A few friends have inspired me of late. On friend is the woman in the article below who stole "Yes on Prop 8" signs in Carlsbad not because she thought there should be no signs up but because dirving by 22 signs on a daily basis got to be too much. I don't agree with stealing but I get the point. She needed to do something to oppose the proposition that would take away her marriage.
Prop 8 Sign Theft
Another friend wrote a letter of response to an article that ties human trafficking to Prop 8. Summary: pass Prop 8 to protect the nuclear family. The decline of the traditional family is sending young girls into the sex trade. The guy's view on the world is as limited as his view on prostitution. Only girls? Well, I wrote him back too.
Prop 8 or Prositution article
My reponse:
Dear Mr. Nassif,
I received your article on Proposition 8 from a friend and was not only appalled but was generally unimpressed with your argument that Prop 8 will protect children against child prostitution by solidifying the idea of the traditional nuclear family.
In other countries, where sex tourism is prominent, the children sold into the sex trade are not sold into the trade because the sanctity of the traditional family has not been upheld. Culturally speaking, they believe more in the traditional family than the U.S. does including care for elders, taking in members of the family that cannot care for themselves, etc. Economy, drug addiction, their own prostitution as children, social threats and other factors as well as the high demand (much of it from heterosexual family men who have wives and children at home) all factor into human trafficking. Sex tourism exists not because of homosexuals but because of people.
Your argument is incomplete by they way. Are young girls the only victims of human trafficking in the U.S.? Young boys end up in prostitution too. Again, the main clients are straight men. Does this shock you? Does it appall you? Do you really think that a gay couple getting married will increase this?
I am curious as to how shocking you thought your article would be and how frightened a voter would need to be to agree and be influenced by the argument. That voter, who subscribes to your argument, is far beyond the reach of any sort of rational argument.
I am disgusted at the people who are proponents of Proposition 8. We in California and those outside of California bring shame to our nation each time they vote for and allow to be enacted a law that limits the rights of others for no reason other than bigotry. This is not a safety issue. Do you want to stop human trafficking and sex tourism? Help the impoverished. Give kids who can no longer live at home a place to go. Do not insinuate that you will make any contribution to helping those victims by voting Yes on Proposition 8.
I think that the people who really love each other and are getting married to share a life together will more greatly contribute to the sanctity of marriage and the stability of family than those who enter marriage with no intention or ability to maintain their vows. People make mistakes. There will be divorce and unhappiness but amongst that there will be great and non-judgmental love. That love makes a stable person. Denying that for anyone, child or adult, is ridiculous no matter the person’s sexual preference.
Thank you for reading,
Rabiah Coon
Bottom line: it is almost election day. I'm not going to stand for anything I don't want as part of my state or my country anymore. I'm ready to vote and ready to fight the rest of this week out. It is sad to me that bigotry and small-mindedness even has a chance, and scares me.
Ramblings on things some important and some trite things I am compelled to write about. Thanks for stopping. -Rabiah
Monday, October 27, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Paul Newman, 1925-2008

For me, there is sometimes a slight twinge of pain or a double-take at a headline when someone "famous" passes away but this morning, it was more than that when I read the headline "Screen-actor Paul Newman Dead at 83." I was online checking out news on the debates and saw this news instead.
Paul Newman probably wouldn't refer to himself as a hero but he is. He worked to generously give to children with cancer and families that fell under unfortunate hard times, and in doing so, gave to the world. Everytime a shopper picks up a bottle of dressing or spaghetti sauce at the grocery store, a little more hope is spared for a kid that would get to attend summer camp like any other kid, cancer aside. "Newman's Own" is one of the best charities when it comes to actually getting the money to the cause. All profits go to the cause. There was no selfishness or vanity in it for Newman other than the use of his mug to sell everyting. The products speak for themselves. They are delicious and go to a cause no one could question.
As an actor and personality, Newman displayed a wonderful dramatic depth with a lovely sense of humor. My favorite film is "Cool Hand Luke" as it was the gateway film for me and I was hooked on Newman. "The Sting" and "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid" offer great fun because Newman is teamed up with Robert Redford who bacame his close friend. They were famous for playing pranks on each other. When "Indecent Proposal" was released, Newman said something like, "Hell, I'd sleep with Redford for a million dollars," or so the joke goes.
The irony in the illness that took Newman is clear. He fought to help kids who suffered cancer and in the end it took him. It seems he went privately and quietly and unless his privacy is compromised, me will never know how he suffered but it can be imagined from pictures that cancer did ravage him before it let him go.
I worte a paper on Newman's charitable works during college. Before writing the paper, he was a great film actor that I had a crush on who also sold salad dressing. After researching and completing the paper, he was one of my heroes for the man he was beyone the beautiful face or the films, and he will be missed.
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Palin's Place (in History)
I hope that Sarah Palin's place is as the 2nd woman to be on a major ticket but nowhere near the first woman President of the United States. Someone said that my loyalty to Obama was "sudden" as though it was unexpected and maybe it was given my support of Hillary but basically, my ideals are my ideals and Obama and Hillary were never that far apart. I am not one of those women who will vote for a woman just because she is a woman. McCain chose Palin because he is relying on women to be so vain and shallow that they will do so. There are some Hillary "supporters" who will do just that. I am an issues person especially when it comes to social issues however and will not.
I feel very deeply sorry for the pregnancy of Palin's daughter. I think she is probably getting married because her parents and maybe even his parents said to. He seems like kind of a tool. She is also having the kid, by the way. She has to. Her mom believes in only getting an abortion in cases where the mother's life is in danger. It has to be in danger at that time. Rape isn't a good reason. Your life can't have been in danger before. It must be in danger at present. I think that if someone feels they are not capable of being a parent, they learn their child will not be healthy or they otherwise do not want to have a child because of their circumstances they should have the right to an abortion. I do have a problem with late-term abortions but otherwise am very stringent in the right to a woman's choice.
I also feel that there should be sex education in schools and free condoms so that young people are protected and making the best informed decisions they can. Parents can't be relied on to talk to their teens. We need educators to do so. Clearly Palin's abstinence only policies are great considering her teenage daughter is pregnant. That was sarcastic by the way. Clearly her ignorant ideals are not valid and her own flesh and blood proved that.
Regarding gay marriage, which California allows, Palin is anti and with the number of gay friends I have who would eventually want to marry the person they feel they are ready to commit their livea to, I think that is an atrocity.
I know that McCain is saying America First and trying to straddle party-lines but Palin is more "Alaska First" and was entwined in a political movement to have Alaska secede from the union. This was a while back and I know people change but it is still interesting.
All in all, I am for the Obama-Biden ticket and am proud of it. I think that Sarah Palin's stances on issues that are major to me are much different than mine and for that reason, I am still against McCain. McCain is not a conservative Republican but he's afraid to talk about anything other than war and being a POW and won't even confront head on the issues of sex ed in schools. He's also pretty much a pro-lifer. There are other things like gun-control, death penalty, drugs, science education, global warming, environmental law, foreign policy, health care, stem-cell research and some economic issues where I agree sometimes with McCain but disagree too often and certainly disagree with Palin. I'll keep the choices I have as long as I can but have already madd my choice for President.
I feel very deeply sorry for the pregnancy of Palin's daughter. I think she is probably getting married because her parents and maybe even his parents said to. He seems like kind of a tool. She is also having the kid, by the way. She has to. Her mom believes in only getting an abortion in cases where the mother's life is in danger. It has to be in danger at that time. Rape isn't a good reason. Your life can't have been in danger before. It must be in danger at present. I think that if someone feels they are not capable of being a parent, they learn their child will not be healthy or they otherwise do not want to have a child because of their circumstances they should have the right to an abortion. I do have a problem with late-term abortions but otherwise am very stringent in the right to a woman's choice.
I also feel that there should be sex education in schools and free condoms so that young people are protected and making the best informed decisions they can. Parents can't be relied on to talk to their teens. We need educators to do so. Clearly Palin's abstinence only policies are great considering her teenage daughter is pregnant. That was sarcastic by the way. Clearly her ignorant ideals are not valid and her own flesh and blood proved that.
Regarding gay marriage, which California allows, Palin is anti and with the number of gay friends I have who would eventually want to marry the person they feel they are ready to commit their livea to, I think that is an atrocity.
I know that McCain is saying America First and trying to straddle party-lines but Palin is more "Alaska First" and was entwined in a political movement to have Alaska secede from the union. This was a while back and I know people change but it is still interesting.
All in all, I am for the Obama-Biden ticket and am proud of it. I think that Sarah Palin's stances on issues that are major to me are much different than mine and for that reason, I am still against McCain. McCain is not a conservative Republican but he's afraid to talk about anything other than war and being a POW and won't even confront head on the issues of sex ed in schools. He's also pretty much a pro-lifer. There are other things like gun-control, death penalty, drugs, science education, global warming, environmental law, foreign policy, health care, stem-cell research and some economic issues where I agree sometimes with McCain but disagree too often and certainly disagree with Palin. I'll keep the choices I have as long as I can but have already madd my choice for President.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Palin Around
I'm not a fan of Governor Palin. She makes me certain that McCain is not ready to be President. She is not a good choice for the America that lets people have a choice. More later but I had to say something about the completed Republican ticket.
Peace and safety be with New Orleans and the South as the await the fate of another hurricane. Let's pray they are more fortunate than with Katrina, theatrics by the Republicans and President Bush aside.
Peace and safety be with New Orleans and the South as the await the fate of another hurricane. Let's pray they are more fortunate than with Katrina, theatrics by the Republicans and President Bush aside.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
I just saw an appalling woman on television and had to find her website and write to her via the site. She is co-founder of an organization (PUMA - Party Unity My Ass) against the Democratic Party's adopted "Unity" between Clinton and Obama supporters. She is involved or a founder of other pro-Hillary organizations and I think a really immature and bitter woman.
Here's what I wrote (keep in mind it is almost 1am in New Jersey and I should be asleep) to her website which she probably won't see but I had to vent:
I just saw Elizabeth Joyce (Liz on this site) on Larry King and had she not mentioned the emails she would get, I probably wouldn't have bothered to look her up and find this site. I think that Democrats writing to her are not unaccepting of ideas different from theirs but more unaccepting of her willingness to deny Barack Obama her vote because he hasn't "asked her" for her vote. I can't speak for all Democrats but I can speak for myself. She sounded incredibly juvenile on Larry King Live and her arguement started to lose steam when she was asked what Obama could do to get her vote. Also, in saying the Obama supporters weren't welcoming her, she was equally immature. Do you talk to them? I was in Texas during their primary and caucus election and worked with Obama supporters in a very hostile situation. I think she is the one who is close-minded. She should think about her ideals and what is important to her. If it was just that Hillary is a woman and Barack isn't, her vote is probably not something anyone but another woman could win. If her vote is for the policy stances of the candidate or party, she should realize that Barack and Hillary have never been far apart where that is concerned. I'm pretty annoyed and wish I hadn't heard or seen Liz Joyce. Quit whining. Shoes aren't important. People are.
Here is what she said according to The Denver Post:
Elizabeth Joyce of Boston, a staunch Clinton supporter and a co-founder of PUMA, or Party Unity My Ass, said she hadn't committeed to McCain but was listening to him.
"Ironically, Sen. Obama has not asked for my vote," Joyce said. "If I vote for Sen. McCain, it would be a protest vote.
"I thought the Democrats were the good guys."
I think that it is time for everyone to unite. I understand people being bitter and also fuly agree that the primary and caucus processes were totally unfair. That battle needs to be fought but not at the expense of the election, not at the cost that a McCain presidency will bring. It may be true that Hillary isn't the nominee because she is a woman or maybe because of President Clinton but regardless, those are not reasons either to vote for McCain.
Democrats, let's get it together.
Here's what I wrote (keep in mind it is almost 1am in New Jersey and I should be asleep) to her website which she probably won't see but I had to vent:
I just saw Elizabeth Joyce (Liz on this site) on Larry King and had she not mentioned the emails she would get, I probably wouldn't have bothered to look her up and find this site. I think that Democrats writing to her are not unaccepting of ideas different from theirs but more unaccepting of her willingness to deny Barack Obama her vote because he hasn't "asked her" for her vote. I can't speak for all Democrats but I can speak for myself. She sounded incredibly juvenile on Larry King Live and her arguement started to lose steam when she was asked what Obama could do to get her vote. Also, in saying the Obama supporters weren't welcoming her, she was equally immature. Do you talk to them? I was in Texas during their primary and caucus election and worked with Obama supporters in a very hostile situation. I think she is the one who is close-minded. She should think about her ideals and what is important to her. If it was just that Hillary is a woman and Barack isn't, her vote is probably not something anyone but another woman could win. If her vote is for the policy stances of the candidate or party, she should realize that Barack and Hillary have never been far apart where that is concerned. I'm pretty annoyed and wish I hadn't heard or seen Liz Joyce. Quit whining. Shoes aren't important. People are.
Here is what she said according to The Denver Post:
Elizabeth Joyce of Boston, a staunch Clinton supporter and a co-founder of PUMA, or Party Unity My Ass, said she hadn't committeed to McCain but was listening to him.
"Ironically, Sen. Obama has not asked for my vote," Joyce said. "If I vote for Sen. McCain, it would be a protest vote.
"I thought the Democrats were the good guys."
I think that it is time for everyone to unite. I understand people being bitter and also fuly agree that the primary and caucus processes were totally unfair. That battle needs to be fought but not at the expense of the election, not at the cost that a McCain presidency will bring. It may be true that Hillary isn't the nominee because she is a woman or maybe because of President Clinton but regardless, those are not reasons either to vote for McCain.
Democrats, let's get it together.
Hillary for Obama
Hillary isn't quite done speaking but her speech so far has been poignant and positive and I am proud for working for her, if only for a little while. I'm also so glad I got home from a superfluous meal in time to see the speech.
Obama, '08, it is time. We as Democrats HAVE to come together and fight. Clinton is right. A thought from her: "I want you to ask yourselves, "Were you in this campaign just for me...or were you in in for all the people in this country who feel invisible?""
Obama, '08, it is time. We as Democrats HAVE to come together and fight. Clinton is right. A thought from her: "I want you to ask yourselves, "Were you in this campaign just for me...or were you in in for all the people in this country who feel invisible?""
Senator Kennedy at the DNC
I didn't see as much of the convention as I wanted to because I was in a plane and driving but I did get to watch Senator Kennedy's speech online. The speech is in excerpts but it is inspiring. I saw it but didn't hear it when it aired and I could tell it was impassioned. It was.
I can't write more now but just want to make sure people see this.
I have finally gotten over the fact that Clinton isn't going to be President this time. I am ready to vote for Barack Obama.
I can't write more now but just want to make sure people see this.
I have finally gotten over the fact that Clinton isn't going to be President this time. I am ready to vote for Barack Obama.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Back on the Ground
At one point, I found the peace that comes in silence and mindfulness. It was pure silence, inside and out. It was awe for the beauty in breathing. It was uninterrupted for a moment. There was no noise; no crickets singing, no voices speaking, no cars passing by. I was floating in mid-air just less than a mile above Lake Elsinore and I felt it. I was present in that moment and acutely aware of the grandness of the world and the simplicity of it, when it is allowed to be simple. I saw the big picture for a moment and realized how small is the frame I try to fit it in.
It was one of those moments best described in the film "American Beauty". "Sometimes there is so much beauty in the world I feel like I can't take it, like my heart is just going to cave in."
I was skydiving when I felt this. First we went up to 12,500 free above the ground. Then, my partner and I jumped. Then, we sank at 120mph for over 1 mile during free-fall. I was scared but I knew I was safe. I wasn't scared that I'd die or that the parachute wouldn't open. I was scared that I was actually going through with something that I never thought I would and that might lead to me doing it again. At 5,000 feet, I pulled the cord and the parachute opened. I really thought I wouldn't have the wits to pull the cord but I had control. I think for the first time in months, I had control of something.
Jumping out of a plane was simple compared to making some of the changes I want to make in my life. In all honesty, I might not have been in that plane had someone not pushed me and I might not have jumped out had I not been pushed. I need to be the force on the ground though. There is no push, there is only the shove and there is only me to do it. What a lovely metaphor skydiving would be for my life right now if only I hadn't gone tandem and hadn't been pushed. Still, I did something I never though that I would do and I know I have it in me to do that again, even if it is on a smaller scale. I want to feel that rush of adrenaline and the calm afterwards.
I think I was happy as I floated above the Earth and I think that on Saturday, I was given the gift of perspective that is just now coming into focus.
It was one of those moments best described in the film "American Beauty". "Sometimes there is so much beauty in the world I feel like I can't take it, like my heart is just going to cave in."
I was skydiving when I felt this. First we went up to 12,500 free above the ground. Then, my partner and I jumped. Then, we sank at 120mph for over 1 mile during free-fall. I was scared but I knew I was safe. I wasn't scared that I'd die or that the parachute wouldn't open. I was scared that I was actually going through with something that I never thought I would and that might lead to me doing it again. At 5,000 feet, I pulled the cord and the parachute opened. I really thought I wouldn't have the wits to pull the cord but I had control. I think for the first time in months, I had control of something.
Jumping out of a plane was simple compared to making some of the changes I want to make in my life. In all honesty, I might not have been in that plane had someone not pushed me and I might not have jumped out had I not been pushed. I need to be the force on the ground though. There is no push, there is only the shove and there is only me to do it. What a lovely metaphor skydiving would be for my life right now if only I hadn't gone tandem and hadn't been pushed. Still, I did something I never though that I would do and I know I have it in me to do that again, even if it is on a smaller scale. I want to feel that rush of adrenaline and the calm afterwards.
I think I was happy as I floated above the Earth and I think that on Saturday, I was given the gift of perspective that is just now coming into focus.
Friday, August 08, 2008
Prepare to Dive
I'm going to skydive in the morning. It is about 930pm on the date listed on the post and I'm really excited. I think I'm anticipating the best and not the worst for the first time in a long time. Of course, when you're going to jump out of a plane, that is probably the best is all you should consider.
I'll have more to say later but I just wanted to put it out there that I'm ready to do this. I need to do something. All I've done so far is wait for something to do to me.
I'll have more to say later but I just wanted to put it out there that I'm ready to do this. I need to do something. All I've done so far is wait for something to do to me.
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Team Griffin
I've watched every season of Kathy Griffin's My Life on the D-List and this has been the most fun for me mostly due to the presence of Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak. The guy has an amazing mind when Apple is considered but he is also a really nice, funny guy who is so sweet to Kathy. I was sad to read on Wikipedia that he is no longer dating Kathy and is actually engaged to someone else. I'm glad that he was with her for the time. So cute!
Dems Are Fightin' Back
There is no question about it now, Democrats are supporting Paris Hilton for President. What...what?!? I meant to say Obama. No joke though, if you haven't seen it, you must watch Paris' video response to the McCain campaign's ad depicting Obama as a celebrity like Paris Hilton and Britney Spears. It was intelligent, hilarious and a wonderful spoof on the original ad. Paris is back and had made quite a re-entry.
McCain may or may not have made a big mistake with the ad that tried to show Obama wasn't ready to lead but really just annoyed people and brought attention back to Paris Hilton in a summer that has been dominated mostly by news of Lindsey Lohan's romance with DJ Samantha Ronson.
In other Democratic news, Barack Obama extended and speaking invitation to President Clinton who will now appear at the Democratic National Convention. I'm even more jealous of the people who are going there and a little annoyed that I didn't do something get myself there. It is going to be magical this year because though I havne't been into Obama, I'm starting to learn more about him and accept him and I have a feeling I'll be behind him and not just against McCain by the Convention time.
Go Obama! Go Paris! Go Away, McCain!
McCain may or may not have made a big mistake with the ad that tried to show Obama wasn't ready to lead but really just annoyed people and brought attention back to Paris Hilton in a summer that has been dominated mostly by news of Lindsey Lohan's romance with DJ Samantha Ronson.
In other Democratic news, Barack Obama extended and speaking invitation to President Clinton who will now appear at the Democratic National Convention. I'm even more jealous of the people who are going there and a little annoyed that I didn't do something get myself there. It is going to be magical this year because though I havne't been into Obama, I'm starting to learn more about him and accept him and I have a feeling I'll be behind him and not just against McCain by the Convention time.
Go Obama! Go Paris! Go Away, McCain!
Saturday, August 02, 2008
John Mayer Goes Topless
I've been in Dallas for a copule of weeks and last night, on my final night here, I got to see John Mayer in concert. It was my third time seeing him, the first being after the release of "Room for Squares" back when I really did think I'd like to run through the halls of my high school too.
It was a great show and it is unbelievable to me that Mayer has become the guitarist he has. He's learned to play the guitar so well, far beyond most popsters and I think is carving out a place for himself in the blues-rock genre. He is no Jack White (missing the darkness, quirkiness and rawness) but he's an outstanding performer and I looked forward to his guitar solos as much as I did hearing my favorite songs.
Summer is almost over but if you happen to have the chance, definitely catch this tour.
Oh, and what does the title mean? John Mayer has also been working out to the point where he didn't even bother with a shirt. He was lucky actually because the weather in Dallas his hot and humid and he was wearing what everyone probably wished they could be wearing. He looked great and I thought I'd mention that too.
It was a great show and it is unbelievable to me that Mayer has become the guitarist he has. He's learned to play the guitar so well, far beyond most popsters and I think is carving out a place for himself in the blues-rock genre. He is no Jack White (missing the darkness, quirkiness and rawness) but he's an outstanding performer and I looked forward to his guitar solos as much as I did hearing my favorite songs.
Summer is almost over but if you happen to have the chance, definitely catch this tour.
Oh, and what does the title mean? John Mayer has also been working out to the point where he didn't even bother with a shirt. He was lucky actually because the weather in Dallas his hot and humid and he was wearing what everyone probably wished they could be wearing. He looked great and I thought I'd mention that too.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
The Office - Summer's Here!
The Office, like all other shows, is gone for the summer. The exciting news is that The Office Webisodes are back! The first one, featuring Oscar and Kevin, premiered today.
Check them out weekly. They'll get your through your summer TV blues.
On a side note, I'm still in awe of Ricky Gervais' show from yesterday and am so glad I'm seeing him again Saturday. If you happen to read this and would be able to help me meet him, please contact me. (I am serious though I'm also joking. It makes me sound really lame!) :)
Check them out weekly. They'll get your through your summer TV blues.
On a side note, I'm still in awe of Ricky Gervais' show from yesterday and am so glad I'm seeing him again Saturday. If you happen to read this and would be able to help me meet him, please contact me. (I am serious though I'm also joking. It makes me sound really lame!) :)
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Ricky Gervais Warms Up in L.A.
I had the privilege of seeing British comic genius Ricky Gervais perform stand-up at the intimate Brentwood Theater in Los Angeles this evening and it was one of the most fun evenings I have had, possibly ever. It has been a great while since I have laughed so hard for so long. At one point Gervais had my friend and I in tears and they were the best tears I've shed of late. Laughing until I cry is one of my greatest pleasures for sure.
What was so great about it? Well, first off, I am going to see Gervais perform again on Saturday night at the Kodak Theater where he is doing a full set similar (from what I understand) to the stage show he did in the UK. If tonight was any indication at all, there is nothing lost in translation from this coast to his coast and I am in for the largest laughs I've ever achieved. Tonight and tomorrow night's shows are called "warm ups" and I'd imagine an opportunity for Gervais to test out his material on the So Cal audience he does not usually perform stand up in front of. Secondly, Gervais is fantastic at moving between topics and circling back and he tied his show together quite well. It was easy to stay engaged though he wasn't so smooth that the show seemed over-rehearsed. It just worked very, very well. Third, Gervais is such an incredibly humorous guy that he often cracks himself up. Any fan who has seen outtakes from BBC's The Office will know exactly what I mean. He has a wonderful and infectious laugh. The anticipation for what he was going to say next grew when he was laughing just at the thought or at times couldn't proceed for a moment because he was laughing. Forth, Gervais gets dirty and politically incorrect but in such a way that he is not really offensive but just "wrong". His jokes or comments could seem more offensive but there is something about his personality, the playfulness, and his delivery that makes what could be gross or crude in some cases or rude in other cases, just funny. Fifth (for good measure), Gervais has a great way of using his body in his act creating visuals that are fun to imagine and making gestures or faces that make it even more difficult to control your laughter.
If you happen to read this and will find yourself in L.A. anytime through Saturday, I highly recommend and almost insist that you go and see this man perform.
Another cool thing about the warm-up shows is that the proceeds are going to the American Cancer Society. Gervais went on about his charity work and made light of it but really, it is so terribly important that attention is brought to issues. One of the greatest bits tonight was about a charity for the obese. I was seriously dying!
I could go on and on because I had so much fun tonight and felt so incredibly alive. I also think I got a great ab workout during my isometric laughs as well as some cardio from rocking in my chair.
In case you don't know, Gervais created BBC's The Office, NBC's The Office, Extras, hosts podcasts, writes books and acts in films. In addition, he is, as described, an outstanding stand-up comic.
The only thing that would have made this night any better is meeting the man who I respect and admire. Another time I hope.
Bravo, Mr. Gervais and thank you from bringing your comedy to us in-person.
What was so great about it? Well, first off, I am going to see Gervais perform again on Saturday night at the Kodak Theater where he is doing a full set similar (from what I understand) to the stage show he did in the UK. If tonight was any indication at all, there is nothing lost in translation from this coast to his coast and I am in for the largest laughs I've ever achieved. Tonight and tomorrow night's shows are called "warm ups" and I'd imagine an opportunity for Gervais to test out his material on the So Cal audience he does not usually perform stand up in front of. Secondly, Gervais is fantastic at moving between topics and circling back and he tied his show together quite well. It was easy to stay engaged though he wasn't so smooth that the show seemed over-rehearsed. It just worked very, very well. Third, Gervais is such an incredibly humorous guy that he often cracks himself up. Any fan who has seen outtakes from BBC's The Office will know exactly what I mean. He has a wonderful and infectious laugh. The anticipation for what he was going to say next grew when he was laughing just at the thought or at times couldn't proceed for a moment because he was laughing. Forth, Gervais gets dirty and politically incorrect but in such a way that he is not really offensive but just "wrong". His jokes or comments could seem more offensive but there is something about his personality, the playfulness, and his delivery that makes what could be gross or crude in some cases or rude in other cases, just funny. Fifth (for good measure), Gervais has a great way of using his body in his act creating visuals that are fun to imagine and making gestures or faces that make it even more difficult to control your laughter.
If you happen to read this and will find yourself in L.A. anytime through Saturday, I highly recommend and almost insist that you go and see this man perform.
Another cool thing about the warm-up shows is that the proceeds are going to the American Cancer Society. Gervais went on about his charity work and made light of it but really, it is so terribly important that attention is brought to issues. One of the greatest bits tonight was about a charity for the obese. I was seriously dying!
I could go on and on because I had so much fun tonight and felt so incredibly alive. I also think I got a great ab workout during my isometric laughs as well as some cardio from rocking in my chair.
In case you don't know, Gervais created BBC's The Office, NBC's The Office, Extras, hosts podcasts, writes books and acts in films. In addition, he is, as described, an outstanding stand-up comic.
The only thing that would have made this night any better is meeting the man who I respect and admire. Another time I hope.
Bravo, Mr. Gervais and thank you from bringing your comedy to us in-person.
Monday, July 07, 2008
When Did You Last See Your Father?
This is not a question you have to answer but if you can't remember, it may be something to think about. It got me thinking, as I watched the film of this title.
Starring Colin Firth and Jim Broadbent as son and father, And When Did You Last See Your Father? is a film based on an autobiographical novel and takes place between the 60s and the late 80's as a son looks to flashbacks to reconcile his relationship with his father as his father lays dying.
The film is sentimental at times and uncomfortable at others as the difficult nature of the father-son relationship is revealed from Firth's early childhood through his adulthood. There is nothing outrageous that occurs which makes the film all the better because it is slightly easy to relate to unless you claim the perfect relationship with your father or have had an colorfully volatile one.
All in all the film is quiet with Broadbrent adding the most color. He was in stark contrast to the brooding son Blake played by Firth as an adult and Matthew Beard as a teenager. The son's angst and anger at his father was understandable though Broadbent's gentle, jovial and vulnerable portrayal made him likable too.
This is one that a viewer can rent. I did enjoy the film and recommend it to any Firth fans or anyone who has ever had doubts or questions about a father's love. It was somewhat anti-climactic but sometimes that's how life is.
Coming Later this summer: Colin Firth in Mamma Mia! Only 2 weeks to go.
Starring Colin Firth and Jim Broadbent as son and father, And When Did You Last See Your Father? is a film based on an autobiographical novel and takes place between the 60s and the late 80's as a son looks to flashbacks to reconcile his relationship with his father as his father lays dying.
The film is sentimental at times and uncomfortable at others as the difficult nature of the father-son relationship is revealed from Firth's early childhood through his adulthood. There is nothing outrageous that occurs which makes the film all the better because it is slightly easy to relate to unless you claim the perfect relationship with your father or have had an colorfully volatile one.
All in all the film is quiet with Broadbrent adding the most color. He was in stark contrast to the brooding son Blake played by Firth as an adult and Matthew Beard as a teenager. The son's angst and anger at his father was understandable though Broadbent's gentle, jovial and vulnerable portrayal made him likable too.
This is one that a viewer can rent. I did enjoy the film and recommend it to any Firth fans or anyone who has ever had doubts or questions about a father's love. It was somewhat anti-climactic but sometimes that's how life is.
Coming Later this summer: Colin Firth in Mamma Mia! Only 2 weeks to go.
Ricky Gervais times 2!!!

One of the best things about this otherwise ordinary and mundane week is that I get to see Ricky Gervais two times. So much for worrying about gas prices as I have to make two trips to LA. I figure that is adding $100 to the ticket prices but it doesn't matter. His highly-successful stand-up show is crossing the pond and thank you very much, heading to LA. I was worried I'd have to hop on a plane and hit up NYC but no, he's much closer.
Prior to the big show at the Kodak Theatre, Gervais is doing some warm-up shows at smaller LA venue and so I'm lucky to catch one of each.
Who is this Gervais fellow?
The genius creator (along with Stephen Merchant) of the BBC and America's The Office and HBO's Extras
The original boss in The Office, David Brent. Michael Scott is the beloved American version.
An actor in many films including For Your Consideration and Night at the Museum
One of my top 5 guys right now...
Get Smart(er)
Maxwell Smart is no idiot in the big screen version of Get Smart starring Steve Carell, Anne Hathaway, Alan Arkin and Dwyane Johnson (aka The Rock).
The character was much more inept in the tv version of the show and the writers wisely made him more capable yet still left some slapstick and silliness in to keep it real, almost. The update to the character made him easier to handle and made for a storyline that was more compelling than lame. Carell does a fantastic job in his portrayal of Smart in the fun spy-thrilledy that averages a laugh every few minutes. Hathaway is sassy and smart as Agent 99. I don't want to give anything away here so I won't say much about the storyline other than it is great to see Arkin and to listen to Arkin and I'm also glad that Dwayne Johnson is now Dwayne Johnson. He might end up a Hollywood acting force to be reckoned with. He has a knack for physical comedy and had a good chemistry with Carell.
If you're up for some jokes, check this one out.
Dan in Real Life came out on DVD over the last two months. If you you're missing Carell during the off-season, don't forget that rental. Still one of my favorite films of the past year.
The character was much more inept in the tv version of the show and the writers wisely made him more capable yet still left some slapstick and silliness in to keep it real, almost. The update to the character made him easier to handle and made for a storyline that was more compelling than lame. Carell does a fantastic job in his portrayal of Smart in the fun spy-thrilledy that averages a laugh every few minutes. Hathaway is sassy and smart as Agent 99. I don't want to give anything away here so I won't say much about the storyline other than it is great to see Arkin and to listen to Arkin and I'm also glad that Dwayne Johnson is now Dwayne Johnson. He might end up a Hollywood acting force to be reckoned with. He has a knack for physical comedy and had a good chemistry with Carell.
If you're up for some jokes, check this one out.
Dan in Real Life came out on DVD over the last two months. If you you're missing Carell during the off-season, don't forget that rental. Still one of my favorite films of the past year.
Burn Notice, Season 2
Burn Notice is a smart, funny and sexy summer show that premiered last summer. Season 2 begins on Thursday at 10pm on USA. If you need a show to get you through the hottest season, I recommend it.
Full episodes of Season 1 are available online.
The show's premise: Michael Westen is a blacklisted spy who wants to know why he got a burn notice (was fired) but also can't help but use his skills to help those in need. There is action, there is fun and there's the beach.
Check it out!
Full episodes of Season 1 are available online.
The show's premise: Michael Westen is a blacklisted spy who wants to know why he got a burn notice (was fired) but also can't help but use his skills to help those in need. There is action, there is fun and there's the beach.
Check it out!
Sunday, June 08, 2008
SATC is Big

Sex and the City the movie was released over a week ago and it took me until last night to see it. I'm not watching Episode 1, Season 1 and seeing Mr. Big for the first time because off and on for 2 hours last night just wasn't enough. I took the "Match Your Man" quiz on the movie website and got paired with Mr. Big though I may have chosen an answer or two that I knew would make the answer add up to him. Anyway, the movie is not about the fake relationship I've had with Big since I saw him a few years ago but about the girls, 3 years later and the guys they've kept around.
People say the movie is long but I thought it was fine. I mean when you're used to seeing 22 minute episodes of the show, 2.25 hours can seem long but a lot had to happen and based on the way it all ended up, there isn't much room for a sequel unless a great, great script came along.
If you were a fan of the show at all, it is a MUST SEE because all of the elements that made the show so special are there. The four women who were so loved for so long, the guys we wanted them with and the drama and humor that made them all so easy to relate to them. Everyone grew up but in an interesting way. The women were in their 30s (except for Samantha) and as someone a couple of years younger and nowhere near their success or general social levels I didn't realize they would be able to mature but they did. The screenwriters did a great job of developing all of the characters and the storylines were interesting though a little predictable. The entire film wasn't predicable but there were some parts. IT was good and consistent writing though because of how true they were to everyone.
If you aren't a fan of SATC, it might be time to start renting the DVDs and taking silly online quizzes about who you belong with or who you are most like. I wanted to be most like Carrie but it seems that I'm more like Miranda.
My favorite thing was the interaction between Big and Carrie, and the love letters. You'll have to see it to know what I mean but how lovely the notion of a love letter. "How do I love thee? Let me count the ways."
Get Carried Away.
PS: I finished Season 1 today abandoning the things I was supposed to do with the exception of going to dinner which I actually did. It is such a great show.
Thursday, June 05, 2008
It is with a heavy-heart that I have read news websites, watched the news and received emails from the Clinton campaign over the past few days. The latest email however gave me a new hope. Hillary will state her support for the Obama campaign later this week and to quote her, "my differences with Senator Obama are small compared to the differences we have with Senator McCain and the Republicans."
This is the first time I have felt that I might be able to support the other candidate and though it will be difficult to accept, it is time that the Democratic Party unites and works to fight the best fight it can.
There is still the possiblity as many have stated that Obama will choose Hillary as his running-mate and then that she will accept. I think that if they could work together as a team, we still have a chance of the ultimate vision being acheived. Whatever it takes, we need to make sure that McCain is not elected President.
If you think Hillary would be the best running mate like I do, here is action you can take right away. Go to Vote Booth; click on the petition addressed to Senator Obama and sign it.
Why are people signing this petition?
- We do not believe we will win if she is not on the ticket.
- While this is obvious to us, there is little evidence the other camp understands how critical she is to the success of the ticket.
- 2,000,000 signatures behind this idea will go far in demonstrating the power of Hillary’s support.
- Hillary must be on the ticket because it is the only way many women, seniors, Catholics, working class men and women, Hispanics, and Jewish Americans will vote for the ticket.
- Hillary must be on the ticket because she polls ahead of McCain in Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Michigan; states critical to our victory this fall.
- Hillary must be on the ticket because she wins the big states and the swing states; states the Democrats need to reach the 270 electoral votes required for success in November. States won by Hillary represent 300 electoral votes; states won by Obama represent 217.
- Hillary must be on the ticket because more Americans voted for her than for any primary candidate in history. 18,000,000 Democrats chose her to lead the country and the free world.
- Hillary must be on the ticket because it is the only way we will be willing to put our full, essential energy and effort behind the ticket between now and November.
Please forward this blog or email to others who share your commitment to Hillary on the ticket, quickly. Every signature is another ‘vote’ for Hillary on the ticket.
This is the first time I have felt that I might be able to support the other candidate and though it will be difficult to accept, it is time that the Democratic Party unites and works to fight the best fight it can.
There is still the possiblity as many have stated that Obama will choose Hillary as his running-mate and then that she will accept. I think that if they could work together as a team, we still have a chance of the ultimate vision being acheived. Whatever it takes, we need to make sure that McCain is not elected President.
If you think Hillary would be the best running mate like I do, here is action you can take right away. Go to Vote Booth; click on the petition addressed to Senator Obama and sign it.
Why are people signing this petition?
- We do not believe we will win if she is not on the ticket.
- While this is obvious to us, there is little evidence the other camp understands how critical she is to the success of the ticket.
- 2,000,000 signatures behind this idea will go far in demonstrating the power of Hillary’s support.
- Hillary must be on the ticket because it is the only way many women, seniors, Catholics, working class men and women, Hispanics, and Jewish Americans will vote for the ticket.
- Hillary must be on the ticket because she polls ahead of McCain in Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Michigan; states critical to our victory this fall.
- Hillary must be on the ticket because she wins the big states and the swing states; states the Democrats need to reach the 270 electoral votes required for success in November. States won by Hillary represent 300 electoral votes; states won by Obama represent 217.
- Hillary must be on the ticket because more Americans voted for her than for any primary candidate in history. 18,000,000 Democrats chose her to lead the country and the free world.
- Hillary must be on the ticket because it is the only way we will be willing to put our full, essential energy and effort behind the ticket between now and November.
Please forward this blog or email to others who share your commitment to Hillary on the ticket, quickly. Every signature is another ‘vote’ for Hillary on the ticket.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Bahamas, Day 1
I was mostly on my own on Paradise Island my first day in the Bahamas and actually relaxed. The view from my room is amazing or what one may call breath-taking. I went to the pool and read a book which I'm dreading finishing because it is so good. In the afternoon I took a free casino gaming class which turned out to be really fun. Blackjack and Craps were on the agenda. I'm ready to hit the tables in Vegas now! All I need is some money to hit them with. :)
There was a huge storm and an accompanying power outage. Where would you NOT want to be during a power outage? The survey says...Elevator! That's right, my brother-in-law and I had just gotten into the elevator when the power outage occurred and believe me, I was a little worried for the few seconds that the lights were out. Luckily we were out of there within 2 minutes. It was one of those, "I hope I don't end up like that guy in the you tube video" moments. Ever see the guy who was stuck for 46 hours? I think I'd lose it eventually, if only for a few minutes.
We indulged and at at Nobu but I wasn't too impressed. The NYC location is better according to my bro-in-law and I'd have to think so. They were even out of kelp for the Kelp Salad. I offered to run out to the beach and get some but the waiter didn't think that would work. It was worth the laugh it got though.
It is a bit strange being at a resort because it's like living in a little microcosm of the entire place. There is a Market Village area but it is all owned or affiliated with the resort. We're looking forward to going over to Nassau and other places to check things out. Everything is geared at tourism though.
So far the Bahamas are pretty cool and give great opportunity for photos which is even better.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
What I Did this Summer...
It seems like I'm always on the road and for the past two months that would be a difficult statement to argue with. I never thought I was a person who would like so much to be away form home but I guess we begin to learn these things about ourselves as we go out into the world, huh?
So far this year (for work and fun): Ontario (California), Fresno, Memphis, Chicago, NYC and now the Bahamas. I'm in the middle of a 2-hour layover in fact. Next up: San Fransicso and Puerto Vallarta for weddings. I think I'll be beside myself in July unless I find a way out of town again! I'm excited about seeing some new places as other than the Bay Area my upcoming travel is taking me to places I haven't been.
Got any summer travel plans?
So far this year (for work and fun): Ontario (California), Fresno, Memphis, Chicago, NYC and now the Bahamas. I'm in the middle of a 2-hour layover in fact. Next up: San Fransicso and Puerto Vallarta for weddings. I think I'll be beside myself in July unless I find a way out of town again! I'm excited about seeing some new places as other than the Bay Area my upcoming travel is taking me to places I haven't been.
Got any summer travel plans?
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Iron Man
Robert Downey, Jr. has been "back" for a while but I think Iron Man has made it official. He's not only healthy and still brilliant but he's also a superhero.
Iron Man is a must-see on the big screen if you're considering waiting for DVD and a must-see if you're on the fence about it. Why?
1. Political: the original comic version of Iron Man, the main character Tony Stark was in Vietnam and becomes a hero in the backdrop of the Cold War. The new story for the film brings the hero into modern times and since we have a war going on as we read and write he is relevant and the kind of hero we need.
2. Acting: Robert Downey, Jr., Terrence Howard, Jeff Bridges and Gwyneth Paltrow...the film combines the best of the best with an excellent story. These actors are in atypical roles which is even better.
3. No 1: the film was number one and a record-breaker for a reason. If it was awful, word would have gotten out. You need to see it so you can talk about it. This is the compelling and content-vacant peer pressure reason. I am into lists at the moment and felt two good reasons wouldn't complete the list so I added this third reason.
Iron Man had a great dialogue, great characters and entertained and excited me. There are also two noticeable sequel set-ups including a worthwhile bonus scene after the credits that make really a fourth reason to see it. You'll need to in order to enjoy the sequel or a follow-up project of any sort if it happens.
Robert Downey Jr. Bonus news: He will play "playboy" Hugh Hefner in a big-screen biopic that is slated to be aptly titled "Playboy". This news was just released hours ago.
Iron Man,
Robert Downey Jr.
So Long, Sydney...
Film Director and Producer Sydney Pollack is another in an ever growing list of people lost to cancer. You may not recognize him by sight but he was a wonderful director whose list of projects includes one of my absolute favorite films, The Way We Were.
Other films by the great American director:
- Out of Africa
- Tootsie
- This Property is Condemned
- Three Days of the Condor
- The Firm
- Sabrina
He was responsible most recently for producing Michael Clayton which starred George Clooney. His films spanned genres and I'm sure in the list you'll find a happy memory too. Pollack also acted in his films and others. You may even remember him as Will's dad on televisions "Will and Grace".
Thank you for your legacy, Mr. Pollack. Many thoughts and prayers are with you.
As an aside, my thoughts are also with Senator Kennedy and his family as he begins a fight of his own.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Wicked NYC
I'm in NYC, one of my favorite places in the world. I have less than two more days left on my trip and know I won't really want to go. They weather has been awful (cold, windy, rainy) but it is still so great to be here. My mom had a big birthday this year and I decided she HAD to see the city so that's why I'm here, with her and her friend.
The picture, before I forget to mention it, it the sunset on Monday evening, from Top of the Rock...the cool, hip and quicker alternative to the Empire State Building at the Rockefeller Building. That was from the 69th floor.
We saw Wicked tonight and I'd seen it before but it was much different on Broadway. I see now how it makes such a difference to actually see shows here versus at the SD Civic Theater or even in Los Angeles which are both places I've seen this same musical before. Nevertheless, if you haven't seen it, see Wicked wherever you can. It is amazing, clever and touching even the third time!
Anyway, it was a perfect night that could have been otherwise. For some reason I thought the show started at 8pm so I made dinner reservations at an expensive but worth it restaurant for 615pm. A glance at the tickets around 545pm showed us that the show was actually at 7pm...there went dinner before the show.
As a result of the mishap, we were all starving after the show and in good spirits so I was able to get the ladies to check out a new part of town. We headed away from Broadway and walked a longer distance than expected but ended up in Hell's Kitchen where I'd never been before and had a great, inexpensive dinner. It was probably our most enjoyable meal since being in the city and yet another time that proved best laid plans, when abandoned, can lead to the best outcome.
I would write more but we went to Ellis Island this morning at 8am (to avoid the line that was still too, too long) and it is after 1am so time to go! It was a long trip out there but after reading about immigrants' experiences, I shouldn't complain. Gosh I have so much more to talk about but it can wait until tomorrow...I Heart NYC.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
I am watching American Idol, on the night it airs, for only the 3rd time this entire season. I am not certain but I'm expecting Syesha to get kicked off. As soon as I'm done typing I'm going to hit the fast forward button on my Tivo. Why? I still don't get Fantasia. I'm not talking about the Disney movie but about the woman. She looks hideous and sounds worse to me. Wow. Good luck to the David's.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Playing Catch Up
It has been a while and we have mostly your mom to thank for that. Or, maybe my mom. It was Mother's Day and I have been busy. In all of the hours and all of the time away from home, I have had some good times. Here's the Top 10 List in no particular order:
1. Hard Candy: the new Madonna CD is like one long jam. There is one slow number I think but all in all, I'm really digging it. Pharrell Williams is one of the major producers and his influence is definitely there and appreciated. He's clever in laying tracks and his use use of R-L recording. We've only got 4 minutes...
2. Consolers of the Lonely: The Raconteurs also put out a new album and I love it too. Jack White should consider making his "other" band into his primary band unless Meg White is able to tour sometime soon. The Raconteurs' album is a must for fans of White and either of his bands or fans of rock/rock-country who love some good lyrics. "Shades of Black" is the track I'm too into.
3. Wrigley Field: I had the chance to check out the Cubs in their home town. It was a game versus the Brewers who is a team we don't care about much in CA but in Chicago, there is a clear rivalry. Milwaukee is close enough that the fans drive to Wrigley and the stadium gets loud. I bought my first Cubs hat, ate my first dog at a Cubs game and best of all saw my first Cubs victory in person.
4. 29: I'm 29 now. I worked for 13 hours on my birthday but still had time for a nice dinner and a decent day over all thanks to the locals.
5. Forgetting Sarah Marshall: dear Lord...apparently frontal male nudity is ok, as long as it is not of a sexual nature. Jason Segal took full advantage and showed off a few times in this one. I mention it because that's what
everyone's talking about! It was an ok film. There were really funny parts...that's what she said...that were unrelated to Segal's exposure but there were also parts that were just ok. If you like the other movies like it, check it out. if not, don't bother.
6. Iron Man: I haven't seen it yet but it's out and Robert Downey Jr. is doing great. Cheers to RDJ!
7. Success: Things have gone really well for me over the past couple of weeks, professionally. Personally things are good and bad but that's how the see-saw goes. I won't elaborate on the professional or the related personal but I will say that I have overcome some fears of non-success and that has made all the difference.
8. Mraz, Buble, The Breeders and Northern State: I went to four concerts over the past few weeks and they wer eall different but all totally enjoyable. Jason Mraz drops a new album today. I recommend you buy it and listen to it. Don't forget to relax and enjoy. If he comes to your town, go see him. If he happens to be in a town you're in, go see him. I caught him in Chicago and woah! Michael Buble was a Mother's Day surprise for my mom and he was very entertaining. Funny guy, created an intimate setting though he had a crowd of 12.5K and he can belt 'em out. The Breeders packed a small house and made fans very, very happy. The thing I enjoy if an act isn't my favorite is seeing the faces of the people who are seeing an act that is their favorite. Very cool. Northern State brought hip-hop from the east coast to tha West Coast and though San Diego didn't bring a crowd to the Casbah, the people who were there made up for the numbers with sheer enthusiasm for the trio of ladies. Oooh, girl.
9. Elton John: I sat in the 3rd row at the Honda Center, right in front of the man and his piano. Only in looking at the video screens have I ever actually seen him play. This was too real to be good. It was GREAT. Elton brings the same energy he did years ago with even more humbleness than he should even express. I got his autograph, Sir. And, yes, when I did, I cried.
10. NYC: I leave next week and this time it's for vacation. Fabulous!
11. MS Walk: I know it is a top 10 but I wanted to add a thank you to everyone who supported me and Team ProFlowers in this year's MS Walk. The MS Society didn't post the numbers they wanted to but I definitely exceeded my goals! Thank you. www.mswalk.com/rabiahc
1. Hard Candy: the new Madonna CD is like one long jam. There is one slow number I think but all in all, I'm really digging it. Pharrell Williams is one of the major producers and his influence is definitely there and appreciated. He's clever in laying tracks and his use use of R-L recording. We've only got 4 minutes...
2. Consolers of the Lonely: The Raconteurs also put out a new album and I love it too. Jack White should consider making his "other" band into his primary band unless Meg White is able to tour sometime soon. The Raconteurs' album is a must for fans of White and either of his bands or fans of rock/rock-country who love some good lyrics. "Shades of Black" is the track I'm too into.
3. Wrigley Field: I had the chance to check out the Cubs in their home town. It was a game versus the Brewers who is a team we don't care about much in CA but in Chicago, there is a clear rivalry. Milwaukee is close enough that the fans drive to Wrigley and the stadium gets loud. I bought my first Cubs hat, ate my first dog at a Cubs game and best of all saw my first Cubs victory in person.
4. 29: I'm 29 now. I worked for 13 hours on my birthday but still had time for a nice dinner and a decent day over all thanks to the locals.
5. Forgetting Sarah Marshall: dear Lord...apparently frontal male nudity is ok, as long as it is not of a sexual nature. Jason Segal took full advantage and showed off a few times in this one. I mention it because that's what
everyone's talking about! It was an ok film. There were really funny parts...that's what she said...that were unrelated to Segal's exposure but there were also parts that were just ok. If you like the other movies like it, check it out. if not, don't bother.
6. Iron Man: I haven't seen it yet but it's out and Robert Downey Jr. is doing great. Cheers to RDJ!
7. Success: Things have gone really well for me over the past couple of weeks, professionally. Personally things are good and bad but that's how the see-saw goes. I won't elaborate on the professional or the related personal but I will say that I have overcome some fears of non-success and that has made all the difference.
8. Mraz, Buble, The Breeders and Northern State: I went to four concerts over the past few weeks and they wer eall different but all totally enjoyable. Jason Mraz drops a new album today. I recommend you buy it and listen to it. Don't forget to relax and enjoy. If he comes to your town, go see him. If he happens to be in a town you're in, go see him. I caught him in Chicago and woah! Michael Buble was a Mother's Day surprise for my mom and he was very entertaining. Funny guy, created an intimate setting though he had a crowd of 12.5K and he can belt 'em out. The Breeders packed a small house and made fans very, very happy. The thing I enjoy if an act isn't my favorite is seeing the faces of the people who are seeing an act that is their favorite. Very cool. Northern State brought hip-hop from the east coast to tha West Coast and though San Diego didn't bring a crowd to the Casbah, the people who were there made up for the numbers with sheer enthusiasm for the trio of ladies. Oooh, girl.
9. Elton John: I sat in the 3rd row at the Honda Center, right in front of the man and his piano. Only in looking at the video screens have I ever actually seen him play. This was too real to be good. It was GREAT. Elton brings the same energy he did years ago with even more humbleness than he should even express. I got his autograph, Sir. And, yes, when I did, I cried.
10. NYC: I leave next week and this time it's for vacation. Fabulous!
11. MS Walk: I know it is a top 10 but I wanted to add a thank you to everyone who supported me and Team ProFlowers in this year's MS Walk. The MS Society didn't post the numbers they wanted to but I definitely exceeded my goals! Thank you. www.mswalk.com/rabiahc
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
I won't do Chicago justice in this blog but I wanted to mention that I had a chance to tour the city this past weekend. It was 40 degrees or less the entire time and raining. I think it stopped raining for about 2 hours total and that was fortunate because it was during the time I was on an architectural boat tour.
I would not recommend going on a boat tour in such weather but it was great nonetheless and if you're ever in Chicago, take my recommendation (which was the recommendation of a friend) and go with Wendella tours, located by the Wrigley Building. TThe tour guide did a great job with a very long and extensive script and there was a ton to see including Sears Tower and also the new Trump Tower. I love The Donald and was excited to see this building which is still unfinished. There is a lot of history explained and get this, Chicago is not the "windy city" because of the wind! That comes from a favorite anecdote but I won't ruin it for you and tell you why.
My friends and I also checked out the Art Institute before we headed to dinner at Chicago Chop House. The Art Institute is also a must-see though it was super crowded and I didn't get to enjoy the special exhibits because of that. Admission is staggered by the hour but that still didn't help as the crowds were so large. However, there is a great imprssionists and also great modern collections there.
I don't want to know how much steak or red meat I ate the first week I was in Chicago. It was too much and I may have actually turned into a cow...I'll leave that to you to elaborate on. Considering the great food I had that first two weeks (Weber Grill was a favorite), nothing compared to the Chicago Chop House. I had a great bloody mary which went so amazingly well with the wonderful steak. The sides were superb as well. I could go on and on. I went with the bartender's recommendation and got the T-bone (I think). The kitchen even sliced it up ahead of serving so it would be easy to share. If you go, you must spend the money for this excellent meal. It is worth it and in all honesty, I expected it to cost much more than it did.
Bongo Room was the breakfast spot that was a must-have for me because so many friends had recommended it. I truly enjoyed my meal here as well. The pancake choices are innovative and though they sound sickeningly sweet, they actually aren't. It is a well-crafted and interesting menu that offers traditional and innovative breakfast items.
Lastly, in case anyone does land here and is going to Chicago, a great site to check out is Metromix. It is somewhat like Yelp in that it has reviews but helps very easily navigate the city.
That's all for now!
I would not recommend going on a boat tour in such weather but it was great nonetheless and if you're ever in Chicago, take my recommendation (which was the recommendation of a friend) and go with Wendella tours, located by the Wrigley Building. TThe tour guide did a great job with a very long and extensive script and there was a ton to see including Sears Tower and also the new Trump Tower. I love The Donald and was excited to see this building which is still unfinished. There is a lot of history explained and get this, Chicago is not the "windy city" because of the wind! That comes from a favorite anecdote but I won't ruin it for you and tell you why.
My friends and I also checked out the Art Institute before we headed to dinner at Chicago Chop House. The Art Institute is also a must-see though it was super crowded and I didn't get to enjoy the special exhibits because of that. Admission is staggered by the hour but that still didn't help as the crowds were so large. However, there is a great imprssionists and also great modern collections there.
I don't want to know how much steak or red meat I ate the first week I was in Chicago. It was too much and I may have actually turned into a cow...I'll leave that to you to elaborate on. Considering the great food I had that first two weeks (Weber Grill was a favorite), nothing compared to the Chicago Chop House. I had a great bloody mary which went so amazingly well with the wonderful steak. The sides were superb as well. I could go on and on. I went with the bartender's recommendation and got the T-bone (I think). The kitchen even sliced it up ahead of serving so it would be easy to share. If you go, you must spend the money for this excellent meal. It is worth it and in all honesty, I expected it to cost much more than it did.
Bongo Room was the breakfast spot that was a must-have for me because so many friends had recommended it. I truly enjoyed my meal here as well. The pancake choices are innovative and though they sound sickeningly sweet, they actually aren't. It is a well-crafted and interesting menu that offers traditional and innovative breakfast items.
Lastly, in case anyone does land here and is going to Chicago, a great site to check out is Metromix. It is somewhat like Yelp in that it has reviews but helps very easily navigate the city.
That's all for now!
Walkin' in Memphis (and CA next week)
The 1008 MS Walk is coming up and here are the facts:
- I have MS and started walking for the cause annually starting the first walk after I was diagnosed.
- This year will mark my 6th MS Walk.
- ProFlowers will match all donations in full. $5 = $10; a sound investment
- The walk is April 26th.
- You can sign-up or donate by going here: Rabiah's MS Walk Page
- The article below was in the San Diego Union Tribune
- I am in Memphis right now, for work, and wanted to use the only song I know about Memphis in the blog title.
- I will be grateful for anything you can do to help my team reach its goal and me reach mine.
- There will be a cure. (Maybe less a fact than an honest hope.)
- I have MS and started walking for the cause annually starting the first walk after I was diagnosed.
- This year will mark my 6th MS Walk.
- ProFlowers will match all donations in full. $5 = $10; a sound investment
- The walk is April 26th.
- You can sign-up or donate by going here: Rabiah's MS Walk Page
- The article below was in the San Diego Union Tribune
- I am in Memphis right now, for work, and wanted to use the only song I know about Memphis in the blog title.
- I will be grateful for anything you can do to help my team reach its goal and me reach mine.
- There will be a cure. (Maybe less a fact than an honest hope.)
MS Walk,
San Diego MS Walk
Friday, April 11, 2008
Let's Catch Up
It's 2am and the phone rings...who do you want answering that call? haha, it could be me seeing as it is 2am in Chicago and I'm awake burning the midnight oil for my employer. Crazy, yo! I'm gonna be a little silly in this entry but I finally have time to try to catch up a little bit while I wait for people to do what they do so I can do what I do. It's all very hush-hush, yeah?
I have been in Chicago for about 3 weeks now with the exception of 48 hours spent/wasted in San Diego. I had a great afternoon of Bloody Mary's with a friend and got the laundry done so that was good.
I have seen a few movies and even got to catch a concert. Holla! Check this out:
Muvico: awesome movie theater. You can reserve balcony seats, grab a bev at the full bar and even bring your drink into the theater (Guiness makes each movie a little more interesting) and enjoy pretty delicious restaurant food. Plus, the "premium" ticket gets you free popcorn. Good deal overall and a nice VIP experience for only a few bucks more than the regular ticket.
El: train that got me and a buddy from O'Hare into the city. A ride that was supposed to last 45-minutes really took 2 hours. The line was under construction and some genius said, "Hey, let's take all of the people from the big train and put them on a bus." Seriously, we were supposed to get off the train and take a bus to another stop up the line where the train would resume service. So, we had to wait...It was a fun night that ended at 630am but I got to have a little adventure, see some Chicago night life and enjoy a great meal.
Leatherheads: Most recent film I saw at Muvico. It was ok. I can't write a long review here but I think Krazinski was decent and as likeable as he always is on The Office. Plus it was a treat to see him. Clooney was fine and goofy like he was in O'Brother and Zellweger is one of those love 'er or hate 'er types so you might hate 'er and if you do, this film won't change that. The story was fun in parts but overall the trailers are more compelling. It hurts me to say this about a Clooney film but 'tis true...at least for me.
Run Fat Boy, Run: This is a British fiml with an American director. David Schwimmer of Friends fame makes his directorial debut (at least with features) bringing a film that would have been much less charming sans the British accents to the big screen. It is Hornsby-esque and boasted a solid cast including another Yank, Hank Azaria in yet another role that makes you just not like him enough to think he can act.
21: This is another film that pains me because I have to say that it wasn't great. It was good and there was excitement. Anyone who likes Vegas, math, cards or a little suspense will be interested. The story is interesting though the dialogue leaves much to be desired. The only thing I can say in its defense is that math/science-types aren't known to be particularly fine communicators so maybe the dialoge wasn't bad but more authentic. No offense to a well-spoken, well-adjusted math/science person out there. This is just something I've read and perhaps you've read too. Anyway, it was a delight to see Kevin Spacey at all as he's been away for a while doing theater. Still, though I recommend it, I think it wasn't the best film.
Jason Mraz played here in Chicago and I finally got to see him for the first time. He is from San Diego but I just have never been there when he's there. Anyway, it was a fun, energetic and enjoyable show. Mraz is a super-talented singer-songwriter and his next album should prove that. Check out the video and audio for I'm Yours, his latest single. There is an EP out now featuring that song and a few others, namely "If It Kills Me" which has a great lyric and chill sound. Mraz has proven himself on his past two albums and as a live act is even better. Go see that guy if he ends up in your town! May 13 is when the album drops by the way.
Duty calls and I'm tired but I wanted to make sure I got some good entertainment news out to my little world.
I have been in Chicago for about 3 weeks now with the exception of 48 hours spent/wasted in San Diego. I had a great afternoon of Bloody Mary's with a friend and got the laundry done so that was good.
I have seen a few movies and even got to catch a concert. Holla! Check this out:
Muvico: awesome movie theater. You can reserve balcony seats, grab a bev at the full bar and even bring your drink into the theater (Guiness makes each movie a little more interesting) and enjoy pretty delicious restaurant food. Plus, the "premium" ticket gets you free popcorn. Good deal overall and a nice VIP experience for only a few bucks more than the regular ticket.
El: train that got me and a buddy from O'Hare into the city. A ride that was supposed to last 45-minutes really took 2 hours. The line was under construction and some genius said, "Hey, let's take all of the people from the big train and put them on a bus." Seriously, we were supposed to get off the train and take a bus to another stop up the line where the train would resume service. So, we had to wait...It was a fun night that ended at 630am but I got to have a little adventure, see some Chicago night life and enjoy a great meal.
Leatherheads: Most recent film I saw at Muvico. It was ok. I can't write a long review here but I think Krazinski was decent and as likeable as he always is on The Office. Plus it was a treat to see him. Clooney was fine and goofy like he was in O'Brother and Zellweger is one of those love 'er or hate 'er types so you might hate 'er and if you do, this film won't change that. The story was fun in parts but overall the trailers are more compelling. It hurts me to say this about a Clooney film but 'tis true...at least for me.
Run Fat Boy, Run: This is a British fiml with an American director. David Schwimmer of Friends fame makes his directorial debut (at least with features) bringing a film that would have been much less charming sans the British accents to the big screen. It is Hornsby-esque and boasted a solid cast including another Yank, Hank Azaria in yet another role that makes you just not like him enough to think he can act.
21: This is another film that pains me because I have to say that it wasn't great. It was good and there was excitement. Anyone who likes Vegas, math, cards or a little suspense will be interested. The story is interesting though the dialogue leaves much to be desired. The only thing I can say in its defense is that math/science-types aren't known to be particularly fine communicators so maybe the dialoge wasn't bad but more authentic. No offense to a well-spoken, well-adjusted math/science person out there. This is just something I've read and perhaps you've read too. Anyway, it was a delight to see Kevin Spacey at all as he's been away for a while doing theater. Still, though I recommend it, I think it wasn't the best film.
Jason Mraz played here in Chicago and I finally got to see him for the first time. He is from San Diego but I just have never been there when he's there. Anyway, it was a fun, energetic and enjoyable show. Mraz is a super-talented singer-songwriter and his next album should prove that. Check out the video and audio for I'm Yours, his latest single. There is an EP out now featuring that song and a few others, namely "If It Kills Me" which has a great lyric and chill sound. Mraz has proven himself on his past two albums and as a live act is even better. Go see that guy if he ends up in your town! May 13 is when the album drops by the way.
Duty calls and I'm tired but I wanted to make sure I got some good entertainment news out to my little world.
Friday, March 21, 2008
A funny thing happened on the way to San Diego...not really funny or even important but I love starting off sentences that way. This is a rant. I am at LAX waiting over an hour to board a plane to San Diego. I have travelled many places lately and this has been the most annoyed I have been.
Why? Well, I had this layover in a horrible terminal. It is the American Eagle terminal to be precise. I decided to take a shuttle to a different terminal to go get food or coffee or something. I was told that was permissible.
I get my Venti Skinny Vanilla Latte (that's my signature drink) and a Cinnamon Scone (I like them but hate scones generally) and go back to the shuttle.
"Um, you can't take that on the shuttle."
"Um, you can't take that. Your drink. That has to go."
"Ugggh. Really?"
"Yeah. You can sit here and enjoy it though."
"I have a flight to catch."
"Oh, let me see your boarding pass...yeah, you better get that shuttle."
"That shuttle," I point.
I had to toss the full coffee before taking one sip. It was a sacrifice greater than you may imagine. The latte that is normally $3.85 at an outside store is $5 at the airport.
I grudgingly walk towards the shuttle. When I arrive at the terminal, it is the wrong terminal. That little twerp told me to get on the wrong shuttle!!!
Now I am back at the right terminal waiting to board a flight that will get me home in just 30 minutes less time than it would have taken me to make the drive at this point. At least I'd allow a beverage in my vehicle!
Happy Easter to everyone!
Why? Well, I had this layover in a horrible terminal. It is the American Eagle terminal to be precise. I decided to take a shuttle to a different terminal to go get food or coffee or something. I was told that was permissible.
I get my Venti Skinny Vanilla Latte (that's my signature drink) and a Cinnamon Scone (I like them but hate scones generally) and go back to the shuttle.
"Um, you can't take that on the shuttle."
"Um, you can't take that. Your drink. That has to go."
"Ugggh. Really?"
"Yeah. You can sit here and enjoy it though."
"I have a flight to catch."
"Oh, let me see your boarding pass...yeah, you better get that shuttle."
"That shuttle," I point.
I had to toss the full coffee before taking one sip. It was a sacrifice greater than you may imagine. The latte that is normally $3.85 at an outside store is $5 at the airport.
I grudgingly walk towards the shuttle. When I arrive at the terminal, it is the wrong terminal. That little twerp told me to get on the wrong shuttle!!!
Now I am back at the right terminal waiting to board a flight that will get me home in just 30 minutes less time than it would have taken me to make the drive at this point. At least I'd allow a beverage in my vehicle!
Happy Easter to everyone!
Monday, March 10, 2008
Images from TX
Now that I'm back in San Diego, I wish I were on the campaign trail.
Here are pics from TX:
Here are pics from TX:
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Clinton Raucus TX Caucus |
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Take 2.
I'm in another airport and though thoughts are still swimming around in my head in some disarray, there is so much more to say about yesterday.
After the Hillary rally I headed back to the office and was sent out to pick up an elderly voter to take her to her precinct. It was actually nice to help someone get to the polls and to make sure that they were about to fulfill the duty. There were two people coordinating transportation for voters who asked for assistance and taking someone was a lot more rewarding than I expected. I also picked up a volunteer who had a horrible travel experience and convinced her to stay in town and help. She seemed fine once we got into the office I hope that she is glad she stayed. I never had a chance to catch up with her as the day wore on.
We made phone calls as much as possible to make sure people remembered to go vote and do the "Texas Two-step" and based on the looks of the caucus, they remembered in droves.
My last order of business for the day was to pick up an elderly couple to take them to their caucus and then stick around and watch the caucus while they participated. Sounds easy enough, right? Five hours later when I left it was with a great frustration in a system that if it's not failing the people of Texas it is insulting them, and a great sense of pride in having gotten through it.
When I arrived there had to be a thousand people and almost no open space left in the building. There was no order. It was unclear where the primary line ended and those there for the caucus began. The polls were supposed to be closed at 7pm with no more voters entering the line. The place was significantly understaffed with poll workers and also had only 8 voting machines when many more were needed. I learned that the more recent election prior had 12 machines and far fewer voters. Why would they have less machines yesterday when the voting was predicted to be at a high? I have my theories. Anyway, there was issue number one, the voting line was not cut-off when it was supposed to be cut-off and voting did not subside until at least 8pm.
The caucus people were coming into the building non-stop and that added to the disorganization. Actually, it was impressive that the Obama supporters had gotten so far as to segregate themselves from the Clinton supporters. I was truly impressed that regular citizens who had no training in these matters were doing what they were doing and were working together even with the tension between them and their candidates.
Long, long, long story short, I was able to locate the other Clinton volunteers who were at the precinct (one from D.C. actually on the campaign staff, one from L.A., and a couple of others in addition to locals) and very fortunately began to work with an Obama staffer who was also from L.A. We worked together to organize ALL attendees into areas based on precinct rather than candidate affiliation and in an effort I won't get into here we actually began and completed the caucus process.
I am embarrassed at the thought that the TX caucus is considered a valid or appropriate process. I was on the phone with another precinct and spoke with warring self-appointed precinct captains and the on-site judge and was a main leader at my polling place. There were THREE precincts located in one building that was not meant to accommodate this process or these people. It was appalling.
Must go but will write more later. I haven't gotten to the celebration part but again, I am so excited about what will happen next in this election!
After the Hillary rally I headed back to the office and was sent out to pick up an elderly voter to take her to her precinct. It was actually nice to help someone get to the polls and to make sure that they were about to fulfill the duty. There were two people coordinating transportation for voters who asked for assistance and taking someone was a lot more rewarding than I expected. I also picked up a volunteer who had a horrible travel experience and convinced her to stay in town and help. She seemed fine once we got into the office I hope that she is glad she stayed. I never had a chance to catch up with her as the day wore on.
We made phone calls as much as possible to make sure people remembered to go vote and do the "Texas Two-step" and based on the looks of the caucus, they remembered in droves.
My last order of business for the day was to pick up an elderly couple to take them to their caucus and then stick around and watch the caucus while they participated. Sounds easy enough, right? Five hours later when I left it was with a great frustration in a system that if it's not failing the people of Texas it is insulting them, and a great sense of pride in having gotten through it.
When I arrived there had to be a thousand people and almost no open space left in the building. There was no order. It was unclear where the primary line ended and those there for the caucus began. The polls were supposed to be closed at 7pm with no more voters entering the line. The place was significantly understaffed with poll workers and also had only 8 voting machines when many more were needed. I learned that the more recent election prior had 12 machines and far fewer voters. Why would they have less machines yesterday when the voting was predicted to be at a high? I have my theories. Anyway, there was issue number one, the voting line was not cut-off when it was supposed to be cut-off and voting did not subside until at least 8pm.
The caucus people were coming into the building non-stop and that added to the disorganization. Actually, it was impressive that the Obama supporters had gotten so far as to segregate themselves from the Clinton supporters. I was truly impressed that regular citizens who had no training in these matters were doing what they were doing and were working together even with the tension between them and their candidates.
Long, long, long story short, I was able to locate the other Clinton volunteers who were at the precinct (one from D.C. actually on the campaign staff, one from L.A., and a couple of others in addition to locals) and very fortunately began to work with an Obama staffer who was also from L.A. We worked together to organize ALL attendees into areas based on precinct rather than candidate affiliation and in an effort I won't get into here we actually began and completed the caucus process.
I am embarrassed at the thought that the TX caucus is considered a valid or appropriate process. I was on the phone with another precinct and spoke with warring self-appointed precinct captains and the on-site judge and was a main leader at my polling place. There were THREE precincts located in one building that was not meant to accommodate this process or these people. It was appalling.
Must go but will write more later. I haven't gotten to the celebration part but again, I am so excited about what will happen next in this election!
Clinton for President,
Texas caucus
Clinton Wins RI, OH and TX*!
Last night as the numbers were coming in from states outside of Texas, I had no capacity to even process that Senator Clinton was actually really winning. A friend let me know that TX was close to being called for Clinton and even then I couldn't raise the hope too high as I worked in a caucus room that was clearly divided between Obama and Clinton, and seemingly unfavorably so. But before I get to that, I'll start with the beginning for the day which really ended up being just an extension of the day before punctuated by a shower and a 15 minute nap.
Good Morning America was supposed to show up at headquarters at 6am which brought a lot of us into the office at 530am. They ended up covering something else and we just kept on working.
At 630 I headed over to an elementary school where Hillary was to appear between 730 and 830. I had never seen her before so I decided to go to her rally rather than President Clinton's rally. The crowd slowly built and as people arrived they were given signs to wave. I was put on sign duty to make sure a huge sign was held up during the rally. Selfishly, I wanted to be up against the baricade greeting Hillary so I tried to put the sign up in a tree so no one would have to hold it. The strategy proved sound for visibility purposes but with the wind, it still had to be held in place. It paid off when online stories that appeared right after the rally had the tree sign in them. This is small, I know, but holding a sign up for about 2.5 hours gives the sign an importance, at least for the morning. It was nice that the guy running the event liked the placement.
Hillary arrived at the rally along with Ted Danson and Mary Steenburgen. It almost looked like a scene from Curb Your Enthusiasm and could have been if Larry David had shown up with his guy, Barack. The crowd went wild for Hillary and when I got a chance to go up to the fence and catch her on her way out, it all came together for me in a way it hadn't before.
In person, Hillary looks softer than she does on television. She is quite pretty and petite, and she was engaged in her brief interaction with each person. She addressed people in the face and was sincere. In my brief interaction I was again renewed as I have been over and over on this trip. It might be the "Blink" factor but right when I saw her in person, I just knew that I was in the right place and doing the right thing. This helped later on when I later arrived at a caucus that was chaos and the most trying part of the entire weekend. I don't have pictures available just now as I'm in the airport in Phoenix but will post one later.
I have to board a plane but I'll continue later.
I do need to say that I am so, so ecstatic about the wins for Hillary and can't beleive I was there. More later.
Good Morning America was supposed to show up at headquarters at 6am which brought a lot of us into the office at 530am. They ended up covering something else and we just kept on working.
At 630 I headed over to an elementary school where Hillary was to appear between 730 and 830. I had never seen her before so I decided to go to her rally rather than President Clinton's rally. The crowd slowly built and as people arrived they were given signs to wave. I was put on sign duty to make sure a huge sign was held up during the rally. Selfishly, I wanted to be up against the baricade greeting Hillary so I tried to put the sign up in a tree so no one would have to hold it. The strategy proved sound for visibility purposes but with the wind, it still had to be held in place. It paid off when online stories that appeared right after the rally had the tree sign in them. This is small, I know, but holding a sign up for about 2.5 hours gives the sign an importance, at least for the morning. It was nice that the guy running the event liked the placement.
Hillary arrived at the rally along with Ted Danson and Mary Steenburgen. It almost looked like a scene from Curb Your Enthusiasm and could have been if Larry David had shown up with his guy, Barack. The crowd went wild for Hillary and when I got a chance to go up to the fence and catch her on her way out, it all came together for me in a way it hadn't before.
In person, Hillary looks softer than she does on television. She is quite pretty and petite, and she was engaged in her brief interaction with each person. She addressed people in the face and was sincere. In my brief interaction I was again renewed as I have been over and over on this trip. It might be the "Blink" factor but right when I saw her in person, I just knew that I was in the right place and doing the right thing. This helped later on when I later arrived at a caucus that was chaos and the most trying part of the entire weekend. I don't have pictures available just now as I'm in the airport in Phoenix but will post one later.
I have to board a plane but I'll continue later.
I do need to say that I am so, so ecstatic about the wins for Hillary and can't beleive I was there. More later.
Clinton for President,
Texas caucus
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
It Starts with a Crash!
Today got off to a rough start and is just now ending, with only 2 hours before it begins again but the rough start is long in the past and part of what feels like another day or even another week.
I went to CVS near the headquarters in pursuit of a remedy to my much worsened cough. The cashier there asked if my “Hillary” shirt was in fact a “Hillary Clinton” shirt. I took this opportunity to talk to her about the election. Turns out she didn’t know about the Texas two-step process and hadn’t planned on going to the precinct convention. Her government class in college lets out at the time the conventions begin and she told me she was going to let her professor know she needed to get out early and also let her class know. Telling one person can sometimes be the same as telling thirty. I was elated as I have been so often today.
Then, I crashed…literally. No more details but my car and another car became intertwined (ok, that’s dramatic, but it was scary) and all I can say is that I am a fortunate person. The driver is a Hillary supporter and so is his wife who came to get him. They wished me luck and said they were going to be at the polls and the precinct convention. I can’t say that I’m happy about the costliness of this accident nor that it didn't scare me but I can say again that I am so very lucky.
I am also lucky because the rest of the day was brilliant. I made a ton of calls to Precinct Captains, helped ready fliers, helped compost and email to the PC’s (one of the highlights of my day because I was using skills that I feel are strengths of mine), ran errands (yes, I drove fearlessly!) and did everything I could. There were some wonderful people on calls and some great conversations came out of them including those talks with my peers when we all took time to breathe for a moment and say hello to each other.
The dedication of the regular staffers is not unfamiliar to me as I’ve experienced it on my own team at work. It is wonderful to observer that dedication elsewhere and to also contribute to it. I didn’t want to leave this evening because in simply watching and being there I have learned so much.
Today I had the opportunity to meet one of the women who founded the TX chapter of NOW. She has worked with many other female leaders in TX and I am inspired by her courage. I also had a chance to speak briefly with Dolores Huerta. These people are in the office making calls like everyone else. Even Christine Lahti and Melanie Griffith signed in as out-of-town volunteers and made calls yesterday!
I believe in this fight as I’ve said and I feel I’m repeating myself but I had no idea how I really felt until I was on my way here. I knew I loved the Clinton’s in general but it is so much more than that. It is a love for this country that began when I was a child, a love for public service, hope for what can be (that hope President Bill Clinton inspired when I was 11), admiration for a woman who is close to making reality what some thought would not be possible for many years to come and resurrecting of my own dreams to one day serve the public. Admittedly, it is one of a few dreams.
We’re doing Good Morning America early so I should depart and try to grab 2 hours but I wanted to let everyone know that it is going great out here and despite what external sources are saying to me, I have nothing but confidence that we are going into this Super Tuesday 2 with only victory intended. I have talked to some non-supporters and have hopefully convinced them to vote for Hillary (when they have listened).
Another thing, I’m going to see HRC (Hillary Rodham Clinton) at an event in the morning which means I’ll have seen her and President Clinton in-person in the same week. Extraordinary! I look forward to seeing her speak as I have heard that she is best seen and heard exactly that way.
I hope this makes sense!
I went to CVS near the headquarters in pursuit of a remedy to my much worsened cough. The cashier there asked if my “Hillary” shirt was in fact a “Hillary Clinton” shirt. I took this opportunity to talk to her about the election. Turns out she didn’t know about the Texas two-step process and hadn’t planned on going to the precinct convention. Her government class in college lets out at the time the conventions begin and she told me she was going to let her professor know she needed to get out early and also let her class know. Telling one person can sometimes be the same as telling thirty. I was elated as I have been so often today.
Then, I crashed…literally. No more details but my car and another car became intertwined (ok, that’s dramatic, but it was scary) and all I can say is that I am a fortunate person. The driver is a Hillary supporter and so is his wife who came to get him. They wished me luck and said they were going to be at the polls and the precinct convention. I can’t say that I’m happy about the costliness of this accident nor that it didn't scare me but I can say again that I am so very lucky.
I am also lucky because the rest of the day was brilliant. I made a ton of calls to Precinct Captains, helped ready fliers, helped compost and email to the PC’s (one of the highlights of my day because I was using skills that I feel are strengths of mine), ran errands (yes, I drove fearlessly!) and did everything I could. There were some wonderful people on calls and some great conversations came out of them including those talks with my peers when we all took time to breathe for a moment and say hello to each other.
The dedication of the regular staffers is not unfamiliar to me as I’ve experienced it on my own team at work. It is wonderful to observer that dedication elsewhere and to also contribute to it. I didn’t want to leave this evening because in simply watching and being there I have learned so much.
Today I had the opportunity to meet one of the women who founded the TX chapter of NOW. She has worked with many other female leaders in TX and I am inspired by her courage. I also had a chance to speak briefly with Dolores Huerta. These people are in the office making calls like everyone else. Even Christine Lahti and Melanie Griffith signed in as out-of-town volunteers and made calls yesterday!
I believe in this fight as I’ve said and I feel I’m repeating myself but I had no idea how I really felt until I was on my way here. I knew I loved the Clinton’s in general but it is so much more than that. It is a love for this country that began when I was a child, a love for public service, hope for what can be (that hope President Bill Clinton inspired when I was 11), admiration for a woman who is close to making reality what some thought would not be possible for many years to come and resurrecting of my own dreams to one day serve the public. Admittedly, it is one of a few dreams.
We’re doing Good Morning America early so I should depart and try to grab 2 hours but I wanted to let everyone know that it is going great out here and despite what external sources are saying to me, I have nothing but confidence that we are going into this Super Tuesday 2 with only victory intended. I have talked to some non-supporters and have hopefully convinced them to vote for Hillary (when they have listened).
Another thing, I’m going to see HRC (Hillary Rodham Clinton) at an event in the morning which means I’ll have seen her and President Clinton in-person in the same week. Extraordinary! I look forward to seeing her speak as I have heard that she is best seen and heard exactly that way.
I hope this makes sense!
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Elect Clinton? Si se puede!
If today is any indication, the atmosphere in Houston is going to get predictably more intense leading up to Tuesday. There is more at stake the closer we get and this caucus or “convention” system in Texas is going to prove to be the greatest challenge. In my job I constantly hear the term “training issue” and I can say that in this entire state there is one huge “training issue” with regards to the two-step election process. Generally people we talk to don’t know that they can, should or even need to return to their precincts by 7pm on Tuesday to vote again.
I had an opportunity to really step it up this morning and help organize getting a few people out the door and stationed at some locations to promote a rally featuring President Bill Clinton at noon. It was pretty exciting and though just in mentioning it I am making it sound like I did more than I actually did, it was good to contribute that much.
After doing a little recruiting for the rally, I headed over to the rally with a new set of flyers. There was a great crowd that went wild when the President arrived. I’d like to note that he was very punctual as he was in La Jolla as well. Famous people are notorious for being late but in my two experiences with Bill Clinton, he has been surprisingly on time which is impressive but also probably very necessary given his schedule.
After the President’s inspirational speech, I headed to a women’s rally featuring Melanie Griffith, Christine Lahti and Erika Alexander as well as some other notable female speakers from the religious and political realms. Griffith was very humble and sincere in her speech and offered the view of the average person. She was there because it was important to her and she gave a speech that anyone could give if they could get a room of people to listen. The important thing was that since she can get a room to listen, she has taken time out to give such a speech. Alexander added more substance and family background to her stump effort and has done a lot of work to rally youth for the campaign.
Lahti far and away gave the most inspired and impassioned speech of the trio and spoke of meeting Hillary Clinton 16 years ago when she thought then that Hillary could run for President. Often I am frustrated at the attention entertainers get when they state their support for a candidate but having now been at a rally with celebrities, I understand the impact they can have on voters who even if they don’t listen to them are brought together by them. The picture on this blog features Lahti and Griffith before the press.
My favorite line from the rally was by a preacher whose name I did not catch when she talked about women, the importance of women voting and how she was going to make sure all women voted. In looking around Houston, it is hard not to notice all of the strip or “gentleman’s” clubs and she said she was going to disappoint the men b making sure the girls “get off the poles and get to the polls!”
Another woman who was at the women’s rally and later at another event is Dolores Huerta who is the United Farm Workers co-founder and author of the motto “Si se puede!” The phrase translates to “Yes, we can” and was adopted during Cesar Chavez’s 25-day fast in 1972. She made it clear that she was unhappy with Obama’s adoption of the phrase and since she coined it, rightfully so. Huerta and the UFW have endorsed Clinton, not Obama, and she says that only Hillary has earned the right to use that motto at all. It was cool to see such a revolutionary in person and to hear her perspective since Obama’s use of the phrase in California got such attention with Latinos. Adding to the Spanish phrase, Obama also has a commercial in TX featuring mariachis singing “Viva Obama”. Very cheesy.
Before heading to an LGBT event at a local bar, I helped out with some phone banking completing just fewer than 50 calls along with a new friend I met from Oakland. She is a cool girl who I was lucky to meet up with giving me a partner in crime for my exploits around Houston. She also did a few more than 50 calls so topping out at 100 we were satisfied with running over to “Chances” bar for the LGBT rally.
I’m not a big fan of making calls but I was stoked the times that I was able to educate a voter on the TX caucus process or talk to a Hillary supporter who would be voting (twice)! One older woman was a bit hard of hearing and though I was Hillary Clinton. I told her I wasn’t but she persisted with her question for “Hillary” saying, “Now that I have you on the phone, I have to ask you, what’s going on with this election here?” I think she was satisfied with “Hillary’s” response. I told her at least 4 times that I wasn’t Hillary but don’t know if she ever understood that. She was a nice lady and hopefully her friends will be impressed with Hillary’s personal call and they’ll all have a little party at the polls!
The LGBT even was fun. I met a lot of really nice people and was again impressed when an actor gave a speech in addition to local politicians. Robert Gant from Queer as Folk met Hillary Clinton this weekend and shared his very personal story with the group that was gathered at the bar. I think people were appreciative of his efforts and he made valiant ones trying to get people to do more than just vote.
In all, there is a lot of work to be done in the next two days and I am terribly excited about doing it. I was moved today by the stories I heard and I am ready to hit the pavement again tomorrow.
I am still sick by the way but illness will have to wait to keep me down. With a little rest tonight I hope to be better tomorrow but given the amount of talking that is required, it might be this weekend before I see much more progress than today brought.
Go Hillary!
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Hello, I'm calling from the Hillary Clinton for President campaign...
I woke up this morning with a cough and congestion to go with the sore throat I started to feel yesterday and a headache to top it off. It was an unpleasant way to wake up with a bit of a drive and a long day ahead so I got to Clinton Headquarters later than I wanted to but still in plenty of time to start working in Houston!
Today I mostly made phone calls to local voters. Some of the people I was able to talk to were very enthusiastic and thankful for the call. I won’t mention the others but also can’t say I’m always happy when I get a call from a campaign. Luckily I am usually nice about it so the karma factor plays mostly in my favor.
The caucus process in Texas is something to hear about. Basically, 75% of delegate votes are determined during the primary which is the type of election we’re used to in CA for example. The polls are open from 7am to 7pm on March 4 and during that time people will go to their precinct and vote if they haven’t already participated in “early voting”.
Then, at 7pm, the “conventions” also known as caucuses begin and people who voted earlier in the day must return to their precinct to essentially vote again so that their candidate receives additional delegate votes. Twenty-five percent of delegate votes are determined in these convention meetings. The challenge for the candidates is to get voters out to the conventions after the polls have closed. It is an interesting process and one that Texas came up with long ago. Also, the primary in Texas is open so voters don’t identify themselves by party until they vote for either a Democratic or Republican candidate. So, a Republican can vote for a Democrat and that happens for a number of reasons including the possible foiling of the election. I can’t wait to see how this works on Tuesday!
Until then, there is plenty of work to do. Tomorrow morning I’m going to go help set-up a rally where President Bill Clinton will speak. I can't beleive I'm going to see him speak in person twice within a few weeks, something I never expected to have happen. Then, there is a Women’s Rally in the afternoon which is featuring among others Christine Lahti and Melanie Griffith (the Hollywood factor). Later I’m joining another group for a couple of other events. That should cover the day which will be incredibly busy and if it doesn't, there will be calls to make.
So far, talking to voters has been rewarding. More and more I feel it is so important to get Hillary Clinton elected and if I can just change one mind tomorrow or get one more person to a precinct, I’ll feel great accomplishment. One woman I talked to on the phone today said she wanted to help but that she didn’t really know how she could. She’ll be at the rally tomorrow and at a precinct on Tuesday. Awesome! It is also great to meet volunteers from Houston and from other states. There are some very smart and dedicated people here and I can only imagine the time and energy they’ve already put in.
I better get some rest and with luck get rid of the cough but in case you’re wondering who that man in the picture is; that’s Gavin Newsom the Mayor of San Francisco. He stopped by the headquarters and will be busy stumping for Hillary tomorrow. I was very proud to have the chance to meet him.
Until tomorrow when I'll be sporting my new Hillary shirt (I now have the wardrobe to be properly outfitted as a HillSTAR for the rest of the trip) and with luck will be in optimal health for the day!
Friday, February 29, 2008
With a Little Help from My Friends: Hillary TX Adventure
I rarely consider myself someone who would be called "adventurous" though over the past few years I have arguably done things that one with a sense of adventure may do when displaying that sense. Tonight I completed one of two legs that make up my flight to Houston, TX where I will for the next 4 days take part in the campaign and caucus election process as only Texas would do it as a "HillSTAR" or Hillary Clinton supporter. People are traveling from all over the US to show their support for the Clinton campaign and in a move that I would have never anticipated just two weeks ago, I am among them.
I know that all readers are not Clinton supporters but hopefully you accept my position and know what this means to me.
The Texas caucuses are held after polls close and 35% of the delegates' votes are determined at these caucuses so the system in Texas is quite different from any other states'.
A very generous woman who I met at a fundraiser (which I attended because of a very generous friend) offered me the opportunity to fly to Houston at her expense so I surveyed my silly finances and decided that I could pay for the hotel and car rental and off to TX I go.
The trip has been interesting so far as it comes on the heels of a very trying week. Nothing happened to me personally but my events of the week added an unexpected gravity to this week that made me unsure I even wanted to take the trip at all. I have a renewed energy and am thankful now that I am going to be part of this history-making campaign and that I am doing something that these next few days I am participating in something that is truly important to me.
the short flight to Phoenix was colored by a conversation with a political zealot and a more moderate New Zealand transplant (Kiwi--I love that term). I'm sure the debate was not the last I'll engage in over the next few days but I was thankful that the flight was only 40 minutes long. The zealot, if that isn't too harsh, presented his opinions as fact but all in all it made for an interesting conversation. As total coincidence, he tried to punctuate some point by saying "Well, my girlfriend has MS and..." "I do as well," I replied and that changed the tone of things a bit and we had a good thought brief talk about that as well. I was able to reassure him with the latest stats on research and that was a cool way to end things.
I haven't written this much in a long time and I hope this weekend provides me with more motivation to keep writing.
March 4 is coming up quickly and this should be a good one! Go Hillary!
I know that all readers are not Clinton supporters but hopefully you accept my position and know what this means to me.
The Texas caucuses are held after polls close and 35% of the delegates' votes are determined at these caucuses so the system in Texas is quite different from any other states'.
A very generous woman who I met at a fundraiser (which I attended because of a very generous friend) offered me the opportunity to fly to Houston at her expense so I surveyed my silly finances and decided that I could pay for the hotel and car rental and off to TX I go.
The trip has been interesting so far as it comes on the heels of a very trying week. Nothing happened to me personally but my events of the week added an unexpected gravity to this week that made me unsure I even wanted to take the trip at all. I have a renewed energy and am thankful now that I am going to be part of this history-making campaign and that I am doing something that these next few days I am participating in something that is truly important to me.
the short flight to Phoenix was colored by a conversation with a political zealot and a more moderate New Zealand transplant (Kiwi--I love that term). I'm sure the debate was not the last I'll engage in over the next few days but I was thankful that the flight was only 40 minutes long. The zealot, if that isn't too harsh, presented his opinions as fact but all in all it made for an interesting conversation. As total coincidence, he tried to punctuate some point by saying "Well, my girlfriend has MS and..." "I do as well," I replied and that changed the tone of things a bit and we had a good thought brief talk about that as well. I was able to reassure him with the latest stats on research and that was a cool way to end things.
I haven't written this much in a long time and I hope this weekend provides me with more motivation to keep writing.
March 4 is coming up quickly and this should be a good one! Go Hillary!
Clinton for President,
Texas caucus
Friday, February 22, 2008
Clinton for President
It's been a while. Blame Valentine's Day. No, I wasn't overwhelmed by some romance and unable to pull myself away from a lover. I was working. You can imagine how many flowers I saw go out the door. Incredible!
I digress. This was a great moment from tonight's debate that it would be best not to miss.
I never got to vote for a Clinton because of my age. It was an honor on February 5th. That day was so extraordinary no matter who you voted for. It was historic and this is an exciting time to be an American. We are catching up with the rest of the world and considering more than one candidate (the white man--nothing against McCain who is a good man). The diversity alone brings about a sense of change that will hopefully survive through November and on to the Presidential Inauguration.
I met a hero of mine this past Tuesday. His name is President William Jefferson Clinton. I think that meeting will one day be talked about as a defining moment. We said nothing of import to each other, personally, but it was was a moment I never imagined would happen. I'll tell you more later.
I digress. This was a great moment from tonight's debate that it would be best not to miss.
I never got to vote for a Clinton because of my age. It was an honor on February 5th. That day was so extraordinary no matter who you voted for. It was historic and this is an exciting time to be an American. We are catching up with the rest of the world and considering more than one candidate (the white man--nothing against McCain who is a good man). The diversity alone brings about a sense of change that will hopefully survive through November and on to the Presidential Inauguration.
I met a hero of mine this past Tuesday. His name is President William Jefferson Clinton. I think that meeting will one day be talked about as a defining moment. We said nothing of import to each other, personally, but it was was a moment I never imagined would happen. I'll tell you more later.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Well, things are starting to come full circle. The first "boy band" (yes, there were The Beatles, The Monkeys but I still don't consider them the same as they played instruments, wrote their songs and seemed to have more integrity than those we called boy bands in the 90's) that I was into, New Kids on the Block (NKOTB) is supposed to be making a comeback. Will they have success? I dunno but I think I have a dormant crush on Jordan and secretly like Jon too. I always thought I had a better chance with him.
I wonder if they have "the right stuff" to make something happen as they hit 40-years old (yeah--Jon is gonna be 40). There is no way they'll be as much a disaster as the "Man Band" VH1 tried to make happen with guys were were popular after NKOTB was gone.
Anyway, this news entertained me and I thought some readers may find it interesting. If any of the guys have gone grey, I might be down to give them a listen or at least a look!
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Idol's Back
I didn't see the entire first episodes but I was so grateful and entertained when I did see this audition.
Enjoy and by the end, try not to sing along!
Enjoy and by the end, try not to sing along!
Monday, January 14, 2008
The Bucket List

This was better than the critics say and I'd give it 5 stars but I know it is not the best film. I had to go more than 4 though because I did really, really love it. Nicholson has had more complex roles and so has Freeman. But, they gave a lot to this film and it was lovely. Nicholson and Freeman pulled off heartfelt, deep performances, not always seen in what would be considered a comedy as much as a drama and in such a mainstream film.
The men forged a friendship and found a way to live life, even when there was little left to live. So what if there was some cliche here and so what if there was some predictability. Going on the journey with these two men was cleansing and inspiring and made me remember some bad things but I was glad they were able to go where they did. The writer didn't rely on lengthy monologues to make important point but instead let the actions of the characters create poignancy.
I had to cry and really wanted to weep at the end of this film but didn't want to become a total wreck. It is a wonderful thing to feel that much every so often, even if it is the result of fiction.
I wholly recommend this film not because it will win awards but because everyone faces their own mortality and sooner the mortality of loved ones and the guys in The Bucket List is a wonderful way to face it.
Sean Hayes deserves mention too as his character and the way he played it added to every scene he was in and wasn't at all intimidated by those he was in the scenes with. It was fun to see him again.
Monday, January 07, 2008
The Skinny on Starbucks
I have ordered the same exact drink from Starbucks during 95% of my visits over the past several years. My relationship with the Venti Nonfat Sugar-free Vanilla Latte has endured all others. Now, when I need it the most, it has changed its name and apparently lost some weight in the past year.
I am now supposed to go to Starbucks and ask for a Venti "Skinny" Vanilla Latte. This "Skinny" name was supposed to simplify things though I don't really see that it has. It makes me refer to my drink as "Skinny" though I am not. I actually feel sort of ridiculous ordering it and wonder if people think "Skinny? Yeah, right. I wouldn't think she'd order that." I feel like I need to order a pastry or something so they know that I may drink skinny but I eat fat. Anyway, I know this is silly but there is some truth to it. I don't like the name because it reminds me that I'm really conscious about the caloric content of my Starbucks drink but I'm not as careful as I should be elsewhere. It makes me feel like one of those people who goes to McDonald's and says, "I'll super-size that and take a Diet Coke to drink." The Diet Coke is a lost cause in the context of the extra value meal.
The other thing I don't like is that I don't trust all of the baristas to know for sure what I'm ordering with this new naming convention. I order it, to follow the rules, but then immediate ask, "It's a sugar-free vanilla non-fat, right?" It is a waste of my time and I think annoys some of the order-takers.
Apparently there are some baristas out there who aren't down with the gimick either. Check out what one barista had to say to corporate. I didn't even consider all of the angles she did but it was good to know someone else was displeased with the "Skinny".
I am now supposed to go to Starbucks and ask for a Venti "Skinny" Vanilla Latte. This "Skinny" name was supposed to simplify things though I don't really see that it has. It makes me refer to my drink as "Skinny" though I am not. I actually feel sort of ridiculous ordering it and wonder if people think "Skinny? Yeah, right. I wouldn't think she'd order that." I feel like I need to order a pastry or something so they know that I may drink skinny but I eat fat. Anyway, I know this is silly but there is some truth to it. I don't like the name because it reminds me that I'm really conscious about the caloric content of my Starbucks drink but I'm not as careful as I should be elsewhere. It makes me feel like one of those people who goes to McDonald's and says, "I'll super-size that and take a Diet Coke to drink." The Diet Coke is a lost cause in the context of the extra value meal.
The other thing I don't like is that I don't trust all of the baristas to know for sure what I'm ordering with this new naming convention. I order it, to follow the rules, but then immediate ask, "It's a sugar-free vanilla non-fat, right?" It is a waste of my time and I think annoys some of the order-takers.
Apparently there are some baristas out there who aren't down with the gimick either. Check out what one barista had to say to corporate. I didn't even consider all of the angles she did but it was good to know someone else was displeased with the "Skinny".
Friday, January 04, 2008
The Hardest Part
I've been really feeling musical lately and been really more into writing again than I had been. The happier I am, the less I tend to find words and the need to express myself. Prior to the new year I was traveling all over and too busy to wallow in anything but now I'm home and no less busy but somehow much more victim to insomniac tendencies, distraction and overall discontent.
The song I can't get out of my head today is by Coldplay. I wish I still had "Say" in my head because that day was a better day. Today has gotten better but frankly was dark for a while. Might be because I can't see out any windows so I have a smaller space to let my mind wander. I purged a lot of emails and contacts today and feel a bit more cleansed. I'm ready for the next hour, when I can breathe again.
The Hardest Part
And the hardest part
Was letting go not taking part
Was the hardest part
And the strangest thing
Was waiting for that bell to ring
It was the strangest start
I could feel it go down
Bittersweet I could taste in my mouth
Silver lining in the clouds
oh And I
I wish that I could work it out
And the hardest part
Was letting go not taking part
You really broke my heart
And I tried to sing
But I couldn't think of anything
And that was the hardest part
I could feel it go down
You left the sweetest taste in my mouth
You're a silver lining the clouds
Oh, and I
Oh, and I
I wonder what its all about [x2]
Everything I know is wrong
Everything I do it just comes undone
And everything is torn apart
Oh and thats the hardest part
Thats the hardest part
Yeah, thats the hardest part
Thats the hardest part
The song I can't get out of my head today is by Coldplay. I wish I still had "Say" in my head because that day was a better day. Today has gotten better but frankly was dark for a while. Might be because I can't see out any windows so I have a smaller space to let my mind wander. I purged a lot of emails and contacts today and feel a bit more cleansed. I'm ready for the next hour, when I can breathe again.
The Hardest Part
And the hardest part
Was letting go not taking part
Was the hardest part
And the strangest thing
Was waiting for that bell to ring
It was the strangest start
I could feel it go down
Bittersweet I could taste in my mouth
Silver lining in the clouds
oh And I
I wish that I could work it out
And the hardest part
Was letting go not taking part
You really broke my heart
And I tried to sing
But I couldn't think of anything
And that was the hardest part
I could feel it go down
You left the sweetest taste in my mouth
You're a silver lining the clouds
Oh, and I
Oh, and I
I wonder what its all about [x2]
Everything I know is wrong
Everything I do it just comes undone
And everything is torn apart
Oh and thats the hardest part
Thats the hardest part
Yeah, thats the hardest part
Thats the hardest part
Thursday, January 03, 2008
New Low
Britney Spears was just taken into custody according to Perez Hilton and Page Six.
Click either link for the article.
The new low is not Britney's arrest but the fact that I've been following the story online for the last 20 minutes. It was exciting to have the scoop for some reason and I can see why the Perez must love his job. I love his job.
Click either link for the article.
The new low is not Britney's arrest but the fact that I've been following the story online for the last 20 minutes. It was exciting to have the scoop for some reason and I can see why the Perez must love his job. I love his job.
Radiohead Vid Not to Miss
Check out Radiohead's "Scotch Mist" video. My belated Christmas gift to you.

John Mayer's new hit, "Say" is one I can't stop playing and will probably over play by tomorrow morning but I love the lyric and also the tune. The song was written for the new Rob Reiner vehicle, The Bucket List, featuring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman (due out on January 11--not soon enough for me).
I've been thinking about my "bucket list" a lot lately and the Mayer song is pushing me even harder to get cracking. Here are the lyrics:
Take all of your wasted honor
Every little past frustration
Take all of your so-called problems,
Better put 'em in quotations
Say what you need to say [x8]
Walking like a one man army
Fighting with the shadows in your head
Living out the same old moment
Knowing you'd be better off instead,
If you could only ...
Say what you need to say [x8]
Have no fear for giving in
Have no fear for giving over
You'd better know that in the end
Its better to say too much
Then never to say what you need to say again
Even if your hands are shaking
And your faith is broken
Even as the eyes are closing
Do it with a heart wide open
Say what you need to say [x24]
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Mountain Dave
David Letterman is back and he says about the writers' strike, "bottom-line, the writers are sick of buying their own pencils."''
Dave got to bring his writers back after negotiating a special deal with the guild and it is wonderful to see him, strike beard and all. It is only a few minutes into the show but I'm already relieved to see something new on TV.
As we near May sweeps and awards season, I hope the writers are able to work things out soon. They deserve the money and the recognition for what they do and it is time they get their due. It's scary to think of what lame reality show or game show is going to come out next. Also, who doesn't miss the Daily Show?!? I'm back to watching the news now, in order to get the news. Outrageous!
I'm tired and have little else to say so I'll struggle to stay awake through Dave's opening and first guest (Robin Williams!) before I doze off.
Dave got to bring his writers back after negotiating a special deal with the guild and it is wonderful to see him, strike beard and all. It is only a few minutes into the show but I'm already relieved to see something new on TV.
As we near May sweeps and awards season, I hope the writers are able to work things out soon. They deserve the money and the recognition for what they do and it is time they get their due. It's scary to think of what lame reality show or game show is going to come out next. Also, who doesn't miss the Daily Show?!? I'm back to watching the news now, in order to get the news. Outrageous!
I'm tired and have little else to say so I'll struggle to stay awake through Dave's opening and first guest (Robin Williams!) before I doze off.
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Atonement and Charlie Wilson
I had a chance to see 2 of the many films worth seeing right now and now I must get to the theater as much as possible before awards' season is in full swing!
The trailer for this film actually lives up to the film. The best parts are in the film and not necessarily spoiled by the trailer which is a feat greater than many films accomplish this day.
I thought this was brilliant and a must see. The youngest actress gave a performance worthy of the praise she has received and the nominations that will continue to come. The story was complex but did not cause the audience any suffering other than love's pain. I didn't read the book but imagine it is beautiful. McAvoy and Knightly had great chemistry and again McAvoy is one to keep watching.
Charlie Wilson's War
This film is highly political and very specific in the timespan it covers. I state those seemingly obvious facts because many films about politics don't actually take a political stance and don't cover only the event they are meant to discuss but this film most certainly does in the end.
I do love Aaron Sorkin and will keep this brief. Unlike the film above, some of the best moments (at least the most entertaining) are in the trailer but it is still a good film and worth seeing now, or on DVD.
The cast was great though Julia Roberts isn't in it as much as her billing suggests. This may disappoint anyone wanting to see a Roberts film. The movie went by quickly and by the end, I knew exactly why the story was being told now. Sorkin wants to say something about today's state of affairs.
It should be mentioned that Phillip Seymour Hoffman made the scenes he was in and I can't wait to catch "The Savages" next. Is there anything this guy can't do?
PS--I have a bit of a crush on Tom Hanks now.
The trailer for this film actually lives up to the film. The best parts are in the film and not necessarily spoiled by the trailer which is a feat greater than many films accomplish this day.
I thought this was brilliant and a must see. The youngest actress gave a performance worthy of the praise she has received and the nominations that will continue to come. The story was complex but did not cause the audience any suffering other than love's pain. I didn't read the book but imagine it is beautiful. McAvoy and Knightly had great chemistry and again McAvoy is one to keep watching.
Charlie Wilson's War
This film is highly political and very specific in the timespan it covers. I state those seemingly obvious facts because many films about politics don't actually take a political stance and don't cover only the event they are meant to discuss but this film most certainly does in the end.
I do love Aaron Sorkin and will keep this brief. Unlike the film above, some of the best moments (at least the most entertaining) are in the trailer but it is still a good film and worth seeing now, or on DVD.
The cast was great though Julia Roberts isn't in it as much as her billing suggests. This may disappoint anyone wanting to see a Roberts film. The movie went by quickly and by the end, I knew exactly why the story was being told now. Sorkin wants to say something about today's state of affairs.
It should be mentioned that Phillip Seymour Hoffman made the scenes he was in and I can't wait to catch "The Savages" next. Is there anything this guy can't do?
PS--I have a bit of a crush on Tom Hanks now.
charlie wilson's war,
Concerts in 2007
It was a busy year and I really don't think the list below covers it but here are at least most of the shows I saw in 2007 (*indicates interview with artist, follow link to piratepods.com):
January 8: Justin Timberlake at iPay One Center
January 20: Rock for Africa; Thieves and Liars, World Wide Spies, Regarding Jack, This Holiday Life at Epicentre*
March 1: Midlake at The Casbah*
March 2: Pussycat Dolls and Christina Aguilera at iPay One Center
March 10: Ozomatli at Belly Up Tavern*
March 24: Rod Stewart at Cox Arena
March 27: Slackstring at San Diego Sports Club*
April 21: Five for Fighting at The Wiltern*
May 6: Taylor Hicks at Pala Casino
May 18: Third Eye Blind and Ozomatli at UCSD's RIMAC Field*
May 20: Third Eye Blind at House of Blues San Diego*
June 10: Dustin Kensrue at House of Blues San Diego*
June 16: Jason McGinnis at Across the Street*
June 22: Hell Yeah*
June 23: The Police and Foo Fighters at Dodgers Stadium
July 7: Abbamania at Embarcadero
July 14: Vib Gyor, Get Back Loretta at The Casbah*
July 17: The Fray at Coors Amphitheatre
July 21: Jamie Cullum at Hollywood Bowl
August 2: Hell Yeah and The Spins at Dream Street*
August 4: Broadway Rocks at Embarcadero
August 25: John Corbett in West VA
August 26: Mountain Stage in WV; Les Youx Noirs, Ray Wylie Hubbard, King Wilkie, Johnny Staats and Robert Shaffer*
September 2: Grin's Edge at Cane's*
September 17: Justin Timberlake at Staples Center
September 25: Dropjoy at Brass Rail*
October 10: Rogue Wave at The Casbah
October 12: Genesis at Hollywood Bowl
October 15: Duncan Sheik at Belly Up Tavern*
October 21: Eagles and Dixie Chicks at Nokia Theater
November 17: Ryan Shaw at The Independent
November 29: Aimee Mann's Christmas Show at Belly Up Tavern
January 8: Justin Timberlake at iPay One Center
January 20: Rock for Africa; Thieves and Liars, World Wide Spies, Regarding Jack, This Holiday Life at Epicentre*
March 1: Midlake at The Casbah*
March 2: Pussycat Dolls and Christina Aguilera at iPay One Center
March 10: Ozomatli at Belly Up Tavern*
March 24: Rod Stewart at Cox Arena
March 27: Slackstring at San Diego Sports Club*
April 21: Five for Fighting at The Wiltern*
May 6: Taylor Hicks at Pala Casino
May 18: Third Eye Blind and Ozomatli at UCSD's RIMAC Field*
May 20: Third Eye Blind at House of Blues San Diego*
June 10: Dustin Kensrue at House of Blues San Diego*
June 16: Jason McGinnis at Across the Street*
June 22: Hell Yeah*
June 23: The Police and Foo Fighters at Dodgers Stadium
July 7: Abbamania at Embarcadero
July 14: Vib Gyor, Get Back Loretta at The Casbah*
July 17: The Fray at Coors Amphitheatre
July 21: Jamie Cullum at Hollywood Bowl
August 2: Hell Yeah and The Spins at Dream Street*
August 4: Broadway Rocks at Embarcadero
August 25: John Corbett in West VA
August 26: Mountain Stage in WV; Les Youx Noirs, Ray Wylie Hubbard, King Wilkie, Johnny Staats and Robert Shaffer*
September 2: Grin's Edge at Cane's*
September 17: Justin Timberlake at Staples Center
September 25: Dropjoy at Brass Rail*
October 10: Rogue Wave at The Casbah
October 12: Genesis at Hollywood Bowl
October 15: Duncan Sheik at Belly Up Tavern*
October 21: Eagles and Dixie Chicks at Nokia Theater
November 17: Ryan Shaw at The Independent
November 29: Aimee Mann's Christmas Show at Belly Up Tavern
music interview,
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