Wednesday, February 08, 2006


12 hour work days mean that during the winter you may only see daylight on your way to work and then again the next day when you're on your way to work again. If you run out to lunch or coffee, you'll see it then too. You also may not see friends or family or even someone you live with.

This isn't a complaint or a rant, just an observation of the past few days and something I realized about weeks before that. It is very random but just came to me.

Next week things will return to normal and I'll be bored and working an 8 - 10 hour day but still probably seeing no one. It is funny when work isn't an excuse only laziness is. Why don't I call more often or go out more? I don't know but it is something to work on. If you hear from me unexpectedly, know that right now I'm probably thinking of you. :)

If you're reading this, call up a friend that you haven't talked to in a while. The reason you haven't is probably because it is awkward after having been so long or that you don't have time when really you do because you're surfing the net. I spoke with an old friend lately and it made me realize that I also don't see the people that are right here in my same zip code. Call someone, close in location or far and say'll both be glad you did.

Talk to you soon,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Rabiah, you still need to come and visit Chloe! She's getting bigger quick, today the rest of her umbilical cord fell off!