Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Her Majesty, The Queen

Helen Mirren is wonderful and brings Queen Elizabeth to life (yes, she is alive, but rarely heard from and never seen in the context of her private life) in "The Queen". I cannot rave about the film as many have, but I did enjoy it and found it a worthwhile film to view. The script was excellent and interesting. Viewers get inside Buckingham Palace, go on holiday with the Royals and get another chance to remember Princess Diana as her death and its impact on the Queen is explored.

Tony Blair is interesting as well, especially given his evolution since election.

Definitely check this one out before the Oscars if you're into catching all of the nominated films or on DVD for sure once it is released. A friend of mine described the movie very well and simply when she said for her it was like the best TV movie of the week that she's ever seen. It is a big screen film of course, but still, that was a great descriptor.

Bow for Her Majesty. She deserves it.

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