Sunday, November 05, 2006


I'm thinking of coming up with a clever movie-ratings system. Since I tend to write less about me and more about the movies I see, it might be a good branding this aspect of the blog. Mr. Cranky has his bomb symbolism and Rotten Tomatoes goes with a percentage-based system so I could do my own thing too. More on that another time.

I could have predicted that Terry Gilliam's latest release, Tideland, would be unwatchable but despite that I saw it anyway. Scratch that. I saw half of it. We left after 1 hour and 10 minutes though we could have saved time by leaving after 20 minutes or in fact not going at all. I just don't get him I suppose. I like Gilliam when I see him in interviews and I try to like his films but I just don't ever see the point in his storytelling. Similar to David Lynch, I just don't understand why he does what he does. The only difference is I can't stand Lynch as a person whereas I enjoy Gilliam.

Basically, Tidelands was hard to watch because of it's annoying young star and her creepy imaginary friends which are barbie doll heads that she attaches to her fingertips and holds conversations with, her dad who she prepares drug syringes for and her mom whose demise comes early in the film due to drug use and chocolate binging. The characters are disgusting and disturbing and the imaginings of the child are pointless.

In other words, by no means do I recommend this film. See Borat for the first time or again before you even consider this one!

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