Sunday, February 04, 2007

I'm Your Venus...

Venus is the film that may grant Peter O'Toole the Oscar that he has earned by now. It is his 8th nomination and there is much buzz surrounding the nomination and his performance in the comedy about two aging actors whose lives are interrupted when one's great-niece comes to live with him in London. O'Toole's character, Maurice, is enamoured with the young girl, sexually and somewhat emotionally, driving the story. There is an "odd couple" quality to the two old men that makes for some very entertaining moments.

For anyone who is aging (and all of us are) and anyone who will die one day (again, we all will), this film is one to be enjoyed.

On another Oscar note, this may be the year for those who should have gotten an Oscar by now--"body of work" awards so to speak. With Scorcese picking up a Golden Globe this year, it is possible the Academy will honor him too, in this case for The Departed. The Departed was re-released in theaters and the DVD is available soon (February 13th) so there is still time to catch it before the big show on February 29th! It is a treat with excellent performances by Nicholson, DiCaprio, Damon, Baldwin, Wahlberg and more.

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