Thursday, December 29, 2005

Chronicling Narnia

I don't remember the contents of the book The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe with the exception of a few small details. I think I read it in the 4th grade. After seeing the film, the details are much more clear and abundant though I can't attest to the accuracy of the film compared to the text. I have begun reading the Chronicles of Narnia, from the beginning, so I'm sure I'll see some differences when I get to the story the movie is based on. That aside, I enjoyed the film. It was an adolescent adventure and really fun. The "war" scene was a little grandiose and lasted a little while longer than I care for but I tend to not enjoy those scenes in general. Could have been much worse. I recommend this in the theater or on DVD, whatever you have time or money for. I think it may be better in the theater because of some of the scenery. The kids were great, all of them. Liam Neeson plays Aslan--it is just his voice--and that was perfect casting. The Queen Witch portrayed by Tilda Swinton was fabulous.

The coolest part of this film, for me, was a glimpse at the one thing that I do remember about reading the book long ago. I was excited. There was a feeling of excitement and awe that I recalled because it recurred in watching this film. I wanted to be one of the kids in Narnia so innocent and heroic and I felt that again. Some recollections of childhood aren't so pleasant and remembered responses to things aren't always elating, but when they are, it is great.

The Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe movie

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