Monday, January 07, 2008

The Skinny on Starbucks

I have ordered the same exact drink from Starbucks during 95% of my visits over the past several years. My relationship with the Venti Nonfat Sugar-free Vanilla Latte has endured all others. Now, when I need it the most, it has changed its name and apparently lost some weight in the past year.

I am now supposed to go to Starbucks and ask for a Venti "Skinny" Vanilla Latte. This "Skinny" name was supposed to simplify things though I don't really see that it has. It makes me refer to my drink as "Skinny" though I am not. I actually feel sort of ridiculous ordering it and wonder if people think "Skinny? Yeah, right. I wouldn't think she'd order that." I feel like I need to order a pastry or something so they know that I may drink skinny but I eat fat. Anyway, I know this is silly but there is some truth to it. I don't like the name because it reminds me that I'm really conscious about the caloric content of my Starbucks drink but I'm not as careful as I should be elsewhere. It makes me feel like one of those people who goes to McDonald's and says, "I'll super-size that and take a Diet Coke to drink." The Diet Coke is a lost cause in the context of the extra value meal.

The other thing I don't like is that I don't trust all of the baristas to know for sure what I'm ordering with this new naming convention. I order it, to follow the rules, but then immediate ask, "It's a sugar-free vanilla non-fat, right?" It is a waste of my time and I think annoys some of the order-takers.

Apparently there are some baristas out there who aren't down with the gimick either. Check out what one barista had to say to corporate. I didn't even consider all of the angles she did but it was good to know someone else was displeased with the "Skinny".

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Wow, that barista is pissed off. Good lord, it's just a drink. She's making WAY too much out of it. Order it however you want, call it whatever you want! PC is over-rated.