Monday, July 07, 2008

Get Smart(er)

Maxwell Smart is no idiot in the big screen version of Get Smart starring Steve Carell, Anne Hathaway, Alan Arkin and Dwyane Johnson (aka The Rock).

The character was much more inept in the tv version of the show and the writers wisely made him more capable yet still left some slapstick and silliness in to keep it real, almost. The update to the character made him easier to handle and made for a storyline that was more compelling than lame. Carell does a fantastic job in his portrayal of Smart in the fun spy-thrilledy that averages a laugh every few minutes. Hathaway is sassy and smart as Agent 99. I don't want to give anything away here so I won't say much about the storyline other than it is great to see Arkin and to listen to Arkin and I'm also glad that Dwayne Johnson is now Dwayne Johnson. He might end up a Hollywood acting force to be reckoned with. He has a knack for physical comedy and had a good chemistry with Carell.

If you're up for some jokes, check this one out.

Dan in Real Life came out on DVD over the last two months. If you you're missing Carell during the off-season, don't forget that rental. Still one of my favorite films of the past year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Get Smart looks pretty good over all though it seems like Steve Carell is veering toward an excess of slapstick humor