If today is any indication, the atmosphere in Houston is going to get predictably more intense leading up to Tuesday. There is more at stake the closer we get and this caucus or “convention” system in Texas is going to prove to be the greatest challenge. In my job I constantly hear the term “training issue” and I can say that in this entire state there is one huge “training issue” with regards to the two-step election process. Generally people we talk to don’t know that they can, should or even need to return to their precincts by 7pm on Tuesday to vote again.
I had an opportunity to really step it up this morning and help organize getting a few people out the door and stationed at some locations to promote a rally featuring President Bill Clinton at noon. It was pretty exciting and though just in mentioning it I am making it sound like I did more than I actually did, it was good to contribute that much.
After doing a little recruiting for the rally, I headed over to the rally with a new set of flyers. There was a great crowd that went wild when the President arrived. I’d like to note that he was very punctual as he was in La Jolla as well. Famous people are notorious for being late but in my two experiences with Bill Clinton, he has been surprisingly on time which is impressive but also probably very necessary given his schedule.
After the President’s inspirational speech, I headed to a women’s rally featuring Melanie Griffith, Christine Lahti and Erika Alexander as well as some other notable female speakers from the religious and political realms. Griffith was very humble and sincere in her speech and offered the view of the average person. She was there because it was important to her and she gave a speech that anyone could give if they could get a room of people to listen. The important thing was that since she can get a room to listen, she has taken time out to give such a speech. Alexander added more substance and family background to her stump effort and has done a lot of work to rally youth for the campaign.
Lahti far and away gave the most inspired and impassioned speech of the trio and spoke of meeting Hillary Clinton 16 years ago when she thought then that Hillary could run for President. Often I am frustrated at the attention entertainers get when they state their support for a candidate but having now been at a rally with celebrities, I understand the impact they can have on voters who even if they don’t listen to them are brought together by them. The picture on this blog features Lahti and Griffith before the press.
My favorite line from the rally was by a preacher whose name I did not catch when she talked about women, the importance of women voting and how she was going to make sure all women voted. In looking around Houston, it is hard not to notice all of the strip or “gentleman’s” clubs and she said she was going to disappoint the men b making sure the girls “get off the poles and get to the polls!”
Another woman who was at the women’s rally and later at another event is Dolores Huerta who is the United Farm Workers co-founder and author of the motto “Si se puede!” The phrase translates to “Yes, we can” and was adopted during Cesar Chavez’s 25-day fast in 1972. She made it clear that she was unhappy with Obama’s adoption of the phrase and since she coined it, rightfully so. Huerta and the UFW have endorsed Clinton, not Obama, and she says that only Hillary has earned the right to use that motto at all. It was cool to see such a revolutionary in person and to hear her perspective since Obama’s use of the phrase in California got such attention with Latinos. Adding to the Spanish phrase, Obama also has a commercial in TX featuring mariachis singing “Viva Obama”. Very cheesy.
Before heading to an LGBT event at a local bar, I helped out with some phone banking completing just fewer than 50 calls along with a new friend I met from Oakland. She is a cool girl who I was lucky to meet up with giving me a partner in crime for my exploits around Houston. She also did a few more than 50 calls so topping out at 100 we were satisfied with running over to “Chances” bar for the LGBT rally.
I’m not a big fan of making calls but I was stoked the times that I was able to educate a voter on the TX caucus process or talk to a Hillary supporter who would be voting (twice)! One older woman was a bit hard of hearing and though I was Hillary Clinton. I told her I wasn’t but she persisted with her question for “Hillary” saying, “Now that I have you on the phone, I have to ask you, what’s going on with this election here?” I think she was satisfied with “Hillary’s” response. I told her at least 4 times that I wasn’t Hillary but don’t know if she ever understood that. She was a nice lady and hopefully her friends will be impressed with Hillary’s personal call and they’ll all have a little party at the polls!
The LGBT even was fun. I met a lot of really nice people and was again impressed when an actor gave a speech in addition to local politicians. Robert Gant from Queer as Folk met Hillary Clinton this weekend and shared his very personal story with the group that was gathered at the bar. I think people were appreciative of his efforts and he made valiant ones trying to get people to do more than just vote.
In all, there is a lot of work to be done in the next two days and I am terribly excited about doing it. I was moved today by the stories I heard and I am ready to hit the pavement again tomorrow.
I am still sick by the way but illness will have to wait to keep me down. With a little rest tonight I hope to be better tomorrow but given the amount of talking that is required, it might be this weekend before I see much more progress than today brought.
Go Hillary!
i love you rabiah
and dolores huerta, too
That is so cool you got to hang with Bill again. I can't wait to keep reading about your adventures there in TX.
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