Saturday, October 27, 2007


Some days my horoscope is ominous and some days it is promising but in either case about 3 out of 7 days, it just pans out. I suppose I could read into it and make it work out everyday whether that were a good or bad thing but in the case of nearly half my week, I don't need to. I wonder how the horoscope I read gets made up and if I had ever Taurus I know read the same one, if the results would be the same for them. Would reading other signs' horoscopes and then only hanging with people who had a decent horoscope make my life less dramatic or even more fun? I wonder. Regardless, I read ahead to Sunday and am pretty excited about the part of the day I have before work. My horoscope aligns well with the plans I have and if it all works out, I'm in for a meaningful day.

Good weekend to you.

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