Monday, December 12, 2005

Entry 1

This is my first entry so it'll be a short one, unless I get on a roll and don't decide to go back and change what I wrote here. Lately things have been uninteresting and interesting all at once. I've played with a little fire lately so my heart has suffered some minor fractures. Still, at least I know it's there. It has been quite a while since someone made my pulse race and caused me to lose my train of thought. ;) I'm actually trying to get over it and should be soon--let's hope.

So, the blog thing is very new to me but I'm looking forward to sharing my thoughts, stories and other personal and non-personal bits with you as well as reading yours. It is pretty exciting to be self-published. Too bad i'm not paying myself for it, huh? Maybe one day I'll commission a story from myself and then publish it here.

I don't have much more to say right now, or really just don't feel like typing anymore. Check back soon for a review of "King Kong" which I'll be seeing on Wednesday. Should be a great movie.

Good Day, Good Night

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