I end this year bitterly hopeful about the next. I could make a list of resolutions a mile long and then break every one of them because I'm sure there are many things in this life I should resolve to change. If I'm honest though, there are not that many things I need to change in order to achieve happiness or fulfillment.
Yes, I need to lose a few pounds but my weight hasn't plagued my soul. It has just prevented me from being hot or the best looking one in the room...she probably isn't that happy either. So, I want to get into better shape and if that means I lose weight and look better, awesome. That's resolution 1.
Yes, I need to be better with money and spend less on stupid things but I like those stupid things and money can't buy...
Still, I can be a bit more responsible with money. That's resolution 2.
Yes, I really should drink less. Coffee, whiskey, everything but water. Maybe I'll shoot for that one again. I dunno. I went for 5 months with no alcohol once and 3 months another time. It was a better life so I'll try again. I won't stop, but I'll slow down. That's resolution 3.
Those are simple enough resolutions to make...just to try to be better in those aspects. I read a lot now and will keep doing so. Overall it was a decent year and I can make next year even better.
The last resolution I'll make may seem strange but given the past few years, it makes perfect sense. It is to not be involved with anyone who is involved with someone else whether they are just dating, engaged or married. If I don't know initially then find out (which hopefully never happens again) I'll take loneliness and marry it before I compromise myself again. One lesson I've learned is that a great way to lose a friend is to make that friend into a lover. It took a while but friendship can never be regained. A lover can be an acquaintance and a casual one at that but not a friend.
I am afraid as I get out there and date that I'll be plagued with relationships that end in infidelity as some sort of karmic retribution from the universe. My fingers are crossed though and I'll take what I deserve if I deserve anything less than love. I know what I don't want now and think I know what I want too. I hope losing so far is enough and I am allowed to move on with a guilt that is punishment enough for the things I have done. Eventually it should all balance out on both ends though sadly so far the casualty has been me. That is resolution number 4.
As you make your resolutions or ignore the tradition, try to make each day a good one in 2008 and beyond.
A favorite artist of mine is Jamie Cullum and I enjoy the lyric below as it kind of sums up what I'd like to do this year and the above entry is a start:
Next year, things are gonna change
Gonna drink less beer, and start all over again
Gonna read more books, gonna keep up with the news
Gonna learn how to cook, spend less money on shoes
I’ll pay my bills on time,and file my mail away, everyday
Only drink the finest wine,and call my Gran every Sunday
Resolutions, baby they come and go
Will I do any of these things? The answers probably no
If there’s one thing I must do, despite my greatest fears
I’m gonna say to you, how I felt all of these years
Next Year
Next Year
Ramblings on things some important and some trite things I am compelled to write about. Thanks for stopping. -Rabiah
Monday, December 31, 2007
Next Year Baby
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Target Holidays
I went around looking for a particular, old school board game and Target had it on sale this week. I'd list it here but I don't want the person I was getting it for to find out just yet (Christmas isn't here yet folks.)
I went to 3 different Target stores in Fresno and had my sister look in Valencia too. Nowhere to be found! But, all this time in Target reminded me of my favorite SNL skit in recent years. Check it out below...and if I can find the "Schweaty" skits, there will be more to come this week.
Happy Holidays!
I went to 3 different Target stores in Fresno and had my sister look in Valencia too. Nowhere to be found! But, all this time in Target reminded me of my favorite SNL skit in recent years. Check it out below...and if I can find the "Schweaty" skits, there will be more to come this week.
Happy Holidays!
Monday, December 17, 2007
The Leader of the Band...
Dan Fogelberg passed away after a battle with cancer. I would hope that he didn't suffer greatly but I am sure that he did. I have seen it in a man his age before and cancer, deadly or otherwise, is so, so ugly.
Fogelberg was beautiful though, in his voice and showed a realism in his lyrics. I have enjoyed a few of his songs very much. One I would say, has been influential on me and they way I attempt to write (privately, not here).
ABC News covers a bit on Fogelberg.
Among my favorite of his songs (and probably his most famous):
Leader of the Band
Same Old Lang Syne
Rhythm of the Rain
Same Old Lang Syne (lyrics)
Met my old lover in the grocery store
The snow was falling christmas eve
I stole behind her in the frozen foods
And I touched her on the sleeve
She didnt recognize the face at first
But then her eyes flew open wide
She went to hug me and she spilled her purse
And we laughed until we cried.
We took her groceries to the checkout stand
The food was totalled up and bagged
We stood there lost in our embarrassment
As the conversation dragged.
We went to have ourselves a drink or two
But couldnt find an open bar
We bought a six-pack at the liquor store
And we drank it in her car.
We drank a toast to innocence
We drank a toast to now
And tried to reach beyond the emptiness
But neither one knew how.
She said shed married her an architect
Who kept her warm and safe and dry
She would have liked to say she loved the man
But she didnt like to lie.
I said the years had been a friend to her
And that her eyes were still as blue
But in those eyes I wasnt sure if I saw
Doubt or gratitude.
She said she saw me in the record stores
And that I must be doing well
I said the audience was heavenly
But the traveling was hell.
We drank a toast to innocence
We drank a toast to now
And tried to reach beyond the emptiness
But neither one knew how.
We drank a toast to innocence
We drank a toast to time
Reliving in our eloquence
Another auld lang syne...
The beer was empty and our tongues were tired
And running out of things to say
She gave a kiss to me as I got out
And I watched her drive away.
Just for a moment I was back at school
And felt that old familiar pain
And as I turned to make my way back home
The snow turned into rain --
Fogelberg was beautiful though, in his voice and showed a realism in his lyrics. I have enjoyed a few of his songs very much. One I would say, has been influential on me and they way I attempt to write (privately, not here).
ABC News covers a bit on Fogelberg.
Among my favorite of his songs (and probably his most famous):
Leader of the Band
Same Old Lang Syne
Rhythm of the Rain
Same Old Lang Syne (lyrics)
Met my old lover in the grocery store
The snow was falling christmas eve
I stole behind her in the frozen foods
And I touched her on the sleeve
She didnt recognize the face at first
But then her eyes flew open wide
She went to hug me and she spilled her purse
And we laughed until we cried.
We took her groceries to the checkout stand
The food was totalled up and bagged
We stood there lost in our embarrassment
As the conversation dragged.
We went to have ourselves a drink or two
But couldnt find an open bar
We bought a six-pack at the liquor store
And we drank it in her car.
We drank a toast to innocence
We drank a toast to now
And tried to reach beyond the emptiness
But neither one knew how.
She said shed married her an architect
Who kept her warm and safe and dry
She would have liked to say she loved the man
But she didnt like to lie.
I said the years had been a friend to her
And that her eyes were still as blue
But in those eyes I wasnt sure if I saw
Doubt or gratitude.
She said she saw me in the record stores
And that I must be doing well
I said the audience was heavenly
But the traveling was hell.
We drank a toast to innocence
We drank a toast to now
And tried to reach beyond the emptiness
But neither one knew how.
We drank a toast to innocence
We drank a toast to time
Reliving in our eloquence
Another auld lang syne...
The beer was empty and our tongues were tired
And running out of things to say
She gave a kiss to me as I got out
And I watched her drive away.
Just for a moment I was back at school
And felt that old familiar pain
And as I turned to make my way back home
The snow turned into rain --
Sunday, December 16, 2007
These Few Things...
It has been a while. I feel like I have abandoned most things in the last month, not to mention this blog. I have a ton I think about writing and if I had an iPhone, I might just send everything to my blog as it came to me, like the people in the commercials seem to do. There would be danger in that I suppose since some of my thoughts are not meant for general broadcast and time to think before I speak (write) is uaually valuable and lends to less regret.
I've seen few films as of late but the two I did see were great:
Enchanted is Disney's latest vehicle and craftily blends and animated storyline with live action. Disney characters have come to life before at Disneyland but they haven't been injected into our reality as they are in this film. It is a spoof of the fairy tale happily-ever-after story that I have certainly never experienced but still allows for the happy ending that I somehow still love to see! This isnt just a chick-flick but could be a good date movie. I can't see a group of dudes piling into the theater to check it out but if your gal wants to go, you'll have fun to. Amy Adams was a delight in her role and Patrick Dempsey was a dreamy as he could get without Dr. Grey lurking in an elevator at Seattle Grace waiting to see him.
No Country for Old Men is by far my favorite film of the year, friend-o. Javier Bardem is completely unrelenting and eerily natural in his portrayal of a man willing to kill anyone to get back the money that belongs to him. I don't want to say much because it is one to just see and then talk about with other people who have seen it and feel as creeped out as you do once they have. Tommy Lee Jones is consistent and plays the Texas Sherriff the way we've come to expect. Josh Brolin gave me the biggest shock on film in recent years because he was actually good. I have been pleasantly surprised by some performances but for all I don't like about Brolin, he was undeniably good in this one.
Atonement is one I haven't seen yet but NEED to see because of the Golden Globe noms. I already recommend it.
The Bucket List is due out on Christmas and teams up Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman. I cannot wait. It is the thing I'm most looking forward to on Christmas Day.
Speaking of Nicholson, this month's Men's Journal (cover not on the site yet but it is on newsstands) features Jack on its cover. The interview with Jack, getting his opnion of various aspects of being a man, was entertaining and compelling at once. It gave a great insight (as much as Jack will give) into the man who is a legend. If I were a man, he's one man I'd want to be. I recommend the article to men mostly and also women who are interested.
Last, I am nearly in the holiday spirit though I'm away from home and not going to be there anytime soon, missing the time with family, missing the tree decorating and behind on sending Christmas cards. Yesterday a colleague invited me to go work a toy drive with her and it was a rewarding experience. We didn't get to see the kids receiving the toys but we wrapped probably 60 gifts at least and I felt good about it. It is one of those times for giving and though I would like to think I donate my time and give what I can, I don't unless the opportunity is easy and obvious sometimes as it was in this case. Still, I'm glad I didn't sleep in (beleive me, with jet lag I'd have liked to) and went out yesterday morning. It was a lovely time.
Happy Holidays all...I'll hopefully have time to say hello from the road.
I've seen few films as of late but the two I did see were great:
Enchanted is Disney's latest vehicle and craftily blends and animated storyline with live action. Disney characters have come to life before at Disneyland but they haven't been injected into our reality as they are in this film. It is a spoof of the fairy tale happily-ever-after story that I have certainly never experienced but still allows for the happy ending that I somehow still love to see! This isnt just a chick-flick but could be a good date movie. I can't see a group of dudes piling into the theater to check it out but if your gal wants to go, you'll have fun to. Amy Adams was a delight in her role and Patrick Dempsey was a dreamy as he could get without Dr. Grey lurking in an elevator at Seattle Grace waiting to see him.
No Country for Old Men is by far my favorite film of the year, friend-o. Javier Bardem is completely unrelenting and eerily natural in his portrayal of a man willing to kill anyone to get back the money that belongs to him. I don't want to say much because it is one to just see and then talk about with other people who have seen it and feel as creeped out as you do once they have. Tommy Lee Jones is consistent and plays the Texas Sherriff the way we've come to expect. Josh Brolin gave me the biggest shock on film in recent years because he was actually good. I have been pleasantly surprised by some performances but for all I don't like about Brolin, he was undeniably good in this one.
Atonement is one I haven't seen yet but NEED to see because of the Golden Globe noms. I already recommend it.
The Bucket List is due out on Christmas and teams up Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman. I cannot wait. It is the thing I'm most looking forward to on Christmas Day.
Speaking of Nicholson, this month's Men's Journal (cover not on the site yet but it is on newsstands) features Jack on its cover. The interview with Jack, getting his opnion of various aspects of being a man, was entertaining and compelling at once. It gave a great insight (as much as Jack will give) into the man who is a legend. If I were a man, he's one man I'd want to be. I recommend the article to men mostly and also women who are interested.
Last, I am nearly in the holiday spirit though I'm away from home and not going to be there anytime soon, missing the time with family, missing the tree decorating and behind on sending Christmas cards. Yesterday a colleague invited me to go work a toy drive with her and it was a rewarding experience. We didn't get to see the kids receiving the toys but we wrapped probably 60 gifts at least and I felt good about it. It is one of those times for giving and though I would like to think I donate my time and give what I can, I don't unless the opportunity is easy and obvious sometimes as it was in this case. Still, I'm glad I didn't sleep in (beleive me, with jet lag I'd have liked to) and went out yesterday morning. It was a lovely time.
Happy Holidays all...I'll hopefully have time to say hello from the road.
no country for old men
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Hello Reader,
At least one day a week do you find yourself at work? Working? Doing work? If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of the questions, you are not alone. You are one of millions who are employed in the U.S. The problem of employment hits all age, ethnic and socioeconomic groups. In the U.S., only the very young are not afflicted. The same cannot be said for children elsewhere. In all, there is little that can be done to combat the employment issue and its solution is so puzzling that our government officials will not even talk about it. They only speak of the “unemployment” issue. Meanwhile, people all over the U.S. and the world continue working. Side-effects include stress, burnout and missed social opportunities.
If you or someone you know is over-worked, please write your Congressperson. They could be over-employed as well and that should not be happening in this great nation of ours. Over-employment is also not getting the national attention it deserves. I have not yet chosen a Presidential candidate to support because besides healthcare, the issue of employment is not being addressed and until I hear someone take a stand, I will reserve providing the obvious weight of my support to any and all campaigns. Yes, Oprah has elected to publicly support Obama and that did get a lot of media attention. Despite pressure from media outlets, I am still waiting to exhale and with that breath expel the name of the candidate I will vote for. Stay tuned and stay well.
At least one day a week do you find yourself at work? Working? Doing work? If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of the questions, you are not alone. You are one of millions who are employed in the U.S. The problem of employment hits all age, ethnic and socioeconomic groups. In the U.S., only the very young are not afflicted. The same cannot be said for children elsewhere. In all, there is little that can be done to combat the employment issue and its solution is so puzzling that our government officials will not even talk about it. They only speak of the “unemployment” issue. Meanwhile, people all over the U.S. and the world continue working. Side-effects include stress, burnout and missed social opportunities.
If you or someone you know is over-worked, please write your Congressperson. They could be over-employed as well and that should not be happening in this great nation of ours. Over-employment is also not getting the national attention it deserves. I have not yet chosen a Presidential candidate to support because besides healthcare, the issue of employment is not being addressed and until I hear someone take a stand, I will reserve providing the obvious weight of my support to any and all campaigns. Yes, Oprah has elected to publicly support Obama and that did get a lot of media attention. Despite pressure from media outlets, I am still waiting to exhale and with that breath expel the name of the candidate I will vote for. Stay tuned and stay well.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Writers are on strike in Hollywood and in the face of reality TV and new media, they are fighting for the present and the future. For more information on the strike and to support the WGA, visit United Hollywood. In an unprecedented motion of solidarity SAG and the Teamsters have joined the WGA on the picket line rather than moved across.
I have viewed many episodes of my favorite shows online in recent months because I haven't been able to capture them on Tivo or because I don't have the channel they're on. My commitment is to stop until the writers are getting paid. If we all stop viewing, the advertisers will have no reason to buy time on the websites and in a small gesture we can help the writers be heard. I hope to be one of them one day and I stand behind them.
There are many videos posted by wgaamerica and at the site above. Check out the stars and writers supporting each other including members of The Office, Scrubs and Grey's. Here is one of the best in my opinion, Garry Marshall:
I have viewed many episodes of my favorite shows online in recent months because I haven't been able to capture them on Tivo or because I don't have the channel they're on. My commitment is to stop until the writers are getting paid. If we all stop viewing, the advertisers will have no reason to buy time on the websites and in a small gesture we can help the writers be heard. I hope to be one of them one day and I stand behind them.
There are many videos posted by wgaamerica and at the site above. Check out the stars and writers supporting each other including members of The Office, Scrubs and Grey's. Here is one of the best in my opinion, Garry Marshall:
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Phantom Siren
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Torre's a Dodger!

Just released in the Dodgers Newsletter:
The Los Angeles Dodgers announced today that Joe Torre has been named the club's field manager through the 2010 season. Torre becomes the 26th manager in franchise history.
"Joe Torre is one of the most respected men in the game of baseball," said Dodger Owner and Chairman Frank McCourt. "As we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Dodgers moving to Los Angeles, we will again have a Hall of Fame caliber manager at the helm. Joe's dedication, desire and ability will help lead the Dodgers to our ultimate goal - a World Championship."
This is pretty exciting for a life-long Dodger fan. I don't really follow sports other than baseball and since 1999 I haven't followed it very closely but if a Dodger game is on I'll catch part of it and my fondest childhood memories take place mostly at Dodger Stadium so this new excites me.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Some days my horoscope is ominous and some days it is promising but in either case about 3 out of 7 days, it just pans out. I suppose I could read into it and make it work out everyday whether that were a good or bad thing but in the case of nearly half my week, I don't need to. I wonder how the horoscope I read gets made up and if I had ever Taurus I know read the same one, if the results would be the same for them. Would reading other signs' horoscopes and then only hanging with people who had a decent horoscope make my life less dramatic or even more fun? I wonder. Regardless, I read ahead to Sunday and am pretty excited about the part of the day I have before work. My horoscope aligns well with the plans I have and if it all works out, I'm in for a meaningful day.
Good weekend to you.
Good weekend to you.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Dan in Reel Life

This is just a quick one to recommend the film "Dan in Real Life" to everyone whether you're a "Dan" or not. The ever-endearing Steve Carell stars in this fun and "heartfelt" film about Dan, a widower and advice columnist who ultimately could stand to follow his own advice if not his heart. Juliette Binoche is lovely as the love interest. Dane Cook, John Mahoney and Diane Weist are among the cast. Speaking of the cast, the film was well cast right down to the children in the film. The kids did a great job and in the case of Dan's daughters, could have over-acted teen angst but instead they portrayed their characters perfectly.
This is a film the whole family can see which is a welcome change of pace from most films. There was a good balance of amusement, romance and drama making it a film that anyone can enjoy. I'm glad I happened to catch the sneak preview tonight. It made me feel warm.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Genesis Meets the Hollywood Bowl
Phil Collins took over as Genesis' front man in 1975, 4 years before I was born. I missed the Gabriel (called by some "glory") days of the band the first time around and missed Phil's debut. I didn't discover Genesis until I saw the "Land of Confusion" video for the first time and bought "And Then There Were Three..." after hearing "Follow You, Follow Me" which many fans would not consider their best song. Still, all in all I'd say that I've evolved into a respectable fan of the band and was thrilled to see them at the Hollywood Bowl this past Friday night.
The Hollywood Bowl is one of my favorite music venues. I see about 30 shows a year and despite the traffic and hassle, I can't say I love a place much more. Seeing Genesis there was magic.
Right from the beginning, it was a great musical show. Had Phil and the band left vocals aside, it would have been a fantastic show. They were really, really playing and Genesis' catalogue allows for long musical sets which incorporate all of the talented musicians. Right up through a drum duet between Phil and Chester Thompson the music engaged me, excited me and consistently left me wanting more. Plus, they did some of my favorite songs and a song that wasn't expected (based on set lists posted from previous shows) which was my companion's favorite. It was a great set.
Despite a great show, it was also a show that was victimized by unusual weather. On tickets for outdoor venues, there is always that "rain or shine" disclaimer that one reads and scoffs at because let's face it, it never rains in Southern California. Overall that is true but Friday night was the exception. At first the rain fell only slightly, getting everyone wet but not wet enough to ruin the show. Then, it began to rain hard. The audience was soaked, Tony Banks' keyboards were outfitted with an umbrella and Mike Rutherford and Daryl Struermer were close by seeking cover where they could. Still, the crowd was digging the show and things kept moving.
Finally, once everyone was soaked to the skin and the stage was marred with standing water, Phil announced that they could not continue. The show was cut short! No "I Can't Dance/Carpet Crawlers" encore and no more music in general. The Hollywood Bowl sound people were kind enough to toss some Phil onto the speakers for the exiting crowd but the show was done and for a moment, we were left hanging.
The show did have to end though. The weather didn't get any better and L.A. traffic after the show became L.A. traffic with rain.
All in all, it was a show I am so glad I didn't miss and so glad I got to share with a friend. It was my 4th time seeing Phil and sadly my first time seeing Genesis. I hope they get together again in a few years. They've aged well and seemed to be enjoying themselves and that, even under a rain cloud, made all the difference.
The Hollywood Bowl is one of my favorite music venues. I see about 30 shows a year and despite the traffic and hassle, I can't say I love a place much more. Seeing Genesis there was magic.
Right from the beginning, it was a great musical show. Had Phil and the band left vocals aside, it would have been a fantastic show. They were really, really playing and Genesis' catalogue allows for long musical sets which incorporate all of the talented musicians. Right up through a drum duet between Phil and Chester Thompson the music engaged me, excited me and consistently left me wanting more. Plus, they did some of my favorite songs and a song that wasn't expected (based on set lists posted from previous shows) which was my companion's favorite. It was a great set.
Despite a great show, it was also a show that was victimized by unusual weather. On tickets for outdoor venues, there is always that "rain or shine" disclaimer that one reads and scoffs at because let's face it, it never rains in Southern California. Overall that is true but Friday night was the exception. At first the rain fell only slightly, getting everyone wet but not wet enough to ruin the show. Then, it began to rain hard. The audience was soaked, Tony Banks' keyboards were outfitted with an umbrella and Mike Rutherford and Daryl Struermer were close by seeking cover where they could. Still, the crowd was digging the show and things kept moving.
Finally, once everyone was soaked to the skin and the stage was marred with standing water, Phil announced that they could not continue. The show was cut short! No "I Can't Dance/Carpet Crawlers" encore and no more music in general. The Hollywood Bowl sound people were kind enough to toss some Phil onto the speakers for the exiting crowd but the show was done and for a moment, we were left hanging.
The show did have to end though. The weather didn't get any better and L.A. traffic after the show became L.A. traffic with rain.
All in all, it was a show I am so glad I didn't miss and so glad I got to share with a friend. It was my 4th time seeing Phil and sadly my first time seeing Genesis. I hope they get together again in a few years. They've aged well and seemed to be enjoying themselves and that, even under a rain cloud, made all the difference.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
I Slept Wrong
You know when you sleep wrong and have a crick in your neck? That is enough of an inconvenience when you have an office job, need to switch lanes or for some other reason have to turn your head quickly. What if you were a Cirque du Soleil performer? I think then sleeping wrong would be nearly a tragedy. Just a random thought...
Not that it changes my mind...
A friend who read my blog chose not to support me not due to financial reasons or general disinterest, but because Komen supports Planned Parenthood and therefore abortions and death (not my words). Thanks to her though, I did some research and found that Komen did issue a grant to a Planned Parenthood clinic in Texas (I take more exception to Texas at this point!). I am glad she let me know because this has been an interesting morning of research for me.
Here is what I have to say:
I think it is important to know exactly where the money you are sending to an organization is going. The national Komen organization is funded partly by local organizations but partly by direct donations to them. You can support your local Komen chapter and even find out where your funds would be allocated without worrying about later implications of the money.
The money to Planned Parenthood is going to breast education for low-income people who use the clinic not simply for abortions but also for their health. To limit the scope of Planned's work to just abortions is discrediting the organization based on only one aspect. Doctors perform procedures that one may not agree with but we still see them for our own health. The women who use Planned Parenthood are entering an environment that they feel is safe for them, that they can afford. Healthcare is very complicated and Planned is better than the County clinic or no care at all. The more we can do to educate and prevent illness, the better.
Below is the article on the grant by Komen. I hope you feel a bit better about your donation. I participate in Race for the Cure annually and am very proud of it. If you'd like to donate, please visit my page.
Planned Parenthood Receives Breast Cancer Health Screening Grant
from Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Fund
Project targets low risk women ages 18-34
The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Fund has selected Planned Parenthood of the Texas Capital Region to receive a $17,000 grant to provide affordable and prompt breast health education and evaluations to low-income, low risk women ages 18 to 34.
With the Komen for the Cure’s grant, Planned Parenthood will provide valuable breast education and screening for Austin area women in 2007. Young women often fear the worst regarding their breast health. When they detect an unusual lump or thickening, they may not be able to distinguish between normal tissue and suspicious masses. These women often seek out complex diagnostics, creating an unnecessary expense for the patient as well as the health care system. Planned Parenthood seeks to interrupt this sequence of events by providing prompt and affordable breast evaluation and management services to low risk women. The breast evaluation and management services covered by the grant will include breast cancer risk assessment, a breast exam, breast education with nutrition and health counseling, a follow-up exam, and referral when needed.
Komen Fund 2007 grant recipients include the American Cancer Society, Breast Cancer Resource Center of Austin, Wright House Wellness Center, and Services for the Elderly.
Here is what I have to say:
I think it is important to know exactly where the money you are sending to an organization is going. The national Komen organization is funded partly by local organizations but partly by direct donations to them. You can support your local Komen chapter and even find out where your funds would be allocated without worrying about later implications of the money.
The money to Planned Parenthood is going to breast education for low-income people who use the clinic not simply for abortions but also for their health. To limit the scope of Planned's work to just abortions is discrediting the organization based on only one aspect. Doctors perform procedures that one may not agree with but we still see them for our own health. The women who use Planned Parenthood are entering an environment that they feel is safe for them, that they can afford. Healthcare is very complicated and Planned is better than the County clinic or no care at all. The more we can do to educate and prevent illness, the better.
Below is the article on the grant by Komen. I hope you feel a bit better about your donation. I participate in Race for the Cure annually and am very proud of it. If you'd like to donate, please visit my page.
Planned Parenthood Receives Breast Cancer Health Screening Grant
from Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Fund
Project targets low risk women ages 18-34
The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Fund has selected Planned Parenthood of the Texas Capital Region to receive a $17,000 grant to provide affordable and prompt breast health education and evaluations to low-income, low risk women ages 18 to 34.
With the Komen for the Cure’s grant, Planned Parenthood will provide valuable breast education and screening for Austin area women in 2007. Young women often fear the worst regarding their breast health. When they detect an unusual lump or thickening, they may not be able to distinguish between normal tissue and suspicious masses. These women often seek out complex diagnostics, creating an unnecessary expense for the patient as well as the health care system. Planned Parenthood seeks to interrupt this sequence of events by providing prompt and affordable breast evaluation and management services to low risk women. The breast evaluation and management services covered by the grant will include breast cancer risk assessment, a breast exam, breast education with nutrition and health counseling, a follow-up exam, and referral when needed.
Komen Fund 2007 grant recipients include the American Cancer Society, Breast Cancer Resource Center of Austin, Wright House Wellness Center, and Services for the Elderly.
Monday, October 01, 2007
Donate to Race for the Cure
I know I asked for money earlier this year, for MS. The other cause that is close to my heart, is breast cancer. Please visit my fundraising page for this year's Race for the Cure and if you can, join our team or donate.
My company, ProFlowers, will match your donation dollar for dollar and you can help people living with cancer and help find a cure!
If you aren't yet compelled, here is some of what you'll find on my page:
Know anyone who has breast cancer? Know anyone who has had breast cancer? Know anyone who has breasts?
If you answered "Yes" to one or more of the above questions, then I'd like you to consider a donation to ProFlowers Pink Parade, the Race for the Cure team I am proudly walking with in a month. Even a few dollars will be appreciated!
Thank you for reading and I appreciate your time and your help.
My company, ProFlowers, will match your donation dollar for dollar and you can help people living with cancer and help find a cure!
If you aren't yet compelled, here is some of what you'll find on my page:
Know anyone who has breast cancer? Know anyone who has had breast cancer? Know anyone who has breasts?
If you answered "Yes" to one or more of the above questions, then I'd like you to consider a donation to ProFlowers Pink Parade, the Race for the Cure team I am proudly walking with in a month. Even a few dollars will be appreciated!
Thank you for reading and I appreciate your time and your help.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Death in Real Life
Cancer has taken another person i've known since childhood. This time it was the first neighbor I remember. He helped my mom put my swingset together when my dad "real" dad wasn't there and was very fond of my family. Ironically, my (step)dad went over to his house to visit him today. He went on his own, without my mom or anyone and I am glad he did. I wonder what the death of his friend feels like for him. I know what it feels like for me. It hurts but I am relieved that he is no longer in pain. I feel regret too because I didn't get over to see him in time. I'm glad I communicated at all but should have gone. I feel sadness because I am reminded of the last time I lost someone to this disease. I do wonder though what it feels like now for my dad because the fact that he was over there today meant that he cared more than I would have thought he really cared about anything. I feel bad that my dad lost his friend.
Harry is someone I haven't seen often recently but was someone who was there for the important events. He and his wife were a special couple because I always enjoyed being with both of them. Usually I favor one half of a couple more than the other but not in this case.
If you're still reading about this stranger, it may be because you can relate. If there is someone you haven't seen lately but have meant to, just take the time. That hour it seems you just don't have will be spent later thinking about them when it could have been used wisely in their company.
Harry is someone I haven't seen often recently but was someone who was there for the important events. He and his wife were a special couple because I always enjoyed being with both of them. Usually I favor one half of a couple more than the other but not in this case.
If you're still reading about this stranger, it may be because you can relate. If there is someone you haven't seen lately but have meant to, just take the time. That hour it seems you just don't have will be spent later thinking about them when it could have been used wisely in their company.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Death at a Funeral
Death at a Funeral is a very funny film by Frank Oz (Bowfinger, In & Out, What About Bob?). British comedy suits this Brit who though British himself has ventured mostly in American film and television.
At times hilarious, Death at a Funeral marries dry humor with a little of the immature drug and bathroom humor audiences seem to love and it's really perfect. The overall story is the patriarch of a slightly dysfunctional family dies leaving behind a little secret that appears the day of his funeral.
I say definitely check this one out!
At times hilarious, Death at a Funeral marries dry humor with a little of the immature drug and bathroom humor audiences seem to love and it's really perfect. The overall story is the patriarch of a slightly dysfunctional family dies leaving behind a little secret that appears the day of his funeral.
I say definitely check this one out!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Fall TV
Where did the summer go? Where did most of September go? It flew by for me and I can't believe the new television season is coming up so soon. Some shows have already started and I don't even have my TIvo queue cleared from last season. I'll have to dedicate a weekend to that soon!
Anyway, here's what I'm looking forward to this season:
Back to You: Kelsey Grammer is back in a sitcom for the first time since my favorite show, Frasier, ended several years back. I've missed Kelsey and can't wait for the debut. Look for this one, also starring Patricia Heaton, starting the 19th at 9pm on FOX. In addition to Kelsey and Heaton, Fred Williard stars as well and for me he is always a delight.
Curb Your Enthusiasm: I've put the word out to my friends with HBO that I need to catch this show and so far so good. I just finished watching the first episode of this season and Larry David is as outrageous as ever. The problem with the show is it makes me so uncomfortable that I can't even quote my favorite line from the episode here. It was great though.
Tell Me You Love Me: HBO's newest drama is sexy and sad and delicious and another reason I might need to make an investment in expanding my cable package. I caught the first episode and it was such a well done, real show that I know if anything I'm grabbing the DVD's as soon as they're out. It is about sex and love and how theyir affect on several couples. If you can, try it once and tell me you love it!
The Office: The NBC hit show is still a fav of mine and I really, really want to know what is next for Jim and Pam (aka "Jam"), and Dwight and Michael too. If you need a fix before the season starts, check out the Summer Vacation webisode available online now. It's worth the 2 minutes.
Brothers and Sisters: Sally Field and Calista Flockhart only begin to tell this ABC drama's story. A strong cast and several intriguing storylines brought this show back for a 2nd season. Rob Lowe was a mid-season addition to the cast and a very welcome one. The Walkers are a cool family with as much right about them as is wrong and I feel at home with them every Sunday evening.
Private Practice: In all honesty, I don't have much hope for this Grey's Anatomy spin-off but I do have a feeling that I'll enjoy it as long as it lasts. Addison Shepard became my favorite Grey's character and I am disappointed that she's left the show but if her move to L.A. pans out well, Practice will be a welcome regular on my Tivo line-up. Tim Daly and Taye Diggs make the show all the more appealing.
Big Shots: More comebacks to network television come with Dylan McDermott and Michael Vartan when they return to ABC in a new drama series. I haven't seen a preview, only a print ad in People magazine but with those two guys the storyline won't much matter to me for at least the first week.
I have not watched tv all summer which is why I still have to catch up on last season but I have a feeling that my reduced watching will soon come to an end as the seasons start again. There are many more shows I'm looking forward to but above are my top picks for good viewing this fall.
Set up your Season Passes and cancel your prime time plans. This season on every major network looks promising.
Anyway, here's what I'm looking forward to this season:
Back to You: Kelsey Grammer is back in a sitcom for the first time since my favorite show, Frasier, ended several years back. I've missed Kelsey and can't wait for the debut. Look for this one, also starring Patricia Heaton, starting the 19th at 9pm on FOX. In addition to Kelsey and Heaton, Fred Williard stars as well and for me he is always a delight.
Curb Your Enthusiasm: I've put the word out to my friends with HBO that I need to catch this show and so far so good. I just finished watching the first episode of this season and Larry David is as outrageous as ever. The problem with the show is it makes me so uncomfortable that I can't even quote my favorite line from the episode here. It was great though.
Tell Me You Love Me: HBO's newest drama is sexy and sad and delicious and another reason I might need to make an investment in expanding my cable package. I caught the first episode and it was such a well done, real show that I know if anything I'm grabbing the DVD's as soon as they're out. It is about sex and love and how theyir affect on several couples. If you can, try it once and tell me you love it!
The Office: The NBC hit show is still a fav of mine and I really, really want to know what is next for Jim and Pam (aka "Jam"), and Dwight and Michael too. If you need a fix before the season starts, check out the Summer Vacation webisode available online now. It's worth the 2 minutes.
Brothers and Sisters: Sally Field and Calista Flockhart only begin to tell this ABC drama's story. A strong cast and several intriguing storylines brought this show back for a 2nd season. Rob Lowe was a mid-season addition to the cast and a very welcome one. The Walkers are a cool family with as much right about them as is wrong and I feel at home with them every Sunday evening.
Private Practice: In all honesty, I don't have much hope for this Grey's Anatomy spin-off but I do have a feeling that I'll enjoy it as long as it lasts. Addison Shepard became my favorite Grey's character and I am disappointed that she's left the show but if her move to L.A. pans out well, Practice will be a welcome regular on my Tivo line-up. Tim Daly and Taye Diggs make the show all the more appealing.
Big Shots: More comebacks to network television come with Dylan McDermott and Michael Vartan when they return to ABC in a new drama series. I haven't seen a preview, only a print ad in People magazine but with those two guys the storyline won't much matter to me for at least the first week.
I have not watched tv all summer which is why I still have to catch up on last season but I have a feeling that my reduced watching will soon come to an end as the seasons start again. There are many more shows I'm looking forward to but above are my top picks for good viewing this fall.
Set up your Season Passes and cancel your prime time plans. This season on every major network looks promising.
Monday, August 27, 2007
John Corbett and Me
Unfortunately I didn't pack my camera on my trip to West Virginia. There was a photographer on hand so here you can see a pic of me with John Corbett after his performance. He and his band were fun and showed the crowd a real good time. :) The interview with him will be up on piratepods.com in the next few weeks. This was one of many highlights I hope to share.
West Virginia Welcomes John Corbett
Where have I been? Well, I've been busy with work (my day job) and pursuing my dreams (music interview podcasting). The former has had me traveling for the past couple of week snad the latter has provided me the chance to go to West Virginia for an extraordinary long weekend filled with music and a look at the mountain state. I'll write more about it later but I can say that I am inspired as a look out the window of the home office I am stationed at and see only trees...no buildings, no people, just natural beauty.
One of many highlights was meeting John Corbett at a concert he did to benefit the building of a skate park in the city of Fayetteville. He was a cool guy and I'll be posting an interview with him sometime soon at piratepods.com. Click on his name to see a few pics of John the musician.
More to come...
One of many highlights was meeting John Corbett at a concert he did to benefit the building of a skate park in the city of Fayetteville. He was a cool guy and I'll be posting an interview with him sometime soon at piratepods.com. Click on his name to see a few pics of John the musician.
More to come...
John Corbett,
music interview,
West Virginia
Friday, August 03, 2007
Chili's...a place for business
This is one of those entries of very low importance. A personal entry just because I haven't had time all week to say anything at all. I spent the last 6.5 hours at Chili's. A few of us went to happy hour and then some people left and others arrived and soon it was 1030pm. I don't know if I wasted my time or just had a good time but nonetheless, I set a personal record for longest Chili's outing ever. It was good to just relax and be with friends so I think I'll just say I had a good time and wish you the best for a fun weekend yourself, whatever chain restaurant you visit!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Because I'm almost on a roll...
Check out this video if you care or can take it:
Yes, Lindsey Lohan was arrested. Beyonce fell off stage. Britney Spears might be in trouble! This video is about George W. Bush but I thought those other names might get you here and watching faster so I mentioned them.
Yes, Lindsey Lohan was arrested. Beyonce fell off stage. Britney Spears might be in trouble! This video is about George W. Bush but I thought those other names might get you here and watching faster so I mentioned them.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Dear Mr. President
Watch this and try not to care or cry or even pass it on:
Thank you to Pink and Indigo Girls for making a statement. Pink, you truly have come a long way.
Thank you to Pink and Indigo Girls for making a statement. Pink, you truly have come a long way.
Dear Mr. President video,
Indigo Girls,
Thursday, July 19, 2007
I <3 Ricky Gervais

I just have to gush for a moment about Ricky Gervais. This week, Kathy Griffin took her staff to London for a press tour. If you haven't seen Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List but you like Kathy Griffin (Suddenly Susan), comedy or reality shows about celebs, definitely check her out on Bravo. I'm sure some people think she is obnoxious and she kind of is but I love it and her! She did quite well in the UK which was great to see.
Now, back to Ricky. He was hilarious on the D-List and it made me want to dedicate an entry to him. Ricky, if you don't know, created The Office in the UK (along with Stephan Merchant), and then here in the US. I heard that there is a German version now as well. He also stars in and created Extras, another funny, brilliant show. Additionally, he is on tour with a one man comedy show that is selling out all over the UK which he somehow had time to create while starring in Night at the Museum and Stardust (Note: can't wait to see this one!!!).
What's next? On Ricky's website, he and Stephen Merchant talk about the Extras special that is due to be released near Christmas. I'm looking forward to that and think I might finally need to get HBO so I can catch it! Like they did with The Office (BBC version), they are only doing Extras for two short seasons and a special. My hope is also that Ricky will bring his UK show to The States. If not, I might be due for a trip across The Pond. Ricky is a fantastic comedian whom I greatly respect and I wanted to give him a shout out here. BTW -- I also think he's pretty cute.
Thank you to Ricky and Kathy. Because of you, I'm having a laugh!
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Transforming Harry Potter
This review will cover half of what was covered on "Ebert and Roeper" this week and my opinions are very similar to Roeper's which is slightly disturbing for me. Ebert hasn't been on due to illness but I have prided myself on siding with him more often than Roeper overall. This week though, I was all about Roeper's "thumbs up" opinions and just annoyed with the special guest.
Transformers is loud, action-packed and a great popcorn and soda film. There isn't much to be said for the story. It isn't very elaborate and it seems that a sequel if one was made might be better than this first installation which served as kind of a "Transformers 101" introducing the story of the robots. From the special effects perspective, the film was a marvel. The tranformation of the robots into cars (some of them being really amazing cars) was flawless and phenomenal. The dialogue left much to be desired at least for me. I thought it was silly or even stupid at some points but not unbearably so. Optimus Prime had the best dialogue and he was a robot! There was quite a bit of humor in the film which was a pleasant surprise. Shia LaBouf continues to show why he is the next big thing. He gave a solid performance in this action film and I can't wait to see what he does in Indiana Jones 4. Do I recommend this one? If the trailers appeal to you, yes. If they don't, there is a reason why and you probably won't change your mind after seeing the film.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix made some news simply for its run-time. Phoenix is the longest Potter book but the film is the shortest. I can't speak as to whether there were important parts of the plot line cut out as I did not read the book but I can say that it was an interesting, fun film. It was darker than the Potter films I have previously seen but the kids have gotten older. Things do get darker as we get older, don't they? I have seen the first 2 films though I didn't realize I had seen the 2nd one until I did some reading up this evening. There is some great character development in Phoenix for Harry and some supporting characters as well. There was also enough action and magic to keep everyone interested. I enjoyed two specific scenes very much and they both involve spectacular effects. To avoid a spoiler here I won't be specific as to the content of the scenes. Radcliffe and his friends are proving to mature as actors overtime and it is fun to see them grow up. Imelda Staunton was wonderful as a cat lady/professor and her character was highly entertaining. Alan Rickman was wonderful as well and deserves mention. Similar to Transformers, I would say that if the film at all interests you, definitely see it. You won't be disappointed (unless my ignorance about the content of the actual book and the assumption that the story was well translated from print to screen is incorrect).
Transformers is loud, action-packed and a great popcorn and soda film. There isn't much to be said for the story. It isn't very elaborate and it seems that a sequel if one was made might be better than this first installation which served as kind of a "Transformers 101" introducing the story of the robots. From the special effects perspective, the film was a marvel. The tranformation of the robots into cars (some of them being really amazing cars) was flawless and phenomenal. The dialogue left much to be desired at least for me. I thought it was silly or even stupid at some points but not unbearably so. Optimus Prime had the best dialogue and he was a robot! There was quite a bit of humor in the film which was a pleasant surprise. Shia LaBouf continues to show why he is the next big thing. He gave a solid performance in this action film and I can't wait to see what he does in Indiana Jones 4. Do I recommend this one? If the trailers appeal to you, yes. If they don't, there is a reason why and you probably won't change your mind after seeing the film.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix made some news simply for its run-time. Phoenix is the longest Potter book but the film is the shortest. I can't speak as to whether there were important parts of the plot line cut out as I did not read the book but I can say that it was an interesting, fun film. It was darker than the Potter films I have previously seen but the kids have gotten older. Things do get darker as we get older, don't they? I have seen the first 2 films though I didn't realize I had seen the 2nd one until I did some reading up this evening. There is some great character development in Phoenix for Harry and some supporting characters as well. There was also enough action and magic to keep everyone interested. I enjoyed two specific scenes very much and they both involve spectacular effects. To avoid a spoiler here I won't be specific as to the content of the scenes. Radcliffe and his friends are proving to mature as actors overtime and it is fun to see them grow up. Imelda Staunton was wonderful as a cat lady/professor and her character was highly entertaining. Alan Rickman was wonderful as well and deserves mention. Similar to Transformers, I would say that if the film at all interests you, definitely see it. You won't be disappointed (unless my ignorance about the content of the actual book and the assumption that the story was well translated from print to screen is incorrect).
Live Earth
Live Earth was seen by over 10 million people on line and in person on 7.7.07. If you didn't catch this unprecedented international call to action for the environment, it is not too late to catch the performances, the interviews and some damn cool PSA's.
Check out MSN's coverage here.
I've seen a lot of the coverage so far and here are my recommendations:
PSA's -- check out as many as you can handle watching. There are some good tips and fun stars involved. Two of my faves were Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Cameron Diaz and Josh Lucas. Their messages: turn it off or unplug it when you're not using it. Before you leave your computer for the day, try shutting down and saving energy!
Missy Higgins (AUS) -- this is a good intro to the Australian singer-songwriter if you haven't heard her already
Interviews -- some of them are a bit mundane so pick and choose. I found the one with Spinal Tap entertaining, James Blunt's and Keane's were thoughtful and Robert Kennedy Jr.'s was angry.
Genesis (UK) -- it was a bit sad to see the size of the audience at their show but if you're a fan, it is nice to see them again
SOS All Stars (UK) -- Awesome drumming :)
12 Girls Band (CHI) -- Pretty cool instrumentation
Shakira (GER) -- How does she move like that?
The website is organized by country and there are a ton of things to see from acts you already know to acts more locally famous than internationally. Check it out, take care of the Earth and be wel.
Check out MSN's coverage here.
I've seen a lot of the coverage so far and here are my recommendations:
PSA's -- check out as many as you can handle watching. There are some good tips and fun stars involved. Two of my faves were Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Cameron Diaz and Josh Lucas. Their messages: turn it off or unplug it when you're not using it. Before you leave your computer for the day, try shutting down and saving energy!
Missy Higgins (AUS) -- this is a good intro to the Australian singer-songwriter if you haven't heard her already
Interviews -- some of them are a bit mundane so pick and choose. I found the one with Spinal Tap entertaining, James Blunt's and Keane's were thoughtful and Robert Kennedy Jr.'s was angry.
Genesis (UK) -- it was a bit sad to see the size of the audience at their show but if you're a fan, it is nice to see them again
SOS All Stars (UK) -- Awesome drumming :)
12 Girls Band (CHI) -- Pretty cool instrumentation
Shakira (GER) -- How does she move like that?
The website is organized by country and there are a ton of things to see from acts you already know to acts more locally famous than internationally. Check it out, take care of the Earth and be wel.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
More Moore
Michael Moore on CNN. No comment needed from me, just watch.
Reluctant Insomniac

Insomnia is beginning to attack me again. This happens periodically and I sympathize with those who just can't sleep. I think I got 2 hours. I was productive and did some podcast interview editing but still, it would have been nice to sleep. It is after 6am so might as well call it a night and get ready for the day job.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Sicko Evening
There are two films in this posting, of very different natures; Sicko and Evening. I'll start with the latter since I saw it first.
Evening is a chick-flick, unapologetically. It is about first love and loss and forgiveness and living. It wasn't as good as I wanted it to be. I wanted the film to completely blow me away and stir me and change me. I wanted too much and probably didn't like the film as much as I would have if those expectations hadn't been there. The cast consists of no less than Vanessa Redgrave, Clare Danes, Toni Collette, Natasha Richardson, Glenn Close, Mamie Gummer, Meryl Streep, Eileen Atkins and also the males; Hugh Dancy and Patrick Wilson.
Basically, the film finds Redgrave on her deathbed reflecting on Harris (played by Wilson), her only true love, events surrounding their meeting and the subsequent life she led after she lost him. Harris and most of her youth are a mystery to daughters Collette and Richardson who learn about their mother and themselves as she looks back at the past. The film flashes between the past and the present with the young version of Redgrave's character played by Danes and Streep’s by her real-life daughter Mamie Gummer. Streep arrives in the end shedding a faint light on Redgrave for the girls and granting Redgrave the peace of mind she needs to basically die. There was no spoiler here because you know from the start this is what's coming (it's in the preview).
The film equally weighs the present and the past but left me wanting more. I wanted more interaction between Streep and Redgrave. I realized after reflection though, I just wanted to see more of Streep and that the film handled quite well the interaction between the two characters in their older age. It wasn't the greatest film but there was a wonderful lesson in living and forgiveness of one's own mistakes that the film presented. The acting is flawless and there is no over dramatization in the performances. If anything, Danes for example was quite subtle and beautiful. I especially enjoyed Dancy's performance as well.
Sicko, in case you don't know, is Michael Moore's newest documentary which looks at the flawed if not tragically so, American health care system in contrast to the socialized health care systems found in Canada, France, Britain and Cuba (yes, Cuba). The film was well done as expected and with the exception of a few charming (if you agree with him) quips by Moore, a fair assessment of insurance and health care in the US. Real people told their stories. There was no need for melodrama as the stories conjured up emotions of anger and disenchantment on their own. Sure, there are positive things in our system. The right insurance and the right situation yield a positive result but the documentary wasn't about what works. It was about what doesn't work and naysayers who find the film unfair should keep that in mind and tell their own fairy tale on their own dime if they so choose. They already sort of do if one considers Pfizer and Kaiser ads to name two.
For a second time that I remember, I find myself truly disheartened with our health care system, to the point that I want to do something. I want to take action and fight. Generally speaking, I have known that people are treated unfairly (if they are treated at all!) and that the U.S. healthcare system discriminates against the uninsured, the sick (MS is a pre-existing condition) and the poor. I have known that I am lucky to have the coverage I do and that some people in much worse condition than me can't afford annually more than a month's worth of the medication I don't even bother taking half the time for no good reason. I have been aware of this and weighed down by this but the only other time I remember a fire starting in me and a desire to do something about it was several years ago on a trip to NYC.
Here is my story:
I love NYC and I love America, but I know they are flawed. In December of 2003, I was crossing the street near the Empire State Building when I slipped on a patch of ice and landed unfavorably on the inside of my right knee. It was a tough lesson in proper footwear for such weather and after I finished cursing my New Balance shows and crossing the street, I realized the pain I was in and shortly thereafter passed out. Not a good start to a vacation to be sure. My point? I'm getting to it. Due to a poor booking, my friend and I were staying in Queens. By the time we got back to the hotel, I could barely walk and had to go to the ER. The ER in Queens was dismal. I was well-insured at the time and had money so that was no object. Still, I was there from 11pm until 2am without being seen. There were maybe 3 people in the waiting room but still, it took that long. When I was called back, my friend and I entered a room that neither of us could believe existed in a hospital, a place that people were supposed to be when they needed care, safety and comfort the most.
All of the beds were full and chairs were randomly placed throughout the room. A man with a soiled open gown and even more unsanitary underwear wandered around muttering to himself and disturbing others. People were clearly uncomfortable all around and doctors and nurses ignored them as the called out with a question. After 20 minutes, I was seen and learned that before I could have an x-ray, they needed a urine sample.
I asked the nurse why thinking that it was a drug test. I explained that I had been up for over 24 hours and assured him that I was not on any drugs. He said it was for a pregnancy test. At the time, I assure any reader that a pregnancy would have been impossible...even less possible than as I type this! I told the nurse that I was not pregnant and it wouldn't be necessary. It was hospital policy though because "you never know." I knew but I also knew I had to comply. I took the cup and went to the bathroom. At this point, I had no crutches or assistance and made my way along the wall, getting support where I could.
In the bathroom there was urine and excrement on the floor (hopefully that's what it was) and on the toilet seat. I had to figure out a way to avoid sitting on the toilet while getting my sample into the cup and putting minimal pressure on my injured leg. I can't tell you how I did it but mission accomplished I got out as fast as I could and sat back down, several ounces of urine in hand. I got into a wheelchair at that point because one was sitting there and wheeled up to the nurses' station. I held my urine cup up and was told by a nurse to just hold onto it. What?!? Hold onto it? I saw the nurse who asked for the sample and he ignored me when I called. I was told also to back away from the counter. 15 minutes later I finally yelled, "Someone please take my urine!" I was fed up. My friend and I were nearly in shock at how I was being treated and in looking around me I faced the reality that this is how people are really treated outside of La Jolla and the safety of UCSD. I was out by about 430am but by then I was completely exhausted and burdened by what I had seen. Ignoring my own problems, I was devastated by what I had witnessed.
I wasn't devastated enough I suppose because I did nothing about it other than look up a few Public Policy grad programs, go to physical therapy and forget about it until now. I don't know if I will this time either but to start I am telling anyone who reads this that they should see Sicko and keep an open mind and to vote and to spread the word. See Sicko!
Evening is a chick-flick, unapologetically. It is about first love and loss and forgiveness and living. It wasn't as good as I wanted it to be. I wanted the film to completely blow me away and stir me and change me. I wanted too much and probably didn't like the film as much as I would have if those expectations hadn't been there. The cast consists of no less than Vanessa Redgrave, Clare Danes, Toni Collette, Natasha Richardson, Glenn Close, Mamie Gummer, Meryl Streep, Eileen Atkins and also the males; Hugh Dancy and Patrick Wilson.
Basically, the film finds Redgrave on her deathbed reflecting on Harris (played by Wilson), her only true love, events surrounding their meeting and the subsequent life she led after she lost him. Harris and most of her youth are a mystery to daughters Collette and Richardson who learn about their mother and themselves as she looks back at the past. The film flashes between the past and the present with the young version of Redgrave's character played by Danes and Streep’s by her real-life daughter Mamie Gummer. Streep arrives in the end shedding a faint light on Redgrave for the girls and granting Redgrave the peace of mind she needs to basically die. There was no spoiler here because you know from the start this is what's coming (it's in the preview).
The film equally weighs the present and the past but left me wanting more. I wanted more interaction between Streep and Redgrave. I realized after reflection though, I just wanted to see more of Streep and that the film handled quite well the interaction between the two characters in their older age. It wasn't the greatest film but there was a wonderful lesson in living and forgiveness of one's own mistakes that the film presented. The acting is flawless and there is no over dramatization in the performances. If anything, Danes for example was quite subtle and beautiful. I especially enjoyed Dancy's performance as well.
Sicko, in case you don't know, is Michael Moore's newest documentary which looks at the flawed if not tragically so, American health care system in contrast to the socialized health care systems found in Canada, France, Britain and Cuba (yes, Cuba). The film was well done as expected and with the exception of a few charming (if you agree with him) quips by Moore, a fair assessment of insurance and health care in the US. Real people told their stories. There was no need for melodrama as the stories conjured up emotions of anger and disenchantment on their own. Sure, there are positive things in our system. The right insurance and the right situation yield a positive result but the documentary wasn't about what works. It was about what doesn't work and naysayers who find the film unfair should keep that in mind and tell their own fairy tale on their own dime if they so choose. They already sort of do if one considers Pfizer and Kaiser ads to name two.
For a second time that I remember, I find myself truly disheartened with our health care system, to the point that I want to do something. I want to take action and fight. Generally speaking, I have known that people are treated unfairly (if they are treated at all!) and that the U.S. healthcare system discriminates against the uninsured, the sick (MS is a pre-existing condition) and the poor. I have known that I am lucky to have the coverage I do and that some people in much worse condition than me can't afford annually more than a month's worth of the medication I don't even bother taking half the time for no good reason. I have been aware of this and weighed down by this but the only other time I remember a fire starting in me and a desire to do something about it was several years ago on a trip to NYC.
Here is my story:
I love NYC and I love America, but I know they are flawed. In December of 2003, I was crossing the street near the Empire State Building when I slipped on a patch of ice and landed unfavorably on the inside of my right knee. It was a tough lesson in proper footwear for such weather and after I finished cursing my New Balance shows and crossing the street, I realized the pain I was in and shortly thereafter passed out. Not a good start to a vacation to be sure. My point? I'm getting to it. Due to a poor booking, my friend and I were staying in Queens. By the time we got back to the hotel, I could barely walk and had to go to the ER. The ER in Queens was dismal. I was well-insured at the time and had money so that was no object. Still, I was there from 11pm until 2am without being seen. There were maybe 3 people in the waiting room but still, it took that long. When I was called back, my friend and I entered a room that neither of us could believe existed in a hospital, a place that people were supposed to be when they needed care, safety and comfort the most.
All of the beds were full and chairs were randomly placed throughout the room. A man with a soiled open gown and even more unsanitary underwear wandered around muttering to himself and disturbing others. People were clearly uncomfortable all around and doctors and nurses ignored them as the called out with a question. After 20 minutes, I was seen and learned that before I could have an x-ray, they needed a urine sample.
I asked the nurse why thinking that it was a drug test. I explained that I had been up for over 24 hours and assured him that I was not on any drugs. He said it was for a pregnancy test. At the time, I assure any reader that a pregnancy would have been impossible...even less possible than as I type this! I told the nurse that I was not pregnant and it wouldn't be necessary. It was hospital policy though because "you never know." I knew but I also knew I had to comply. I took the cup and went to the bathroom. At this point, I had no crutches or assistance and made my way along the wall, getting support where I could.
In the bathroom there was urine and excrement on the floor (hopefully that's what it was) and on the toilet seat. I had to figure out a way to avoid sitting on the toilet while getting my sample into the cup and putting minimal pressure on my injured leg. I can't tell you how I did it but mission accomplished I got out as fast as I could and sat back down, several ounces of urine in hand. I got into a wheelchair at that point because one was sitting there and wheeled up to the nurses' station. I held my urine cup up and was told by a nurse to just hold onto it. What?!? Hold onto it? I saw the nurse who asked for the sample and he ignored me when I called. I was told also to back away from the counter. 15 minutes later I finally yelled, "Someone please take my urine!" I was fed up. My friend and I were nearly in shock at how I was being treated and in looking around me I faced the reality that this is how people are really treated outside of La Jolla and the safety of UCSD. I was out by about 430am but by then I was completely exhausted and burdened by what I had seen. Ignoring my own problems, I was devastated by what I had witnessed.
I wasn't devastated enough I suppose because I did nothing about it other than look up a few Public Policy grad programs, go to physical therapy and forget about it until now. I don't know if I will this time either but to start I am telling anyone who reads this that they should see Sicko and keep an open mind and to vote and to spread the word. See Sicko!
health care,
Michael Moore,
Monday, July 02, 2007
Ratatouille = Delicious
Pixar films tend to always entertain me and the film I saw today, Ratatouille, is no exception. The story itself was so creative, the characters so fun and the setting (Paris, oui?) so great that I couldn't help but enjoy Ratatouille as much as I enjoy saying the title itself. This was the 3rd movie I've seen with my little nephew and though he did find the dark parts a little frightening and sitting for nearly 2 hours a little tedious, I can say that even the littlest critics will enjoy the story of the little chef and narrator of the film, Remy who happens to be a rat. :)
I saw the film at the El Capitan theater in Hollywood which made for a unique experience. Prior to the show there was entertainment including and organist playing Disney tunes and then a live mini-show featuring Disney characters and human chefs singing a medley if Disney favorites. It was a lot of fun for the young and not-so-young. I recommend checking out a Disney movie at that theater sometime.
The Pixar short film that preceded Ratatouille (That is so fun to say, right? Not as fun to spell though!) was Lifted, their most recent Academy Award nominee. I saw this one earlier this year when I viewed all of the nominated shorts and was glad to get to see it again. It is a great little film and I hope precedes Ratatouille at all screenings rather than just at the El C.
Pack up the kids if you have 'em, or go enjoy it yourself but definitely beat the summer sun's heat and step into the kitchen to see my new favorite rat, Remy, in this summer's surefire hit, Ratatouille!
I saw the film at the El Capitan theater in Hollywood which made for a unique experience. Prior to the show there was entertainment including and organist playing Disney tunes and then a live mini-show featuring Disney characters and human chefs singing a medley if Disney favorites. It was a lot of fun for the young and not-so-young. I recommend checking out a Disney movie at that theater sometime.
The Pixar short film that preceded Ratatouille (That is so fun to say, right? Not as fun to spell though!) was Lifted, their most recent Academy Award nominee. I saw this one earlier this year when I viewed all of the nominated shorts and was glad to get to see it again. It is a great little film and I hope precedes Ratatouille at all screenings rather than just at the El C.
Pack up the kids if you have 'em, or go enjoy it yourself but definitely beat the summer sun's heat and step into the kitchen to see my new favorite rat, Remy, in this summer's surefire hit, Ratatouille!
Monday, June 25, 2007
The Police and Podcasts
The Police show was brilliant. Ok, I may be exaggerating slightly but I had a fantastic time, the guys sounded great and they brought a killer opening act with them. I'm not talking about Sting's son's band. They were the Opening Opening Act. I'm talking about the Foo Fighters. Dave Grohl and company brought excellent energy, enthusiasm and a nice catalog of songs with them rocking a semi-impressive crowd before The Police took the stage. Grohl even ran through the crowd at one point. Among the hits FF played was "Hero" which was dedicated to The Police.
The Police were great musically and vocally. Sting has not lost much when it comes to his voice and the other harmonizing hasn't fallen victim to passing time either. As musicians all three guys were impressive. Stewart Copeland has the respect of many in his industry for his playing and producing, deservedly so. I don't know much about Andy other than I've never been too attracted to him in any capacity. He was great and a pleasure to watch play during guitar close-ups on the big screen. Speaking of the big screen, I didn't find myself staring at it as often as I have at other big shows that have found me sitting a distance from the stage. I was enthralled I supposed and glanced at the screen from time to time, usually when Sting's biceps were seen, but mostly kept my attention on the music and towards the stage. It was an amazing time.
I didn't get to interview The Police, but I do have two new music interviews up on piratepods.com. Check out my alter-ego's interviews with Thrice lead-singer Dustin Kensrue and also up and coming band The New Atlantic in the music section of the site.
Good evening to you!
The Police were great musically and vocally. Sting has not lost much when it comes to his voice and the other harmonizing hasn't fallen victim to passing time either. As musicians all three guys were impressive. Stewart Copeland has the respect of many in his industry for his playing and producing, deservedly so. I don't know much about Andy other than I've never been too attracted to him in any capacity. He was great and a pleasure to watch play during guitar close-ups on the big screen. Speaking of the big screen, I didn't find myself staring at it as often as I have at other big shows that have found me sitting a distance from the stage. I was enthralled I supposed and glanced at the screen from time to time, usually when Sting's biceps were seen, but mostly kept my attention on the music and towards the stage. It was an amazing time.
I didn't get to interview The Police, but I do have two new music interviews up on piratepods.com. Check out my alter-ego's interviews with Thrice lead-singer Dustin Kensrue and also up and coming band The New Atlantic in the music section of the site.
Good evening to you!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
The Police

This is a silly quick entry written for the sole purpose of saying that I am incredibly excited to have plans this Saturday night to see The Police at Dodger Stadium! I've seen Sting twice but was too young to see The Police in concert when they were initially touring as a band. Having seen Sting so often and trusting the enduring talent of Stewart Copeland, I predict that the show will live up the the hype I've attributed to it.
Here's a narrative medley for ya (dark but I used a lot of songs in it!):
Bring on the night but don't stand so close to me. Next thing you know, I'll be wrapped around your finger. I'll send my SOS to the world and everyone will know that every little thing you do is magic. Only treat me like an ordinary Roxanne if you're a Demolition Man. Had they survived, other boys could tell you that murder by numbers is easy for me, like learning my ABC's. Every step you take, every move you make, I'll be watching you. Voices inside my head will never let me forget and will fool me into thinking our lives are forever entwined in a false synchronicity. If you want to stay, let's spend our day walking on the moon. Do do do, de da da da that's all I have left to say to you.
The Foo Fighters are opening so that is a nice bonus because though I probably wouldn't buy a ticket to see them, I am glad that a band I respect is opening.
In addition to my excitement over seeing The Police, I am stoked on the venue. Dodger Stadium is one of my favorite places in the world. You may think, "You really haven't been out much, girl!" You're right. I have been to quite a few places though and still maintain my belief in that statement. I went to countless Dodgers games as a kid and have a nostalgic fondness for the place. This show will only add to the memories.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Ten-Year (2)
I attended my 10 year high school reunion this past weekend and frankly don' t know what I had ever worried about. It was a silly event and in all wasn't worth my time. Since I can't get my time back, I'll spend a few more moments on the subject to give you the highlights:
Hired Dates: Yes, 2 guys did indeed hire dates to accompany them. This is not speculation but the truth. Twin brothers from my class showed up with 2 very hot (dirty hot, not cute or pretty or believable) girls. The first this I said to my best friend was, "Looks like the reunion cost them a few hundred more than it did us." I knew they weren't really with these guys because they were dating. Turns out, I was right as confirmed by one of the girls.
Boring Night = Discovery: A decision was made by about 20 of the 30 reunion attendees to go to a local restaurant bar for an after-party/party. We were bored at the reunion and wanted to have some fun. It was early so we all headed over. Turns out that one of the twins' dates was already scheduled to report to the same restaurant shortly afterwards to start her shift...in a cage...as a dancer. All I'm thinking here is, "I'm your private dancer, dancer for money..." Too bad for the guy that she was not so private and in fact he had been found out. He paid a lot of money for no exclusivity.
Drugs: One guy told me he had been to rehab 6 times since leaving high school. I looked him over carefully and he was for sure a guy and not Lindsey Lohan just playing a joke by crashing the party. In addition to this guy, one of the kindest people (no one had a bad thing to say about him, sincerely) from my class seems to have turned into a major party-guy and I think he was hopped up on something when he arrived and immediately bought a round of shots before even looing around to see who was in the room. It was sad to see and I wish both of them better health in the next 10 years.
That's about all. It was a non-event when all was said and done and I really wish more people hand been there or the thing had been cancelled because the event wasn't worth the $100 and the time. I did get to hang with two of my best friends which was a good thing but overall, the 10 year reunion is truly a waste of time.
At least I don't feel as bad about myself now. I actually felt pretty good because I wasn't the biggest and wasn't the least accomplished both of which were fears I had going in.
Until 2017! (or tomorrow)
Hired Dates: Yes, 2 guys did indeed hire dates to accompany them. This is not speculation but the truth. Twin brothers from my class showed up with 2 very hot (dirty hot, not cute or pretty or believable) girls. The first this I said to my best friend was, "Looks like the reunion cost them a few hundred more than it did us." I knew they weren't really with these guys because they were dating. Turns out, I was right as confirmed by one of the girls.
Boring Night = Discovery: A decision was made by about 20 of the 30 reunion attendees to go to a local restaurant bar for an after-party/party. We were bored at the reunion and wanted to have some fun. It was early so we all headed over. Turns out that one of the twins' dates was already scheduled to report to the same restaurant shortly afterwards to start her shift...in a cage...as a dancer. All I'm thinking here is, "I'm your private dancer, dancer for money..." Too bad for the guy that she was not so private and in fact he had been found out. He paid a lot of money for no exclusivity.
Drugs: One guy told me he had been to rehab 6 times since leaving high school. I looked him over carefully and he was for sure a guy and not Lindsey Lohan just playing a joke by crashing the party. In addition to this guy, one of the kindest people (no one had a bad thing to say about him, sincerely) from my class seems to have turned into a major party-guy and I think he was hopped up on something when he arrived and immediately bought a round of shots before even looing around to see who was in the room. It was sad to see and I wish both of them better health in the next 10 years.
That's about all. It was a non-event when all was said and done and I really wish more people hand been there or the thing had been cancelled because the event wasn't worth the $100 and the time. I did get to hang with two of my best friends which was a good thing but overall, the 10 year reunion is truly a waste of time.
At least I don't feel as bad about myself now. I actually felt pretty good because I wasn't the biggest and wasn't the least accomplished both of which were fears I had going in.
Until 2017! (or tomorrow)
John Mayer
I know I go to a lot of shows/concerts. I know that I often say the person I saw was great. Tonight I went to Coors Amphitheatre to check out Rocco DeLuca and The Burden, Ben Folds and finally John Mayer. First, I have to say that the entire line up was solid. Rocco is the newest guy of the three and he put on a good show. He has a strong voice and the hardest rock edge of the three which was a good way to kick off the evening. I'm checking him out again at the House of Blues next month. I think the smaller venue will suit him better but he held his own at Coors with a sparse audience in a big venue.
Ben Folds was wonderful. I haven't seen him live before but have been aware of him for about 10 years and from time to time have listed to his work with his band or his solo work. What a vivacious performer this guy is. He's bold because he plays the piano and lets the piano, and his voice, power well over the rest of the band in such a way that you hear every note he is playing and every word he is singing. He enunciates so you don't wonder at the lyrics. I had a lot of fun during his set.
Last but not least, John Mayer. I saw John perform at SDSU's Open Air Theatre about 6 years ago, give or take. He was good then. Now, he is better. That isn't always the case with artists and in seeing John play tonight, looking at the way he led the band, and hearing the way his old songs have developed over time while his new songs have a brilliance all their own, it is clear that John is truly an artist with a respect for music and a clear interest in learning and improving in his art. His lyrics have always been good and they have grown with him. The subjects have moved from girls and high school memories to adult relationships, deeper introspection and social awareness (kudos for Waiting on the World to Change). As a whole his catalog of songs so far make for an enjoyable night of music. John is sexier, more mature, and ever more talented as a performer. I am excited to hear what he does next. If you get a chance to check him out sometime, definitely go see John Mayer.
Thanks for a great show tonight, guys!
Ben Folds was wonderful. I haven't seen him live before but have been aware of him for about 10 years and from time to time have listed to his work with his band or his solo work. What a vivacious performer this guy is. He's bold because he plays the piano and lets the piano, and his voice, power well over the rest of the band in such a way that you hear every note he is playing and every word he is singing. He enunciates so you don't wonder at the lyrics. I had a lot of fun during his set.
Last but not least, John Mayer. I saw John perform at SDSU's Open Air Theatre about 6 years ago, give or take. He was good then. Now, he is better. That isn't always the case with artists and in seeing John play tonight, looking at the way he led the band, and hearing the way his old songs have developed over time while his new songs have a brilliance all their own, it is clear that John is truly an artist with a respect for music and a clear interest in learning and improving in his art. His lyrics have always been good and they have grown with him. The subjects have moved from girls and high school memories to adult relationships, deeper introspection and social awareness (kudos for Waiting on the World to Change). As a whole his catalog of songs so far make for an enjoyable night of music. John is sexier, more mature, and ever more talented as a performer. I am excited to hear what he does next. If you get a chance to check him out sometime, definitely go see John Mayer.
Thanks for a great show tonight, guys!
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
My 10-year High School Reunion is this weekend. Since graduation was a while ago and probably the first time anyone mentioned a reunion, I don't remember my exact thoughts of where I thought I'd be 10 years on. I don't think it was here. I am proud of some accomplishments and even proud that I am ashamed of some things I've done too. It means that in the last 10 years I have lived. Still, I'm not happy. I wish I could say I've been extraordinary or that I'd become gorgeous or even lost 10 pounds since January rather than gained them. But, I will go, as I am, a little more jaded, a little more complicated and hopeful that I have changed for the better. I am going with my best friends, going as a singleton and going to enjoy it all the same.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
There is a lot going on with Pirates lately and in case you hadn't heard here are a few things happening in their world:
Pirates of the Caribbean 3 has been released.I finally saw the 2nd one and was over the moon when Geoffrey Rush suddenly appeared at the end! Very cool. I wasn't too excited about seeing the third until I saw the 2nd and that delicious cliff-hanger happened. I know that first part, that I wasn't excited to see the 3rd until the 2nd may not make sense but there are some cases where seeing the previous movie is not a requirement for my excitement about a coming attraction. Oceans 13 is an example. George Clooney = Excited Filmgoer Rabiah
Piratepods.com: This is a webzine I work for. I get to live part of a dream as a journalist and there is great hope that this will take off one day. All of the pirates who work for the 'zine are in love with it so the passion is there. My latest interviewees: Josh Kelley and Third Eye Blind. I actually met Third Eye Blind in person...all of them. The drummer, Brad Hargreaves, is the person I interviewed but after the show I met everyone. Too cool. It was on of those Rock 'n Roll fantasies that came true. I just edited the interviews yesterday and they'll be up this weekend.
Pirate RC: That's my pirate alias!
Talk Like a Pirate Day: an actual big deal in England but you can make it happen where you are too...Sept 19.
Pirate Clothing: Skull and Crossbones fashions were supposed to be soooo last season but ultra-cool Jack Sparrow is keeping this style going.
Pirates of the Caribbean 3 has been released.
Piratepods.com: This is a webzine I work for. I get to live part of a dream as a journalist and there is great hope that this will take off one day. All of the pirates who work for the 'zine are in love with it so the passion is there. My latest interviewees: Josh Kelley and Third Eye Blind. I actually met Third Eye Blind in person...all of them. The drummer, Brad Hargreaves, is the person I interviewed but after the show I met everyone. Too cool. It was on of those Rock 'n Roll fantasies that came true. I just edited the interviews yesterday and they'll be up this weekend.
Pirate RC: That's my pirate alias!
Talk Like a Pirate Day: an actual big deal in England but you can make it happen where you are too...Sept 19.
Pirate Clothing: Skull and Crossbones fashions were supposed to be soooo last season but ultra-cool Jack Sparrow is keeping this style going.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
My muse has left me
Before my art has sold,
For something spiritual,
something more...old.
Now I can eat but can't sleep,
Expertly rant and cry more than laugh,
And I'm stuck writing bad poetry
Unable to sew and make it prose.
No more
No Lenore
My muse has left me
Taking my cheap soul,
For something more real,
To him I suppose.
Before my art has sold,
For something spiritual,
something more...old.
Now I can eat but can't sleep,
Expertly rant and cry more than laugh,
And I'm stuck writing bad poetry
Unable to sew and make it prose.
No more
No Lenore
My muse has left me
Taking my cheap soul,
For something more real,
To him I suppose.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
What Now?
I didn't start off writing this blog to update a few people on American Idol each week. In fact, I don't think I meant to talk about TV or movies at all. But, as time has passed, that is what the blog has been used for. It has been another way for me to hide behind unimportant, inconsequential things, similar to the way I conduct myself off-line minus the humor. I insist that I cannot "write funny" very well but I do say funny things when I speak. We'll see what the future brings for me and this blog. I think about a lot more than TV but so far am scared to write about those things. I may start and I hope you'll read. Until then, I'm sure some movie reviews will come seeing that Idol is over now and I seem to be able to write about them, but I also hope to write about something else too.
Happy Memorial Day weekend...still another day left before work resumes again!
Happy Memorial Day weekend...still another day left before work resumes again!
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Jordin Sparks -- Winner
Congratulations for Ms. Jordin on her American Idol win. Of the final 2, she definitely has the strongest voice. Blake is the creative one and I think would make not only a good performer but a good producer so don't be surprised when you hear about collaborations between he and others in the future.
The final song was not that great in my opinion and certainly did nothing for Blake. It wasn't a song that fit his typical genre or his personality. I wasn't surprised at the results of the final week once all was said and done Tuesday night.
Good luck to Blake, Melinda and Jordin as they all begin or continue what will hopefully be brilliant careers.
The final song was not that great in my opinion and certainly did nothing for Blake. It wasn't a song that fit his typical genre or his personality. I wasn't surprised at the results of the final week once all was said and done Tuesday night.
Good luck to Blake, Melinda and Jordin as they all begin or continue what will hopefully be brilliant careers.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
American Idol: A Tale of 2 Singers
I know, I know...I've been MIA for a little while. Work. That's the reason. Anyway, I can't yet somehow I can believe that Blake and Jordin are the final two Idol contestants. Melinda should be up there in a face-off with Jordin. That would have been interesting and a good battle royale because they are both strong-voiced, beautiful women who show a genuine passion for singing itself. Jordin has a dramatic flair that gives her an edge on ballads and Melinda had developed a sass that shows up on the upbeat numbers--a new confidence she learned on Idol. It would have been something. But, Melinda is no more and that is too bad. It seems possible that this is the result of a "3rd-party candidate" factor where 2 people likely to have similar fan bases saw their votes split up.
Enter Blake. I do really like Blake and I would go see him perform and buy an album because I think he is creative, comes up with great jams and is a hottie to boot. I don't want to discount his talent when I praise the 2 girls. It is just a different talent. I don't think he has the best singing voice though it is good and his beat-boxing is amazing. I am interested to see how he performs next week when it is very possible that any beat-boxing at all could kill him and the songs are unfamiliar to anyone at all.
Good luck to Jordin and to Blake.
Enter Blake. I do really like Blake and I would go see him perform and buy an album because I think he is creative, comes up with great jams and is a hottie to boot. I don't want to discount his talent when I praise the 2 girls. It is just a different talent. I don't think he has the best singing voice though it is good and his beat-boxing is amazing. I am interested to see how he performs next week when it is very possible that any beat-boxing at all could kill him and the songs are unfamiliar to anyone at all.
Good luck to Jordin and to Blake.
Saturday, May 05, 2007
And then there were 4....
Just a quick hello as I've been offline all week, traveling for work.
I wanted to give myself props for calling Idol this week as Chris and Phil left. I feel bad for punking on Phil all of the time but that's how it is in Hollywood, baby. As for Chris, the stage won't look as good and I think he has something to offer but when you look at who's left, he was out of his league.
I think there is some danger that the votes will be split too much between the three girls so people, it is time to pick you person and vote!
Blake looks cool was his new hair as mentioned in comments and will probably be doing something simply groovy this week when Barry Gibb is the guest.
--Separate thought: I love the Bee Gees and am so excited that Barry Gibb will be on.
LaKisha needs to have fun this week and really bring it. That sounds lame but really, that's what it comes down to. She will have to keep performing to her absolute fullest ability. I can't wait to see what he'll come up with.
Jordin will also need to "bring it" so to speak and Disco is a great opportunity to show her youth while showcasing her voice. I have a soft spot for the youngin'.
I think Melinda has anything locked in at this point. She is a great, versatile talent that deserves recognition through Idol or outside of it. She is a woman that has worked hard at her craft and clearly respects music. Love her!
We'll see what happens...
I wanted to give myself props for calling Idol this week as Chris and Phil left. I feel bad for punking on Phil all of the time but that's how it is in Hollywood, baby. As for Chris, the stage won't look as good and I think he has something to offer but when you look at who's left, he was out of his league.
I think there is some danger that the votes will be split too much between the three girls so people, it is time to pick you person and vote!
Blake looks cool was his new hair as mentioned in comments and will probably be doing something simply groovy this week when Barry Gibb is the guest.
--Separate thought: I love the Bee Gees and am so excited that Barry Gibb will be on.
LaKisha needs to have fun this week and really bring it. That sounds lame but really, that's what it comes down to. She will have to keep performing to her absolute fullest ability. I can't wait to see what he'll come up with.
Jordin will also need to "bring it" so to speak and Disco is a great opportunity to show her youth while showcasing her voice. I have a soft spot for the youngin'.
I think Melinda has anything locked in at this point. She is a great, versatile talent that deserves recognition through Idol or outside of it. She is a woman that has worked hard at her craft and clearly respects music. Love her!
We'll see what happens...
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Idol Top 6 Redux
The Top 6 were back for another week on American Idol this time with Jon Bon Jovi himself as their teacher. Idol did remedy a consistent complaint I've had this season has been that the contestants don't sing the guest artists' songs. This week though, the daunting task of the Top 6 was to sing Bon Jovi. It was not easy for any of them but it was a good show. I'll break it down for you though I don't recall exactly what song everyone sang.
Phil Stacey: (Blaze of Glory): He was ok. The judges made a big thing of Phil but I'm just not into him.
LaKisha Jones (This Ain't A Love Song): LaKisha was a hot one tonight. She even landed a kiss from Simon after her performance. Seriously though, she handled the rock song very well and it was a sexy performance.
Jordin Sparks (Livin' on a Prayer"): I think I just really like Jordin and that makes it tough for me to ever say she didn't do a fantastic job. I guess this week though, she really didn't. She is a great singer and one of the Top 2 in my opinion but this wasn't her week.
Blake Lewis (You Give Love a Bad Name): Finally Blake got to do some beat boxing again. I think that it is always risky when he does it but also shows him to be an artist rather than just a wannabe pop star. I thought this was awesome! It is so great that he is able to create his own arrangements and get the respect of other artists that way.
Chris Richardson (Wanted Dead or Alive): Seacrest referred to Chris as "Justin Timberlake" when doing his introduction and had Seacrest acknowledged Chris' reaction it could have turned into one of those awkward Idol moments but he didn't and you had to be paying little attention to see that Chris was displeased by the reference. It is not an insult to be called JT but it also isn't great when you're trying to be your own person and win this show. Chris was pretty good this week and I think he is a strong contestant but with 2 people going this week, I can't say that I'm not hoping he's one of them. I won't be happy to see him go but I really don't want Blake, Melinda, LaKisha or Jordin gone just yet.
Melinda Doolittle (Have a Nice Day): This woman just makes me smile. I love seeing Melinda and she rocked it tonight! The difference between her and Jordin is all of the experience Melinda has that allowed her to "get" rock this week. She came in not knowing how to sing rock but she was able to bring it. Yes! The judges likened Melinda to a young Tina Turner tonight and that sums her up. She brought the attitude.
Incidentally, I visited the iTunes Store and found that the banner ad at the top of the home page is for Idol Gives Back and Bon Jovi's new album. Lucrative.
For some reason, Idol decided to have George W. and Laura B. on which almost made me sick. Dubya did mention Bono specifically which was clearly a political move and Laura and he made fun of the dancing episode he had last week. I guess it is ok that he was on the show but I'm not a fan and would rather have seen Bono again.
Phil Stacey: (Blaze of Glory): He was ok. The judges made a big thing of Phil but I'm just not into him.
LaKisha Jones (This Ain't A Love Song): LaKisha was a hot one tonight. She even landed a kiss from Simon after her performance. Seriously though, she handled the rock song very well and it was a sexy performance.
Jordin Sparks (Livin' on a Prayer"): I think I just really like Jordin and that makes it tough for me to ever say she didn't do a fantastic job. I guess this week though, she really didn't. She is a great singer and one of the Top 2 in my opinion but this wasn't her week.
Blake Lewis (You Give Love a Bad Name): Finally Blake got to do some beat boxing again. I think that it is always risky when he does it but also shows him to be an artist rather than just a wannabe pop star. I thought this was awesome! It is so great that he is able to create his own arrangements and get the respect of other artists that way.
Chris Richardson (Wanted Dead or Alive): Seacrest referred to Chris as "Justin Timberlake" when doing his introduction and had Seacrest acknowledged Chris' reaction it could have turned into one of those awkward Idol moments but he didn't and you had to be paying little attention to see that Chris was displeased by the reference. It is not an insult to be called JT but it also isn't great when you're trying to be your own person and win this show. Chris was pretty good this week and I think he is a strong contestant but with 2 people going this week, I can't say that I'm not hoping he's one of them. I won't be happy to see him go but I really don't want Blake, Melinda, LaKisha or Jordin gone just yet.
Melinda Doolittle (Have a Nice Day): This woman just makes me smile. I love seeing Melinda and she rocked it tonight! The difference between her and Jordin is all of the experience Melinda has that allowed her to "get" rock this week. She came in not knowing how to sing rock but she was able to bring it. Yes! The judges likened Melinda to a young Tina Turner tonight and that sums her up. She brought the attitude.
Incidentally, I visited the iTunes Store and found that the banner ad at the top of the home page is for Idol Gives Back and Bon Jovi's new album. Lucrative.
For some reason, Idol decided to have George W. and Laura B. on which almost made me sick. Dubya did mention Bono specifically which was clearly a political move and Laura and he made fun of the dancing episode he had last week. I guess it is ok that he was on the show but I'm not a fan and would rather have seen Bono again.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Idol Surprises
"Idols Give Back" was truly a remarkable television event. Though it was sensational in parts and definitely used music to manipulate the emotions, at some point no manipulation was needed for the reaction to certain video clips to be emotional and true. Seeing extreme poverty at home and in Africa, and seeing people dying or in pain, and knowing that the $3.80 I spent on a latte today could save someone else's life such as a child that has Malaria made me want to give and also made me cry. It was a great show and an unprecidented amount of money will be raised by the end of the night. For all of the American Idol haters, the show took a socially responsible stance tonight and for those who watched provided much to think about. So far over $30 million has been raised to help children in the U.S. and Africa. I've raised almost $2000 for the MS Walk through generous friends and that has take a lot of time but is something I'm proud of. I can't imagine the pride that comes from raising $30M.
My first surprise of the night was the impact of "Idols Give Back".
The second surprise was the final results portion of the show. It seemed that it was between Jordin and Chris. I was shocked when it seemed that Jordin was kicked off but then Ryan announced that no one would be kicked off this week. Next week, the bottom 2 will be gone. It was cruel thing to do to Jordin, to make her think she was done, but it is great that she'll have another chance. Next week, voting iwill be very important since this week's votes count towards next week's totals and 2 will be gone.
I don't have a review this week and still hold the opinion that the Top 4 should be Melinda, Jordin, La Kisha and Blake. I have a feeling that next week will be an upset for me. I don't want Chris gone but in order for me to be right, he and Phil will have to go.
Have a good week and if you didn't have a chance, now is your opportunity to make a difference in others' lives. Go to www.americanidol.com/idolgivesback and donate or if you are interested, I am also still raising money for MS and you can check out my MS Walk page by clicking here.
My first surprise of the night was the impact of "Idols Give Back".
The second surprise was the final results portion of the show. It seemed that it was between Jordin and Chris. I was shocked when it seemed that Jordin was kicked off but then Ryan announced that no one would be kicked off this week. Next week, the bottom 2 will be gone. It was cruel thing to do to Jordin, to make her think she was done, but it is great that she'll have another chance. Next week, voting iwill be very important since this week's votes count towards next week's totals and 2 will be gone.
I don't have a review this week and still hold the opinion that the Top 4 should be Melinda, Jordin, La Kisha and Blake. I have a feeling that next week will be an upset for me. I don't want Chris gone but in order for me to be right, he and Phil will have to go.
Have a good week and if you didn't have a chance, now is your opportunity to make a difference in others' lives. Go to www.americanidol.com/idolgivesback and donate or if you are interested, I am also still raising money for MS and you can check out my MS Walk page by clicking here.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Help those with MS!
Hello Reader,
I set an audacious fundraising goal for this year's MS Walk and I need your help to reach my goal. Can you spare a few dollars? If so, please CLICK HERE! Any amount will help go towards finding a cure for MS helping me and over 400,000 others like me. MS has affected me for the past 6 years and I am fortunate to be able to participate in the walk while so many with the disease cannot.
ProFlowers is matching all money contributed so anything you give will be matched in kind. Don't forget that Mother's Day is May 13th btw. In thinking of work, I thought of mother. :)
Thank you!
I set an audacious fundraising goal for this year's MS Walk and I need your help to reach my goal. Can you spare a few dollars? If so, please CLICK HERE! Any amount will help go towards finding a cure for MS helping me and over 400,000 others like me. MS has affected me for the past 6 years and I am fortunate to be able to participate in the walk while so many with the disease cannot.
ProFlowers is matching all money contributed so anything you give will be matched in kind. Don't forget that Mother's Day is May 13th btw. In thinking of work, I thought of mother. :)
Thank you!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Goodbye Sanjaya
It was a rough night on Idol for fans as favorites were put into the bottom 3. LaKisha, Blake and Sanjaya found themselves with the least votes this week and basically what this says is, "Fans, you have been called to action, start voting next week or the upsets will begin with the best leaving the show before they should." When there are too many similar yet strong contestants, the votes become diluted and shared between the most talented which can leave the truly less popular person with more votes in the end. It is kind of like having a Third Party candidate in a Presidential race.
Ultimately and gladly I report that Mr. Sanjaya Malakar ended his residency on the Idol stage. Justice has been served. Sorry Howard, votefortheworst.com and whoever else wanted to play a joke on Idol. You can beat that machine. And, shame on you for using a kid to do that. Sanjaya will probably come away with some entertainment career if he wants it. He's a good-looking, charismatic and entertaining guy who just needs a few years on him. Good luck, Sanjaya.
Ultimately and gladly I report that Mr. Sanjaya Malakar ended his residency on the Idol stage. Justice has been served. Sorry Howard, votefortheworst.com and whoever else wanted to play a joke on Idol. You can beat that machine. And, shame on you for using a kid to do that. Sanjaya will probably come away with some entertainment career if he wants it. He's a good-looking, charismatic and entertaining guy who just needs a few years on him. Good luck, Sanjaya.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Country Week -- American Idol Top 6
Country music is not Simon Cowell's favorite, and historically is not the easiest for Idol contestants. That being said, this was a decent week for some and for one in particular more of a disappointment. Martina McBride was the guest and offered thoughtful advice that everyone should have listened to. I'll break it down from my perspective:
Phil Stacey: He did a good job this week though I just can't get past not liking his look. I think he wasn't the worst at all based on this week though and deserves to stick around. He was definitely in his groove with the country genre.
LaKisha Jones: Singing Carrie Underwood's "Jesus Take the Wheel", she over sang and overpowered a song that was probably just to simple for her big and soulful voice. She shouldn't have tried to sing the song as straight as she did. With a different arrangement, it would have been better. My hope is that she doesn't lose too many votes because it is this kind of performance at this stage in the competition that has hurt lesser contestants. Cross your fingers and hope that there is no upset tomorrow.
Chris Richardson: He wasn't awful this week but he also wasn't impressive. Chris probably won't make it past the Top 5 but he is one of my favorite to watch anyway, just in case he blows it out of the water.
Jordin Sparks: Again, this girl was amazing. She gave me chills and even brought herself to well up with tears. She is brilliant and at 17 shows an incredible amount of feeling in singing mature songs.
Sanjaya Malakar: I know I've consistently been hard on Sanjaya but this week he deserves it. Whatever about his hair...I don't even care anymore and actually I do think it is pretty cool that he can wear it any way and still look like a cute kid. His performance was simply not good tonight. When I heard he was singing "Something to Talk About" I thought, "well, maybe but I doubt he'll pull it off." He didn't. Like Randy and my roommate said, it was karaoke at best. I really think that he was the worst this week and should go. Cowell and Seacrest got into a little bickering match after Sanjaya's performance (the bickering between them is getting old) but Seacrest was off-base this time because Simon was right, it was really horrible.
Melinda Doolittle: Another solid performance so I'll talk about her hair. :) Melinda was very sassy and very cute tonight. She had extensions in her hair giving her a new, younger, fun look.
Blake Lewis: It is a toss up between him and Jordin this week but I think I may be most proud of Blake's performance and what he did with a Tim McGraw song. Without disrespecting or destroying the original song, Blake found an arrangement that worked well for him, his style, and his voice and literally made the song his own. It was different for him and he evoked the emotion of the song quite well.
We'll see what happens tomorrow.
Before I depart, I want to echo the sentiments of so many and say that my heart goes out to all of the families, students and others impacted by the shooting at Virginia Tech. There must be great pain for all involved and I cannot imagine for a moment what it must feel like to be the family of the shooter or the families of the victims. Peace be with you.
Phil Stacey: He did a good job this week though I just can't get past not liking his look. I think he wasn't the worst at all based on this week though and deserves to stick around. He was definitely in his groove with the country genre.
LaKisha Jones: Singing Carrie Underwood's "Jesus Take the Wheel", she over sang and overpowered a song that was probably just to simple for her big and soulful voice. She shouldn't have tried to sing the song as straight as she did. With a different arrangement, it would have been better. My hope is that she doesn't lose too many votes because it is this kind of performance at this stage in the competition that has hurt lesser contestants. Cross your fingers and hope that there is no upset tomorrow.
Chris Richardson: He wasn't awful this week but he also wasn't impressive. Chris probably won't make it past the Top 5 but he is one of my favorite to watch anyway, just in case he blows it out of the water.
Jordin Sparks: Again, this girl was amazing. She gave me chills and even brought herself to well up with tears. She is brilliant and at 17 shows an incredible amount of feeling in singing mature songs.
Sanjaya Malakar: I know I've consistently been hard on Sanjaya but this week he deserves it. Whatever about his hair...I don't even care anymore and actually I do think it is pretty cool that he can wear it any way and still look like a cute kid. His performance was simply not good tonight. When I heard he was singing "Something to Talk About" I thought, "well, maybe but I doubt he'll pull it off." He didn't. Like Randy and my roommate said, it was karaoke at best. I really think that he was the worst this week and should go. Cowell and Seacrest got into a little bickering match after Sanjaya's performance (the bickering between them is getting old) but Seacrest was off-base this time because Simon was right, it was really horrible.
Melinda Doolittle: Another solid performance so I'll talk about her hair. :) Melinda was very sassy and very cute tonight. She had extensions in her hair giving her a new, younger, fun look.
Blake Lewis: It is a toss up between him and Jordin this week but I think I may be most proud of Blake's performance and what he did with a Tim McGraw song. Without disrespecting or destroying the original song, Blake found an arrangement that worked well for him, his style, and his voice and literally made the song his own. It was different for him and he evoked the emotion of the song quite well.
We'll see what happens tomorrow.
Before I depart, I want to echo the sentiments of so many and say that my heart goes out to all of the families, students and others impacted by the shooting at Virginia Tech. There must be great pain for all involved and I cannot imagine for a moment what it must feel like to be the family of the shooter or the families of the victims. Peace be with you.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Nice Dress
I'll admit, I've watched an embarrassing amount of YouTube videos, good and bad, since discovering the site. I've sent links to some that weren't so funny and received links to some that I found to be just plain stupid. This is not the case with the video I'm including below. The video below is Fabulous! Brenda Dickson, a former star of Young and the Restless and most recently a jailbird (you can read hideously written press releases on her website, made this video in 1987. It is hilarious only because she is actually serious. She talks about fashion and make-up and looks ridiculous doing it. Check it out for yourself. It isn't funny at first but over time, you'll love her, girl!
Don't forget to check out Part 2 of "Welcome to My Home" when you're done with this one. You'll get more make-up tips and also invaluable information on nutrition!
Don't forget to check out Part 2 of "Welcome to My Home" when you're done with this one. You'll get more make-up tips and also invaluable information on nutrition!
'80's Fashion,
Brenda Dickson,
funny video
Friday, April 13, 2007
You have most likely heard by now that author Kurt Vonnegut has died. He gave compelling and entertaining interviews and I particularly enjoyed reading a particular one which can be found here. PBS is also streaming an interview here if you're most apt to listen to a writer than to read about him.
Sometimes only the fewest words can express the grandest sentiments and for that reason I say only that you will not soon be forgotten, Mr. Vonnegut.
Sometimes only the fewest words can express the grandest sentiments and for that reason I say only that you will not soon be forgotten, Mr. Vonnegut.
Idol Chatter
Well, for those who do read my Idol reviews weekly, I'm sorry I missed the boat this week. It was a good week with Ms. J.Lo coaching the idols. I do enjoy J.Lo and her enthusiasm for music and the Idol contestants. I think the people who have done well, continued to do well and Sanjaya was creepy and weird as ever. Usually he isn't so creepy but his facial hair and odd come-hither on-camera face made me feel particularly disgusted this week. Still, it is now a toss-up for me on who I would like to see gone first, him or Phil Stacey. I'm more inclined towards Phil because I just can't stand the guy so I'll go with that. I'm hoping Phil is gone next week and then Sanjaya. That will make for a lovely Top 5. There is still an overall clear talent disparity between the girls and the guys where the girls have a clear advantage but depending on style and people living up to their full potential, Blake or Chris might make it into the Top 2. Hayley was kicked off right on time and I'm glad. Legs only get you so far and though I think Simon was a bit cruel in saying she figured out that she just has to wear as little as possible to stay on the show, he wasn't far off.
Until next week...
Until next week...
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
American Idol Top 9 Perform!
Another week, another Idol episode. This week Tony Bennett, one of my personal faves, was the guest on American Idol. It was clear that the contestants knew who Tony was and had respect for him which was a good thing. It is very frustrating when there is someone like him on the show, or someone who I as a music fan have great respect for is on the show, and it is clear the contestants don't really know who the artist is.
This season, for the most part, the Idol contestants are actual artists with a true appreciation and knowledge of the profession they are hoping to be a part of. It is a different season from last for me as there is no "Taylor", meaning there is no one I'm totally in love with, but there are a couple who I am passionate about and every week seeing them go up and perform and turn the songs into their own makes me happy and excited about what they'll do next.
Here is my opinion on this week's performances:
Blake Lewis (Mack the Knife): During the class with Tony, Blake went for a change in the tempo of the song. Tony called him on it and made the comment, "This song was written before rap," and explained a little about who "Mack the Knife" would have been (a tough gangster). It was interesting that Blake received this feedback when but not unusual since his creativity hasn't always been seen as beneficial to the original song (Diana Ross week). He wisely took the feedback and lent the proper style to the song. It was a solid performance and he looked good. It wasn't the best of the night but still, he should be back next week.
Phil Stacey (Night and Day): Tony paid Phil a great compliment about his voice. I have to agree that Phil does have a very nice, clear voice. My problem is just his look. He did improve that this week both with wardrobe and with hair. He still didn't really have hair though he had grown some shadow. The key was that he didn't wear a stupid hat. That is the worst look on him. Besides his looks, he did a nice job. The judges weren't that impressed but I actually was. There were a few lovely moments in the song and though there could have been more passion or sexiness involved, I think he gave a solid performance. I'm actually pro-Phil going to the next round.
Melinda Doolittle (I Got Rhythm): How cool is Melinda? She is one of my top contestants (not that I'm unique in that). She was great again and looked cute. I loved that she tells the story every time she sings a song. Randy mentioned this and Paula also talked about her having a beginning, middle and end to each song. Simon poked fun at that but I know what Paula is saying. The songs, even though they are excerpted, feel complete when Melinda sings. I don't know if it is her phrasing or the way she cuts the songs, but she always goes through to the entire feeling of the song. She has to be there next week!
Chris Richardson (Don't Get Around Much Anymore): Chris was cool tonight. That is the best word I can use to describe his performance. He respected the song but still made it his own and brought it into today. There are a few artists who cover the older songs and still add their own flavor and many who cover them in more of a mimic fashion. Chris has the ability to do the former and this earned him high marks from the judges. He looked great tonight too with a style that reminded of the past but also had today locked in.
Jordin Sparks ( ): This girl does not seem 17 at all. She is ridiculously talented and mature. It was pointed out that she differed from Chris in the fact that he took the song and made it young. It seems their biggest criticism of her is that she doesn't seem young enough but I think that is ok. If 'young' would compromise her, she should just be herself and sing as well as she does. Tony mentioned she had good instincts on changing the parts of the song she changed and it was great.
Gina Glocksen (Smile): I like Gina and thought her performance was sweet and vulnerable compared to her previous rockin' exhibits but I don't see her going much further in the competition. In comparing her to everyone else, she isn't on the same level. All of the people above are better performers and better singers. I wasn't digging her look tonight either and I think overall presentation there may hurt her. I don't know if it will be this week but we can expect her to be gone before the Top 5 I would think.
Sanjaya Malakar ( ): The judges have basically given up on even talking about his singing. They did say he performed well otherwise tonight which I have to say he did. He is an entertaining guy and reminded me of the Bollywood style. I still think this guy needs to go but whatever. There are a bunch of nerdy, thirty-something guys who are listening to Howard Stern tell them to vote for Sanjaya to keep him on the show and so they do. They are doing whatever they can to be cool since they aren't cool and think that doing what Howard says will make them cool. You're still not cool! Quit voting for Sanjaya! If you're a 12-year old girl who's in love with him fine but if you're a 34-year old guy trying to sabotage a show, grow up. :)
Hayley Scarnato ( ): Basically, if Sanjaya doesn't go, Hayley needs to. She's now the "legs" of the show. The judges didn't comment on her singing tonight for the most part, just her looks. I don't have much to say either. She is ok but not great and does have nice legs and a nice body. That's why her wardrobe is skimpy and she is still on the show. That's all I have to say about that.
LaKisha Jones ( ): Another solid performance. It is late so I'll say little else here but she should be on again. I think she, Jordin and Melinda are the greatest competitors and though i love Blake and Chris, I don't think they have much on these girls in this particular competition. As artists, they are all viable but I must say, I hope it is 2 girls battling it out in the end!
This season, for the most part, the Idol contestants are actual artists with a true appreciation and knowledge of the profession they are hoping to be a part of. It is a different season from last for me as there is no "Taylor", meaning there is no one I'm totally in love with, but there are a couple who I am passionate about and every week seeing them go up and perform and turn the songs into their own makes me happy and excited about what they'll do next.
Here is my opinion on this week's performances:
Blake Lewis (Mack the Knife): During the class with Tony, Blake went for a change in the tempo of the song. Tony called him on it and made the comment, "This song was written before rap," and explained a little about who "Mack the Knife" would have been (a tough gangster). It was interesting that Blake received this feedback when but not unusual since his creativity hasn't always been seen as beneficial to the original song (Diana Ross week). He wisely took the feedback and lent the proper style to the song. It was a solid performance and he looked good. It wasn't the best of the night but still, he should be back next week.
Phil Stacey (Night and Day): Tony paid Phil a great compliment about his voice. I have to agree that Phil does have a very nice, clear voice. My problem is just his look. He did improve that this week both with wardrobe and with hair. He still didn't really have hair though he had grown some shadow. The key was that he didn't wear a stupid hat. That is the worst look on him. Besides his looks, he did a nice job. The judges weren't that impressed but I actually was. There were a few lovely moments in the song and though there could have been more passion or sexiness involved, I think he gave a solid performance. I'm actually pro-Phil going to the next round.
Melinda Doolittle (I Got Rhythm): How cool is Melinda? She is one of my top contestants (not that I'm unique in that). She was great again and looked cute. I loved that she tells the story every time she sings a song. Randy mentioned this and Paula also talked about her having a beginning, middle and end to each song. Simon poked fun at that but I know what Paula is saying. The songs, even though they are excerpted, feel complete when Melinda sings. I don't know if it is her phrasing or the way she cuts the songs, but she always goes through to the entire feeling of the song. She has to be there next week!
Chris Richardson (Don't Get Around Much Anymore): Chris was cool tonight. That is the best word I can use to describe his performance. He respected the song but still made it his own and brought it into today. There are a few artists who cover the older songs and still add their own flavor and many who cover them in more of a mimic fashion. Chris has the ability to do the former and this earned him high marks from the judges. He looked great tonight too with a style that reminded of the past but also had today locked in.
Jordin Sparks ( ): This girl does not seem 17 at all. She is ridiculously talented and mature. It was pointed out that she differed from Chris in the fact that he took the song and made it young. It seems their biggest criticism of her is that she doesn't seem young enough but I think that is ok. If 'young' would compromise her, she should just be herself and sing as well as she does. Tony mentioned she had good instincts on changing the parts of the song she changed and it was great.
Gina Glocksen (Smile): I like Gina and thought her performance was sweet and vulnerable compared to her previous rockin' exhibits but I don't see her going much further in the competition. In comparing her to everyone else, she isn't on the same level. All of the people above are better performers and better singers. I wasn't digging her look tonight either and I think overall presentation there may hurt her. I don't know if it will be this week but we can expect her to be gone before the Top 5 I would think.
Sanjaya Malakar ( ): The judges have basically given up on even talking about his singing. They did say he performed well otherwise tonight which I have to say he did. He is an entertaining guy and reminded me of the Bollywood style. I still think this guy needs to go but whatever. There are a bunch of nerdy, thirty-something guys who are listening to Howard Stern tell them to vote for Sanjaya to keep him on the show and so they do. They are doing whatever they can to be cool since they aren't cool and think that doing what Howard says will make them cool. You're still not cool! Quit voting for Sanjaya! If you're a 12-year old girl who's in love with him fine but if you're a 34-year old guy trying to sabotage a show, grow up. :)
Hayley Scarnato ( ): Basically, if Sanjaya doesn't go, Hayley needs to. She's now the "legs" of the show. The judges didn't comment on her singing tonight for the most part, just her looks. I don't have much to say either. She is ok but not great and does have nice legs and a nice body. That's why her wardrobe is skimpy and she is still on the show. That's all I have to say about that.
LaKisha Jones ( ): Another solid performance. It is late so I'll say little else here but she should be on again. I think she, Jordin and Melinda are the greatest competitors and though i love Blake and Chris, I don't think they have much on these girls in this particular competition. As artists, they are all viable but I must say, I hope it is 2 girls battling it out in the end!
Monday, April 02, 2007
ABC Monday
I don't usually tune into ABC on Monday nights but since CBS wasn't up for entertaining me, I caught Dancing with the Stars and The Bachelor. I didn't realize these shows were comedies!
Dancing with the Stars is pretty cool actually. I have always wanted to take dance lessons and really enjoy seeing everyone practice and perform. The comedy element for me really stems from some evil desire to see Heather Mills lose her leg. It is awful but I share that with you reader. She has to buy new legs for this show because different ones allow her to do different dances. I just don't like her. I've heard that Paul McCartney treated her terribly and even treated Linda terribly but still, I have always had something against her. Her leg didn't fall off but she did wear horrible shoes and the interviewer on the show was even tacky enough to mention it. Fun show!
The Bachelor season premiere showed after DWS and it was very entertaining. Since it was the premiere, the 25 female contestants were introduced and that was great. Most of them looked like they had spent about a week resting in a tanning bed before visiting an amateur hair colorist. They were quite interesting and just as I'm watching now, a few of the girls just substituted tequila for eggs in birthday cake. I like to party but even I stick with the recipe on the cake mix box.
There have been lots of desperate attempts to get Andy's attention tonight," is my favorite quote by one of the girls, Stephanie. It was insane. There was the "girl in the short dress" who did the snake, the crazy steroid Lisa Rinna with small lips girl, the girl who sang the Star Spangled Banner, the girl who did the flips, the girl was was so drunk she fell (hilarious!) and others vying for Andy's roses.
I'm concluding this before the end of the cheesily titled "The Bachelor: An Officer and a Gentleman" but 10 girls are about to go home. I hope the drunk one, the muscular one and the girl who says "heinous" stay because there is sure to be drama with them.
We'll see. With a few of them, if they do get to stay, it must be love.
Dancing with the Stars is pretty cool actually. I have always wanted to take dance lessons and really enjoy seeing everyone practice and perform. The comedy element for me really stems from some evil desire to see Heather Mills lose her leg. It is awful but I share that with you reader. She has to buy new legs for this show because different ones allow her to do different dances. I just don't like her. I've heard that Paul McCartney treated her terribly and even treated Linda terribly but still, I have always had something against her. Her leg didn't fall off but she did wear horrible shoes and the interviewer on the show was even tacky enough to mention it. Fun show!
The Bachelor season premiere showed after DWS and it was very entertaining. Since it was the premiere, the 25 female contestants were introduced and that was great. Most of them looked like they had spent about a week resting in a tanning bed before visiting an amateur hair colorist. They were quite interesting and just as I'm watching now, a few of the girls just substituted tequila for eggs in birthday cake. I like to party but even I stick with the recipe on the cake mix box.
There have been lots of desperate attempts to get Andy's attention tonight," is my favorite quote by one of the girls, Stephanie. It was insane. There was the "girl in the short dress" who did the snake, the crazy steroid Lisa Rinna with small lips girl, the girl who sang the Star Spangled Banner, the girl who did the flips, the girl was was so drunk she fell (hilarious!) and others vying for Andy's roses.
I'm concluding this before the end of the cheesily titled "The Bachelor: An Officer and a Gentleman" but 10 girls are about to go home. I hope the drunk one, the muscular one and the girl who says "heinous" stay because there is sure to be drama with them.
We'll see. With a few of them, if they do get to stay, it must be love.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
American Idol Top 10 Results

I wrote this up a little while ago and the post didn't go through so this is a toned down version. Like Simon, after seeing Sanjaya's hair, I didn't have much to say. I pretty much feel the same about everyone as I did last week except that my empathy towards Sanjaya has now faded and I feel more strongly in my negativity to Phil's looks. Phil has a good voice but I just can't really look at the guy. I don't get why he said he looks better bald but then keeps wearing hats over his bald head. The hats look odd. As far as Sanjaya goes, the Mohawk was just weird and the look he has on his face when the judges talk to him is almost maniacal. I can't figure out if the look was Sanjaya's fault or the hair guy's fault. Either way, please, I beg you, stop voting for him. Close down the call center. Do whatever it takes! (haha--it is a little dramatic but that was fun to write about American Idol...take that passion and apply it to Global Warming or something too, ok?) I know it isn't a hair war but a singing competition but hair is a big deal to me and I really don't get these guys.
Enough about hair but then speaking of hair, fro-friendly Chris Sligh was kicked off the show tonight after fans decided that Sanjaya didn't even deserve to be in the bottom 3. What does this have to do with Sanjaya? Nothing really but I think there is a conspiracy that is allowing him through and frankly there are so many better singers in the competition, as the weeks go on, his presence in the competition is becoming more and more of a hindrance.
I think it was too early for Chris to go though I also think that he would not have made it to the Top 2. Sanjaya, Hayley, Phil and Gina (though I do like having the rocker-chick around) could all have gone before Chris. It isn't the biggest shock of the season and over the next few weeks the other 4 I named should be leaving unless sohttp://www2.blogger.com/img/gl.link.gifmething unexpected happens.
In case you missed any of the performances this week, here you go thanks you a great youtube poster:
Lakisha Jones
Chris Sligh and Gina Glocksen
Blake Lewis and Jordin Sparks
Hayley Scarnato & Sanjaya Malakar
Phil Stacey and Melinda Doolittle
Chris Richardson
Monday, March 26, 2007
Wake up, Maggie...

Rod Stewart, even at 62, can still rock and bring a crowd to their feet. From his old classics like “Maggie May” and “Every Picture Tells a Story” to other more recent cover songs, the Rod Stewart catalog makes for an evening of singing and dancing and even a little reflecting (“Reason to Believe” and Cat Stevens’ “Father and Son” and even "Maggie May" will do that to you). He’s a little toned down, even with regards to wardrobe, than he used to be and his voice is a little less strong but when Stewart took the stage at Cox Arena in San Diego Saturday night, none of that mattered. He still brought enthusiasm and a bit of a Brit Football rebel attitude and humor with him and the overall enthusiastic crowd was ready for him.
I was so lucky to have 2nd row seats and to see Rod up close as he made it around to our side of the stage periodically. The picture shown here was taken with my cell phone. I wish I had brought my regular camera but when the ticket says “No cameras”, I take it seriously.
Basically, just wanted to give Rod Stewart, one of my favorite guys, a shout-out and that’s all I have to say about that.
cox arena,
rod stewart,
san diego
Friday, March 23, 2007
Reign Over Me
Adam Sandler reached a new level in his acting career with this one and I think I reached a new level of sobbing in a movie theater. Reign Over Me is the story of a Volvo Wagon-driving, mildly discontented dentist/family man who happens to run into his dental school roommate who lost his family in 9-11 and with that essentially lost his will to live. Cheadle delivers a solid performance, as usual. Jada Pinkett Smith stars as his wife and does a lovely job as a wife who's husband is clearly struggling against her when he comes in contact with his old friend.
Sandler's portrayal of a widower is truly moving and subtle for the most part. There are times when he is over the top, when his character has outbursts, but in the sadness he was beautiful.
The story was well-written and the characters were well-developed, even those that did not appear for very long. Mike Binder skillfully drew a parallel between the friends and similar to another of his films "The Upside of Anger", developed relationships between the characters that were powerful and believable.
One thing I noticed was an "01.20.09" sticker on Cheadle's receptionist's desk. This is a reference to the next Presidential Inauguration date when President Bush will become former President Bush. Very cool.
B.J. Novak who place Ryan on the "The Office" appears as a lawyer. He goes head to head with the judge played by Donald Sutherland in a scene I'd like to refer to as the "Shut Up" scene. It reminded me of the "Go to Lunch" scene between Kevin Spacey and Alan Arkin in "Glengarry Glen Ross".
Overall, I recommend this film, as a rental if you don't make it out to the theater.
Sandler's portrayal of a widower is truly moving and subtle for the most part. There are times when he is over the top, when his character has outbursts, but in the sadness he was beautiful.
The story was well-written and the characters were well-developed, even those that did not appear for very long. Mike Binder skillfully drew a parallel between the friends and similar to another of his films "The Upside of Anger", developed relationships between the characters that were powerful and believable.
One thing I noticed was an "01.20.09" sticker on Cheadle's receptionist's desk. This is a reference to the next Presidential Inauguration date when President Bush will become former President Bush. Very cool.
B.J. Novak who place Ryan on the "The Office" appears as a lawyer. He goes head to head with the judge played by Donald Sutherland in a scene I'd like to refer to as the "Shut Up" scene. It reminded me of the "Go to Lunch" scene between Kevin Spacey and Alan Arkin in "Glengarry Glen Ross".
Overall, I recommend this film, as a rental if you don't make it out to the theater.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Be a Saint

I've had a few French readers in the past and from time to time make interesting connections so hopefully this will be a time when something can happen.
Here’s your context: A friend runs a very comprehensive website about "The Saint" aka Simon Templar who is essentially a gentleman thief. TNT is developing a show featuring The Saint. You may remember the 1997 film “The Saint” featuring Val Kilmer. Don’t expect the show to be like the movie. I’ve read a few of the stories and other than title the movie wasn’t really about the character the author created. A previous TV series from the 19600's starring Roger Moore is a portrayal more celebrated by fans. Anyway, the development of this series by TNT has has accelerated the timeline on a project my friend is working on. Please read below and if you can help him out, or know someone who could, please do and tell him I sent you!
From The Saint Blog:
With the upcoming TNT series of The Saint currently in pre-production, I suddenly have a deadline to finish the print version of The Saintly Bible -- The Exhaustive Bibliography of the Immortal Works of Leslie Charteris and his Saint Books.
To that end, I need to quickly get copies of a number of the French Saint Detective Magazines that I am missing from my collection. Please view the last section at the very end of my want list, and let me know if you can offer any assistance. I'm not reposting all the numbers here, as then I'd have to maintain my want list in two places.
Jean-Marc Lofficier has a great site dedicated to the Saint novels in French, and it is sadly missing a detailed section on The Saint Detective Magazine. He and I have already scanned eBay and ABE Books for the missing issues, and need your help in finding other sources.
Le Saint,
Leslie Charteris,
The Saint,
The Saint France,
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