Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Winter Break Films

I had a chance to catch two films last week, both of which left me slightly disappointed. There were both fine, just not what I expected and someone who goes in expecting less than I did (this review may help) might thoroughly enjoy the films.

The Good Shepard: I wanted to love this film because one of my Top 10 guys, Robert DeNiro directed and also appears in it. Alec Baldwin who I currently adore is also in it. The Angelina Jolie factor and Matt Damon's starring role also played into my expectation that this would be the film that made me re-rank my Top 2 for the year (Little Miss Sunshine and The Departed). It did not. I thought it was ok. I got confused which doesn't usually happen and didn't really feel much overall. I thought there were some interesting parts but overall, it wasn't great for me. Also, I hate to be fickle but the guy who played the son was a decent actor but was really hard for me to look at. I know this review lacks the detail of most but I don't have much to say.

The Pursuit of Happyness: I really wanted this to be an amazing film. I wanted to cry, a lot, and just be overwhelmed by it. Why? Because I could hardly watch the preview with out being choked up, and it is so cool to see Will Smith mature as an actor. Fresh Prince of Bel Air was a fun show but he really came into his own after that. Smith's son, Jaden, made his film debut and in addition to being a cute kid, he did an outstanding job. It was a good film and I did cry at the end but I thought it was slow. I think it is worth seeing but can wait to be viewed as a rental.

I am excited that Volver, Pedro Almodovar's latest is still in theaters. I plan to check that out, as well as The Queen, this week, though I am lowering my expectations ahead of time so as to not be disappointed again. If you have seen either of these films, comment and let me know what you think.

Happy New Year.

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