Monday, September 25, 2006


We all made it through customs and were granted permissiong to re-enter the U.S. today. I was worried that officials may have read the blog and would detain us or at least me for my overseas activities. It is good to be back though very strange. I should be in bed but I think I have been up for so long that I am not tired anymore. It will probably hit me tomorrow.

Anyway, the flights were good today, Paris to Houston and Houston to San Diego. The first flight went by faster for me than the second, probably because I was ready to be done by the time we got to Houston. Just thought I would post a final update. Pictures to come and of course non-Europe trip subjects...I must catch up on movies now and from those viewings of course come my reviews.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a great trip, Rabiah!