Sunday, August 31, 2008

Palin Around

I'm not a fan of Governor Palin. She makes me certain that McCain is not ready to be President. She is not a good choice for the America that lets people have a choice. More later but I had to say something about the completed Republican ticket.

Peace and safety be with New Orleans and the South as the await the fate of another hurricane. Let's pray they are more fortunate than with Katrina, theatrics by the Republicans and President Bush aside.


Twinger said...

McCain is such a liberal guy for the Republican ticket that he needed a VP choice that was more conservative. Palin compliments him very well. The nice thing is, both are mavericks and not afraid to go after corruption and issues; even when it's against their own party. McCain's campaign of "Country First' is excellent since it should always be about putting the country first vs. party lines. If/when McCain is president, I am certain that he will surprise the democrats by being their ally, that is if the democrats can stop their party centric views long enough to do what's right for the country and actual put their party first, which is something that sometimes occurs. Trust me. Under the corrupt government of Bush, democracy is thrown out the window and the country is never first. McCain will be different, in a surprisingly nice way.

We will never know what happens in the actual polling booth but my guess is Hillary is going to be voting for McCain. Why not? You get him in office, in four years she can run again and "fix" all the problems that exist in four years. If/when Obama gets in office, Hillary will never have a chance to run in 8 years because of her age. Hillary also has been a friend of sorts of McCain and she has more respect for him then for Obama.

Rabiah said...

I'd be hard pressed to beleive Hillary is voting for McCain. If you think McCain and the ultra-conservative Palin are right for America, that is of course your belief but I have much more respect for people's rights including the rights of her daughter to think that either are the right choice. I am actually very surprised that you would vote for McCain. I know you are a fiscal conservative but for me, humanity is more important than money and for that reason, I remain a liberal.

Twinger said...

I have never voted for a republican before and never thought I would. McCain is different. He's like me. A fiscal conservative and a humanitarian. With Obama, I see a vision of turning American into the next communist state. Socialism works, to a point. His plans are not thought out and I don't see him being the best candidate. I would have voted for Hillary but I cannot vote for a guy with no experience and no plans for action beyond ideas. In the Senate he's already proved he is a very liberal senator and doesn't work with his piers for change. Put country first and you're okay in my book.

Rabiah said...

It's all coming down to rhetoric.

You're very confident too that McCain is going to make the right decisions and that Palin will be making no decisions based on experience.