Thursday, August 07, 2008

Dems Are Fightin' Back

There is no question about it now, Democrats are supporting Paris Hilton for President. What...what?!? I meant to say Obama. No joke though, if you haven't seen it, you must watch Paris' video response to the McCain campaign's ad depicting Obama as a celebrity like Paris Hilton and Britney Spears. It was intelligent, hilarious and a wonderful spoof on the original ad. Paris is back and had made quite a re-entry.

McCain may or may not have made a big mistake with the ad that tried to show Obama wasn't ready to lead but really just annoyed people and brought attention back to Paris Hilton in a summer that has been dominated mostly by news of Lindsey Lohan's romance with DJ Samantha Ronson.

In other Democratic news, Barack Obama extended and speaking invitation to President Clinton who will now appear at the Democratic National Convention. I'm even more jealous of the people who are going there and a little annoyed that I didn't do something get myself there. It is going to be magical this year because though I havne't been into Obama, I'm starting to learn more about him and accept him and I have a feeling I'll be behind him and not just against McCain by the Convention time.

Go Obama! Go Paris! Go Away, McCain!

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