This is a silly quick entry written for the sole purpose of saying that I am incredibly excited to have plans this Saturday night to see The Police at Dodger Stadium! I've seen Sting twice but was too young to see The Police in concert when they were initially touring as a band. Having seen Sting so often and trusting the enduring talent of Stewart Copeland, I predict that the show will live up the the hype I've attributed to it.
Here's a narrative medley for ya (dark but I used a lot of songs in it!):
Bring on the night but don't stand so close to me. Next thing you know, I'll be wrapped around your finger. I'll send my SOS to the world and everyone will know that every little thing you do is magic. Only treat me like an ordinary Roxanne if you're a Demolition Man. Had they survived, other boys could tell you that murder by numbers is easy for me, like learning my ABC's. Every step you take, every move you make, I'll be watching you. Voices inside my head will never let me forget and will fool me into thinking our lives are forever entwined in a false synchronicity. If you want to stay, let's spend our day walking on the moon. Do do do, de da da da that's all I have left to say to you.
The Foo Fighters are opening so that is a nice bonus because though I probably wouldn't buy a ticket to see them, I am glad that a band I respect is opening.
In addition to my excitement over seeing The Police, I am stoked on the venue. Dodger Stadium is one of my favorite places in the world. You may think, "You really haven't been out much, girl!" You're right. I have been to quite a few places though and still maintain my belief in that statement. I went to countless Dodgers games as a kid and have a nostalgic fondness for the place. This show will only add to the memories.
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