that for me, with my illness, some days or even hours, I give up on hiding my shaking hands because I don't care to anymore or just forget. I'm not going to pretend to even share in what Fox is going through or has gone through other than to say it ain't easy and no one with an illness needs a slob like Rush Limbaugh to try to make it worse. It gets worse on its own.

The bottom-line is, the potential for a cloned Rush Limbaugh scares me as much as the next person and I don't necessarily agree with human cloning, but I must stand behind the use of stem cells in research that will benefit the cure of illnesses. There are plenty of viable cells that are being thrown away rather than used for a better purpose. If they aren't going to be used as intended, to create another life, can't they be used to improve an existing life? It is a rhetorical question but if you disagree, one you may want to consider. I have to assume that someone will come along here who is anti-stem-cell research and I want to ask you to really understand it and make sure that it makes sense to you to oppose it. What if you were sick and the research could benefit you? Would it make sense then?

Michael J. Fox has friends in high places, including the anchor desk on CBS' nightly news program so he took the chance when Katie Couric gave him the opportunity for a rebuttal on her show. He was eloquent and frank and I encourage anyone to watch if you haven't seen the video. Michael J. Fox has become a hero to me in the years since he disclosed his Parkinsons and for that, I wanted to stand up for him as others have and praise him for the work he continues to do. It would be nice one day, to have his impact.

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