Monday, December 31, 2007

Next Year Baby

I end this year bitterly hopeful about the next. I could make a list of resolutions a mile long and then break every one of them because I'm sure there are many things in this life I should resolve to change. If I'm honest though, there are not that many things I need to change in order to achieve happiness or fulfillment.

Yes, I need to lose a few pounds but my weight hasn't plagued my soul. It has just prevented me from being hot or the best looking one in the room...she probably isn't that happy either. So, I want to get into better shape and if that means I lose weight and look better, awesome. That's resolution 1.

Yes, I need to be better with money and spend less on stupid things but I like those stupid things and money can't buy...
Still, I can be a bit more responsible with money. That's resolution 2.

Yes, I really should drink less. Coffee, whiskey, everything but water. Maybe I'll shoot for that one again. I dunno. I went for 5 months with no alcohol once and 3 months another time. It was a better life so I'll try again. I won't stop, but I'll slow down. That's resolution 3.

Those are simple enough resolutions to make...just to try to be better in those aspects. I read a lot now and will keep doing so. Overall it was a decent year and I can make next year even better.

The last resolution I'll make may seem strange but given the past few years, it makes perfect sense. It is to not be involved with anyone who is involved with someone else whether they are just dating, engaged or married. If I don't know initially then find out (which hopefully never happens again) I'll take loneliness and marry it before I compromise myself again. One lesson I've learned is that a great way to lose a friend is to make that friend into a lover. It took a while but friendship can never be regained. A lover can be an acquaintance and a casual one at that but not a friend.

I am afraid as I get out there and date that I'll be plagued with relationships that end in infidelity as some sort of karmic retribution from the universe. My fingers are crossed though and I'll take what I deserve if I deserve anything less than love. I know what I don't want now and think I know what I want too. I hope losing so far is enough and I am allowed to move on with a guilt that is punishment enough for the things I have done. Eventually it should all balance out on both ends though sadly so far the casualty has been me. That is resolution number 4.

As you make your resolutions or ignore the tradition, try to make each day a good one in 2008 and beyond.

A favorite artist of mine is Jamie Cullum and I enjoy the lyric below as it kind of sums up what I'd like to do this year and the above entry is a start:

Next year, things are gonna change
Gonna drink less beer, and start all over again
Gonna read more books, gonna keep up with the news
Gonna learn how to cook, spend less money on shoes
I’ll pay my bills on time,and file my mail away, everyday
Only drink the finest wine,and call my Gran every Sunday

Resolutions, baby they come and go
Will I do any of these things? The answers probably no
If there’s one thing I must do, despite my greatest fears
I’m gonna say to you, how I felt all of these years
Next Year
Next Year

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