Thursday, April 19, 2007

Goodbye Sanjaya

It was a rough night on Idol for fans as favorites were put into the bottom 3. LaKisha, Blake and Sanjaya found themselves with the least votes this week and basically what this says is, "Fans, you have been called to action, start voting next week or the upsets will begin with the best leaving the show before they should." When there are too many similar yet strong contestants, the votes become diluted and shared between the most talented which can leave the truly less popular person with more votes in the end. It is kind of like having a Third Party candidate in a Presidential race.

Ultimately and gladly I report that Mr. Sanjaya Malakar ended his residency on the Idol stage. Justice has been served. Sorry Howard, and whoever else wanted to play a joke on Idol. You can beat that machine. And, shame on you for using a kid to do that. Sanjaya will probably come away with some entertainment career if he wants it. He's a good-looking, charismatic and entertaining guy who just needs a few years on him. Good luck, Sanjaya.

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